How to cover the gazebo in the country and make a wooden durable design


During the construction of a country gazebos, many of the owners of country sites turn out to be a choice of material to cover the design. As is known, the appearance of the structure and durability depends not less than from the carcass itself. Therefore, then we will look at how and how to cover a wooden gazebo to provide her for a long service life.

How to cover the gazebo in the country and make a wooden durable design

Arbor covered with metal tile

Choosing a coating for a gazebo, it should be borne in mind that the wooden gazebo itself is a lightweight structure. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the weight of roofing material, especially if the structure was erected without a foundation. For example, ceramic tile should not be used, as it weighs quite a lot.

Types of coatings

In the modern market there are a huge amount of roofing coatings.

However, the shelter for the gazebo most often makes only some of them:

  • Metal tile;
  • Professional flooring;
  • Soft roof;
  • Polycarbonate.

Knowing the features of each material, you will not be difficult to decide what to cover the tree gazebo in one way or another.

Metal tile.

This roofing material can be covered with scanty roofs with a slope of more than 12 degrees. The advantages of metal tiles can be attributed to the fact that it is resistant to environmental impacts.

In addition, there are many options for polymer coatings, so you can purchase the product of the desired color. Therefore, choosing the better to cover the gazebo, it is quite possible to stay on the metal tile.

How to cover the gazebo in the country and make a wooden durable design

Soft Tile Design Roof

Soft roof

This material is also called flexible tile. In fact, it is an ordinary rubberoid with a decorative surface. The soft roof is also an excellent option for summer lung structures of wood or metal rods.

The feature of a soft roof is montage - before covering a soft tile, it is necessary to put the sheets of plywood or boards, which will serve as the basis for the material. With proper care, the soft tile can last for quite a long time, the declared period of operation is half a century.

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How to cover the gazebo in the country and make a wooden durable design

Arbor covered by professional flooring


This material is largely reminiscent of metal tile. With the help of a profiled steel sheet, you can perform very practical roofs. In addition, they look beautiful thanks to a variety of color schemes.

Unlike soft tiles, professional flooring can be mounted directly to the crate. Sheets are stacked by Vangest.

Note! For multicate roofs, when installing professional flooring, it is necessary to carry out waterproofing of the roof with the help of silicone sealant.

How to cover the gazebo in the country and make a wooden durable design

In the photo - the roof of polycarbonate


This roofing material is very popular when covering the arbors. Polycarbonate is easy, flexibility and the ability to skip light. However, an opaque material can be used for the roof.

The advantages of the coating refers to a relatively low price. The only moment that must be considered when installing polycarbonate is that the roof should have a sufficient angle of inclination. Otherwise, snow can be accumulated in winter on the roof, as a result of which the design breaks under its weight.

Processing surfaces gazebo protective composition

Select varnish

So, you have decided how to cover the gazebo in the country and even installed the material on the roof. Now the design is protected from sunlight and rain, however, this is not enough to ensure the wooden structure of durability fully.

All its surfaces must be treated with a protective composition. Therefore, let's look at what varnish covers a gazebo.

How to cover the gazebo in the country and make a wooden durable design

Yacht varnish

If you want to keep the natural beauty of the tree, including its texture and color, as well as securely protect the surface from the effects of moisture, sun rays and putrid processes, the use of the weatherproof yacht varnish is the best option.

This composition has special antiseptic additives. In addition, such a varnish can be seized and the floor of the room, as it is resistant to mechanical effects.

Tip! To cover the view of the dear wood, you can first perform tinting with texture composition, and then cover the surface with varnish.

This varnish is able to maintain its properties and not lose attractiveness to ten years. Of course, you can use any other transparent protective composition for outdoor work, but in this case, in a few years, the coating will have to update.

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  • How to paint a gazebo

Surface treatment

If you decide to open the wooden surfaces of the gazebo, you need to prepare the following set of tools and materials:

  • Varnish;
  • Primer;
  • Antiseptic (if an ordinary varnish is used);
  • Putty knife;
  • Metal brush;
  • Roller and brushes.

How to cover the gazebo in the country and make a wooden durable design


The instructions for performing this work looks like this:

  • Fresh wood must first be treated with emery paper.
  • Then the surface is processed into several layers with a lesing antiseptic. The composition should be applied along the fibers.
  • If the surface has already been painted, then it must be cleaned with a metal brush and a spatula. Sometimes areas affected by rotting or parasites, as well as cracks or chipsets, are found on an unpainted surface. In this case, they need to be cleaned from rotting and close with putty.
  • Next, primer is applied to the prepared surface.
  • After drying the primer, you can cover the surface with varnish. After drying the first layer, the procedure should be repeated again. You can apply the composition with a brush.

Now the design is completely protected from negative environmental impacts and can serve without updating the coverage of several seasons.


To build a reliable, durable and comfortable arbor, attention should be paid to not only its design, but also take the right decision - the better to cover the gazebo. A high-quality roofing coating in combination with protective compositions for wood will allow your structure to delight holidaymakers and decorate a plot with its appearance over the years.

Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.

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