Butterfly for boys from satin ribbons: master class with photos and schemes


Such a decoration, like a moth, has become a very important part of the wardrobe not only for every man, but also for the boy. A modern butterfly for boys can be of different sizes, made of various materials, one-photon or combined with several shades. Such accessories are often put on solemn events: a wedding, concerts, holidays, hiking in a restaurant, office. In addition, such accessories are already carrying not only men, but also women.

The price of ties in stores is high, so many needlewomen are taken to fulfill such work on their own. Why spend a big amount of money if there is an opportunity to make a unique decoration, which will not be anyone.

It is the desire to look good many people pushing to find the option to decorate your Look in a very inexpensive way. Ties were always in fashion and talked about taste and style of their owner. Many men prefer a bow tie more than classic. This is due to the fact that such a type of decoration is easy to use, and also has a more festive look.

Butterfly for boys from satin ribbons: master class with photos and schemes

Butterfly for boys from satin ribbons: master class with photos and schemes

Satin ribbon decoration

This master class offers to sew a butterfly from satin ribbons, because such a male decoration is one of the simplest. And the butterfly data are very interesting and look as well as those who are stitched from expensive fabric.

In order to make a moth of a satin ribbon, we will need:

  • Red tape in 3 centimeters width and meter long;
  • The second ribbon centimeter is width and up to 80 in length;
  • scissors;
  • lighter;
  • universal glue;
  • hooks;
  • Throw ribbons, needle.

Butterfly for boys from satin ribbons: master class with photos and schemes

Butterfly for boys from satin ribbons: master class with photos and schemes

When you start sewing a butterfly for men, you need to remember that the male accessory consists of two delicate bows. We need a ribbon for the first banta, the length of which is 20-25 cm, and the second is 30-40 cm.

Now it is necessary to take the first ribbon and fold it in pressure, the edges should go to each other. After you need to make the stitch "forward needle" in the middle of the product, as shown in the picture. Next, you need to pull the thread so that the folds are formed and the bow. So you need to do the second bow.

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Butterfly for boys from satin ribbons: master class with photos and schemes

Butterfly for boys from satin ribbons: master class with photos and schemes

When two parts of the butterfly are obtained, you need to make a tape on which our accessory will be attached. This ribbon must attach under the collar of the shirt. Now we need to cut off the strip from the tape to fit the neck roundness, but do not forget to make the stock. In addition, we cut off a small piece that will be needed for the butterfly itself. After the edge of the ribbon, it is necessary to fall asleep so that the threads do not stick out and did not disintegrate. Two common bowls are stitched with each other - a little put on top of the big. We apply a ribbon on the back of a tremendous bunch and close everything with a tiny piece of ribbon, which cut off with a large ribbon. We sew the ends of this small ribbon, but the long tape does not affect the ability to adjust the length.

Butterfly for boys from satin ribbons: master class with photos and schemes

Butterfly for boys from satin ribbons: master class with photos and schemes

When everything is done, the last touch remains - it is to sew a fastener, hook, velcro.

Knitted version

Knitted butterflies look very interesting, especially if they are made with their own hands. Such gests began to appear quite recently, and we carry their women. After all, for that only the girl does not go to look beautiful and stand out among others. Such decorations knit crocheted, which allows you to make an accessory openwork and interesting.

Butterfly for boys from satin ribbons: master class with photos and schemes

In order to tie this butterfly, you need to take a cheek yarn, a small button and hooks at number 2.

Now knit air hinges. They will need as much as the length of the butterfly will be, but we take into account that the chain should fold into the ring. Therefore, the length of the butterfly is half a chain from air hopes.

Then the columns without Caida are inserting so many rockers as it is a width of the product. When the item is connected, we begin to knit the strip on which our butterfly should be attached. We recruit a chain of air loops - strip length. We start knitting the first row without nakidov. Check up to the width of the ribbon. When there is a tape is ready, on the last loop of the row, they recruit 20 air loops or less, and insert the row without nakidov, while attaching everything to the base of the tape. This we do for the middle part of our butterfly. And symmetrically from this ring knit the second side of the tape. Further, we look at the photo and work according to the described scheme of this product.

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Butterfly for boys from satin ribbons: master class with photos and schemes

On the second half of the ribbon we make a loop - holes for buttons. This is done with the help of passing the loop. Now we take our butterfly, we highlight the middle and stretch the bow in the ring on the ribbon. So it turned out our bow tie. Now sew a button, and some pebbles, beads can be glued to the middle ring.

Butterfly for boys from satin ribbons: master class with photos and schemes

Such knitted ties can also be made for children and for adults. Of course, the associated butterflies wear women or knit for young children.

Video on the topic

This article presents video lessons, with the help of which you can learn how to make butterflies from different materials with your own hands.

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