How do it yourself make a smoking smoked smoking, video


How do it yourself make a smoking smoked smoking, video

It seems, among us there are a lot of those who at least once tried smoked meat or fish. Of course, there is an opinion that it is not used to use health, but still people continue to periodically delight you with smoked lard or the sorry. And today in order to enjoy this delicious dish, it is not necessary to go to the nearest store.

Each person can prepare these dishes on their own, but for this first will have to buy or make their own hands smoking from the materials available at hand.

  • 1.1 Device of smoking for cold smoked products
  • 2 Stationary Construction Construction
    • 2.1 Hiking smokehouse
  • 3 cryptile from the refrigerator
    • 3.1 Smoking products in a polyethylene bag
  • Methods of smoked

    How do it yourself make a smoking smoked smoking, video

    In the technological plan, smoking involves the processing of the product smoke, which is created in the process of incineration of different wood rocks.

    According to experts, it is very important correctly pick up the tree Since the fragrance depends on it, which will acquire the prepared dish.

    A total of three types of similar product processing are made:

    1. Hot. This smoked method is characterized by the fact that it requires a minimum of time to prepare. For it, low-fat fish or meat are used, which are placed above the source of the fire and in such a state the product is prepared at a temperature of from + 40 to + 80 degrees. The final mode is determined by the type of product.
    2. Half-okay. This method is a "golden middle" between the above. For the preparation of the dish, it is enough to create a smoke temperature from + 50 to + 60 degrees. Accordingly, it will take a shorter pipe for this. The advantage of the method is that smoked smoke are preparing enough - no more than a day goes.
    3. Cold. At the heart of this smoked version lies accelerated binding, which takes several days. To prepare a dish, it is necessary to use chilled smoke having a temperature from + 15 to + 40 degrees.

    To create such smoke It is necessary to die out Or pave a pipe that will separate the prepared products and the source of fire.

    The main advantage of such a smoked method is that it allows products much longer to deteriorate. As products for smoking, you can use not only fish and meat, but also vegetables and cheese.

    Device smokehouse for cold smoking products

    How do it yourself make a smoking smoked smoking, video

    Having considered the existing ways of smoking, it can be concluded that the smokehouse will be determined primarily by how the products are planned to be prepared.

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    If a hot method is assumed, then as smoking You can take a bucket In which lattices are attached - in this case, such a smoke will provide a hot smoke that is required for this method.

    If there is interest in the preparation of products using cold smoking, then in this case the smokehouse will have more complex design However, it will not be a good job to make it yourself.

    Such a smoke is mandatory Showing should be present . At the same time, it is necessary not only to withstand the distance between the heat source and the product. One of the key tasks to be solved is to make the smoke moved in the right direction, and this can only be achieved if there is a good thrust.

    Therefore, if the smokehouse will be manufactured in the stationary version, then she should have chimney of a certain height. In the event that the hiking option was selected, then the chimney is not needed in it. His functions for such a smoke will perform an inclined trench.

    Construction stationary design

    To make a stationary smokehouse with your own hands, you need to prepare certain materials: slate, brick, container for the container, which is suitable for a barrel or tank, grid. The process of making a cold smoked smoked smoking will look like this:

    • How do it yourself make a smoking smoked smoking, video

      The process of creating a smokehouse from digging in Earth, which should have the following dimensions: Length 2.5-3 m, the depth is 0.5-0.6 m. The channel walls must be strengthened by creating masonry from one brick layer.

    • When the trench is ready, the metal sheet is placed on top, which poured the layer of the earth with a thickness of at least 15 cm.
    • During the channel device, you must provide two holes in it. One will need to breed a fire and lining fuel, and the other will act as a place where the smoking container will be installed. During the channel, it is desirable to deepen it in the place where the fire is planned, as it provides the best craving.
    • Also, the design must be equipped with a metal umbrella for condensate removal, which is arranged directly over a smoke container or chimney. In this case, the diameter of its cone must slightly exceed the diameter of the container.
    • When it is time to engage in smoking products, it is necessary to place over the hole, where the fire will be lit, tight material, say, tarpaulin.
    • The upper part of the tank must be supplemented with a metal grid. It will allow you to hang on it with hooks products. If it is assumed that the smokehouse will be used quite often, it is desirable to abandon the container, and immediately perform the laying of a stationary brick chimney.

    So that this construction is as reliable as possible, it is recommended Use refractory brick , and the design itself is performed using a clay solution.

    The cement mixture is not suitable for this, because in the process of using smoking the surface of the brick will be very hot;

    Hiking smoking

    How do it yourself make a smoking smoked smoking, video

    To create this version of the crystal smoking, you need to cook Polyethylene film and boards which in their absence can be replaced by branches or twig. There are no finished options for such a smokehouse, and therefore it must be done with your own hands.

    At the first stage, on the slope of the hill or coast, a suitable place is selected from the windward side, where Fear trench The following: The length should be 2-3 m, and the depth is about 0.5 m. It is also necessary to pay attention to the angle of inclination, which should not be more than 50-60 degrees.

    When the trench is ready, the sticks are placed on top, branches - in general, everything you can find nearby. On this homemade frame Massented wood . Downstairs begin to breed the fire, the upper part will serve as a place to accommodate the smokehouse.

    For cooking of smoke, the framework will be required to be covered with polyethylene film. In the top of the smoke tank It is necessary to make gap So that the smoke could go through it.

    Products are laid in the tank. The cooking process itself begins after the fuel is finally reappeared and some coals will remain there. Making sure the fire stopped burning The hole is covered with tarrase So that the gap is present, which will provide cravings.

    In the process of smoking, you can change the magnitude of the thrust, focusing on the campfire. The optimal will be considered such a traction in which the coals will smooth without flashal.

    Skolna from the refrigerator

    This method of creating a homemade smoked smooth smoking smoke is also available, but an unnecessary refrigerator will be required for it.

    • How do it yourself make a smoking smoked smoking, video

      To begin with, it is necessary to prepare an old refrigerator: from its body you need to remove all unnecessary, the holes are sealed using the leucoplasty;

    • The upper part of the housing will serve as a place where holes for the exit of smoke will be created;
    • In the upper part of the chamber, metal grilles are installed, it is here that products will be laid, they can also simply hang in special grids;
    • The heat source is suitable for the heat source, or can be adapted for this purpose a closed container, putting the usual electrical tile inside;
    • When the refrigerator and the container will be ready, a galvanized pipe is supplied between them, the minimum length of which should be 3-4 m;
    • On the tile, you need to lay a layer of sawdust with a thickness of 30 mm, after which it includes;
    • Noticing smoke from burning sawdust, it is necessary to give them to wheels for two or three minutes, after which the tile is turned off.

    For high-quality cooking products need to be performed Two mandatory conditions : Ensure the permanent presence of smoke and maintain the required temperature in the smoke chamber.

    Smoking products in a polyethylene bag

    A similar method of cooking homemade smoked smokes is more intended for half-spoken smoked, and not for cold. Its main advantage is that it can be arranged during fishing without spending a lot of time.

    1. First you need to prepare a square platform, in which the party must have a length of 1 meter and to align it well. The framework is made of wooden stakes: four are placed in every corner of the site and ripped into the ground, they are connected on top with the help of the bars, which are placed crosswise.
    2. Further, the fish is attached to this design. A piece of two-layer polyethylene is taken from which the bag is made. When the bag is ready, it is partially stretched on the frame.
    3. Then proceed to the construction of a fire, bringing it to the formation of coal. Then they are placed on the site under the frame, and on top there are fresh grass, so that the coals could smooth. After that, the bag is tensioning completely, while the edges of the film must be fixed using large pieces of land.
    4. Now you can move directly to smoke in the chimney.

    Homemade smokehouse offers an excellent opportunity to each of us please yourself with smoked meat or fish. In principle, this design is quite simple, the main thing is to prepare the necessary materials and accuracy to follow technology Creating cold smoked smoking.

    Video instructions for their creation are a lot, so they can also be useful. Today there are a lot of ways to manufacture a smokehouse with your own hands from girlfriend, thanks to which each person can choose for himself the option that suits him more.

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