Pillow for neck with your own hands


Pillow for neck with your own hands

If your neck suffers from shaking on the road, for example, when you are traveling on a long-distance bus or in the passenger's chair, moving on the car, then you will help the pillow under the neck. With such a pillow, you can soften the effects of shaking, and simply, it is more convenient for it, since the neck will not fall on the side, which, in turn, will awaken you.

Such a pillow can be taken with you on the plane, then the flight will be comfortable and faster. You can, of course, purchase ready, but if you have a mood, you can sew your own neck pillow with your own hands.

What you need

Pillow for neck with your own hands

To work, you will be needed:

  • Fabric for pillows
  • spool of thread
  • Paper for pattern
  • Rule and handle
  • needle
  • scissors
  • Tabs for fastening fabric
  • Filler Sintepon
  • iron

Create your own pattern

Pillow for neck with your own hands

Use to create a pattern of the A4 sheet of format, and make the pattern by half a sheet. I advise you to begin to measure the circle of your neck to make the inner contour for yourself.

Cut a fabric

Pillow for neck with your own hands

The photo shows how the fabric is measured and cut along the pattern. We fold on our tissue twice and place on the pattern, with a margin, cuts. Then cut out the fabric folded doubly, deploy and get one full-fledged blank for a cushion under the neck.

Pillow for neck with your own hands

So that nothing has shifted during the cutting process, secure the pattern and cloth with needles, as shown in the photo, cut out with a margin. You need to cut two pieces - for the top and for the bottom of the pillow.

Sust your pillow

Pillow for neck with your own hands

The resulting halves need to be folded by the front sides inward, grind up needles and sew along the edge, leaving a small slot for packing syntheps.

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Pillow for neck with your own hands

If you have the skill work on the sewing machine, then faster seams for you will be a minute case. If you do not have any typewriters, then sew two halves manually. It will take, of course, more time, but still a pillow will be sooner or later.

Please note that before turning the pillow, it is recommended to make cuts to the seam to turn it easier.

Remove the pillow

Pillow for neck with your own hands

After you safer two halves and leave a small fragment not stitched, remove the pillow with the front side.

Pillow for neck with your own hands

Putting the pillow of Sintepunion

Pillow for neck with your own hands

Vide the pillow in the leaving the slit of the synthet board. Scroll into small pieces - it is more convenient and allow you to fill the pillow better and tight. Control so that all parts of the pillows are navigated evenly.

Final stage

Pillow for neck with your own hands

When the entire synthetone is packed, the slot is manually squeezed.

Pillow for neck with your own hands

That's all things! Your pillow for neck is ready! Now that you will go on the journey, your neck will be in comfort, your sleep will be comfortable and sweet. Making one such pillow, you probably want to experiment with them. And maybe even organize your production. Why not! Pillows can be made of soft fleece fabric, experiment with form, with a thickness, etc.

Source - www.doityourselfrv.com/travel-neck-pillow/

Video master class

In conclusion, I want to share with you a video master class, which shows how to sew a pillow under the neck with a kitten. The work is more complicated, but it is also easy to master it. Successes in Sewing!

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