How to sew a Toruba bag (beach) with your own hands: Pattern with description


Not far from the mountains summer roast sun, the sea and picnics in the fresh air. In such a situation there will be an indispensable bag-torch, which can be sewn with your own hands. Moreover, we want to offer you a folding version of the bag with your own hands, the patterns for which by posting the master class here.

How to sew a Toruba bag (beach) with your own hands: Pattern with description

The most suitable material for such a bag will be natural flax, whose choice is left for you.

So, we offer you a master class how to sew a bag with your own hands, patterns and descriptions of all stages of work.

As mentioned above, we take a linen fabric with a size of 50x130 cm. In this case, the one-picture option is suitable, you can with a small pattern.

We lay out the carved piece of fabric and with the help of the hand bending parts as shown in the photo so that such folds are.

How to sew a Toruba bag (beach) with your own hands: Pattern with description

To do this, first bend the bottom left corner, and then the right upper one. On the left of the fabric fold, we also perform a fold diagonally, which goes from the right upper angle to the lower left.

How to sew a Toruba bag (beach) with your own hands: Pattern with description

Now we add all the workpiece in the middle diagonal and we get the general form of the future bag.

How to sew a Toruba bag (beach) with your own hands: Pattern with description

Connect the sides.

How to sew a Toruba bag (beach) with your own hands: Pattern with description

The bag must have a certain amount, so the diagonals should flash the corners.

How to sew a Toruba bag (beach) with your own hands: Pattern with description

Then the processing of the upper edges of the bag should be processed by reducing the main fabric by 5 mm in the inside of the product.

How to sew a Toruba bag (beach) with your own hands: Pattern with description

It remains to make a handle for the bag, for which it is best to take a contrast fabric. For the handle, you will need a piece of 8x15 cm in size, from which the tube is sewn. Turn the tube on the front side.

How to sew a Toruba bag (beach) with your own hands: Pattern with description

The resulting tube we ride on one of the handles.

How to sew a Toruba bag (beach) with your own hands: Pattern with description

Now both parts that fall on the handle should be sewn.

How to sew a Toruba bag (beach) with your own hands: Pattern with description

Move the tube to the center of the handle.

How to sew a Toruba bag (beach) with your own hands: Pattern with description

That's all, Bag-Torba is ready for use!

How to sew a Toruba bag (beach) with your own hands: Pattern with description

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