Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone


Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone

Gardening house, fully built from cheap loading tareplanting to build a country summer house and select the most affordable materials for this? Pay attention to the wooden pallets. I will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of construction from wooden pallets and offer a simple instruction of self-assembly of the country gazebos.

What is pallets

Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone

Shipment of building materials fixed on pallets

Palet is wooden transported pallets, specially designed and assembled to move with a forklift. The pallet is made of a thick box board. Pallets with loading platform (flooring) differ on one side and with a platform from two sides - from above and below.

Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone

Scheme of wooden pallets made according to ISO 6780

Dimensions of European pallets 1200 × 800 × 144 mm are the same for all manufacturers and are standardized by ISO 6780. Exception is pallets that are made with dimensions of 1200 × 1000 × 144 mm for operation on the territory of Finland. However, the "Finnish" pallets today apply in the territory of the CIS countries.

Despite the fact that the pallets are collected from a 22 mm thick board, such a design is characterized by high strength. For reference, almost all building materials, including concrete blocks, bricks, cement in bags, etc., are transported by being fixed on wooden pallets. Of course, such strength will be more than enough for the construction of a reliable and durable gazebo.

Where to take degrees

Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone

This container is made in many large domestic cities, so there will be no problems with the purchase

Like any transportation container, pallets can be bought. In regional ads you will surely find a lot of messages about the sale of used packaging in a very good operating condition. For reference, the Finnish pallet will permanently cost 350-400 rubles, less durable euro palp will cost 200-300 rubles.

Construction construction

Advantages and disadvantages of pallets

Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone

Pallets are collected from wooden bars and boards and it determines their operational qualities.

Advantages of construction from pallets:

  • Easy assembly . Even having a mounting experience and having a primitive carpentry tool, you can collect a gazebo;
  • Suggested construction dates . If the construction of a brick arbor, timber and other traditional materials takes weeks, then the assembly of a similar structure from Pallet will take no more than a day;
  • The cheapness of the finished result . Wooden pallets inexpensive, and therefore the gazebo will cost many times cheaper than similar buildings built of brick or metal;
  • Aesthetics (in relation to today's realities). Do anything to arrange life, using pallets fashionable and looks like a trend will continue for a long time. Therefore, the construction built by you will be perceived not as a boardy barn, but as a stylish design solution.

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  • Low stability of wood to the factors of the external environment . Simply put, the tree during wetting, temperature drops and long-term use under the right rays of the sun cracks, darkens, loads and ultimately collapsed. However, there is a solution to the problem - the preparation of sawn timber.

Preparation of material

IllustrationsDescription of action
Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
Mechanical wood cleaning . The surface of the pallet is examined for rotting, pigment stains and contaminants, which are unlikely to decorate the gazebo.

Grinding a wire brush on a drill or a grinder We pass on the surface of the wood making the surface of the pallets homogeneous.

Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
Impregnation of biocoes and flame retardants . Since the gazebo will be used in the open sky, it needs to be protected from the effects of environmental factors. To do this, you can apply ready-made impregnations, such as BS-13, Gladiator-3, and the like.

Bactericidal impregnations can be made with their own hands and save money.

The impregnation is applied in 2-3 layers with a break on the complete drying of the previous layer.

Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
Dried wood . After the pallets are processed by impregnation, leave them for a couple of days in the shade so that the protective agent is completely dry.

How to make an inexpensive bactericidal impregnation yourself?

IllustrationsStep-by-step instruction
Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
Soda . In the plastic capacity of 20 liters, we smell 3 kg of food soda.
Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
Vinegar . Soda in the containers of 3 liters of 9% vinegar. Mass are thoroughly mixed, not allowing the means to the skin.
Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
Water . In the container, gradually add 10 liters of water constantly stirring the solution.

The finished solution is preferable to apply a sprayer on wood. By efficiency, this agent is not inferior to ready-made compositions from the store.

Fundament device

Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone

Diagram of a block of block foundation under 6 pallets 1200 × 800 mm

What is the foundation to do under a garden house from wooden pallets? The advantage of the construction collected from the loading container is low cost and low weight. Therefore, it will be incorrectly under such a gazebo to build a capital massive foundation.

I propose to limit ourselves to installing slag blocks so that they lay down under pallets, as shown in the drawing.

Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone

The best support for easy gazebo is the plug blocks or large bricks installed on the perimeter

Blocks for stability set in small pits a depth of no more than 2/3 of the block height. As a result, the surface of all blocks should be placed on the same level so that the pallets under load are not shifted.

Articles on the topic:

  • Gazebo from pallets do it yourself

Device of walls and floor

IllustrationsPhased description
Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
Lower strapping device (floor base). Pallets are laid out on top of the previously laid blocks. Adjacent pallets are connected by self-drawing so that with the subsequent mounting the floor did not break.

It is not necessary to mount the design directly to the blocks, since under your weight the gazebo will not shift. At the same time, when blocks are deformed, the wooden structure can be moved to the repair of the foundation.

Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
Construction of walls (fastening to the floor).

At the edge of the base of the floor, pallets are exhibited one close to the other. Since the length of the pallet is 1.2 m, exhibit them vertically two pieces.

Related pallets with each other combine self-strokes through. At the bottom of the wall structural wall structures to the floor of M-shaped hardware and self-drawing.

Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
Construction of the walls (Upper Bind) . In the upper part, adjacent pallets combine perforated metal plates and bolts with nuts. The angular compounds can be made with a metal strut, as shown in the photo. If there is no strut, the angle can be copped by M-shaped hardware.
Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
Strengthening the input opening . The opening at the entrance to the gazebo is trimmed with a board or bar. Strengting the opening, we additionally combine pallets from which the wall is typed.
Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
How to separate the floor? In order not to fall into the slots between the boards, over the base laid out of the pallets, plywood or similar slab materials are laid. Plywood is cut by pieces of 1 × 1 meter and attached to the disintegration.


IllustrationsPhased description
Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
Construction of roof frame . Fronttonons are recruited from the board, which are vertically installed on both sides of the gazebo. Makeup frontones are gaining with the calculation so that the roof has the desired slope.

At the top of the frontton, a solid bar is laid through the entire gazebo, which is attached to the ends.

Pallets with one edge are placed on the ski bar, and the other edge to the upper strapping of the walls.

The length of the standard pallet is not enough to overlap the slope. Therefore, you need to build up the pallets boards or at this stage will have to abandon the use of pallets and cost the whole boards.

Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
Plotting . To protect against rain over a wooden roof, a cellular polycarbonate is lined up. The gap between the adjacent sheets along the line of the skate can be closed with waterproof foil scotch.

Finish arbor

Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
Finish finish . The door is installed in the opening of the arbor. But there is a simpler and elegant way - mounting a small wicket, as shown in the photo.

In order for the summer gazebo to be completely ready and looked beautiful, it remains to go through it with a mourn and varnish.

Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
How to separate from the inside . The advantage of the buildings from the pallet is the simplicity and utility of the design. Therefore, for interior decorations, you can limit the grinding and painting wood.

The entourage buildings can be equipped with homemade or country furniture. An excellent decor element is green plantings in pots and vases.

Examples of furniture for decoration

Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
Coffee table - Mandatory element of the entourage arbor or terrace. However, if such furniture is collected qualitatively, it is not ashamed to accommodate your phasenda in the living room.
Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
Sofa with an inclined back . Such furniture is needed for normal outdoor recreation. Since ordinary furniture to carry into an open gazebo is unorded, the best solution to collect this furniture with your own hands from the pallets.
Construction of a gazebo from pallets: in detail and just for everyone
Single chair . It is enough to assemble two or three such chairs, plus it was previously shown the coffee table and the interior of the arbor can be considered complete.

Let's summarize

Now you know how to independently build a country gazebo from the cheap loader. If the proposed instructions remained questions, ask them in the comments to the article.

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