Awnings for arbors: selection and manufacture of canopy


Gazebo - Awning for giving is a fairly universal solution: on the one hand, it provides reliable protection against wind and rain, and on the other - for its manufacture does not need expensive materials. It is for this reason that awesome gazebos are very popular with gardeners.

However, the cost of the finished awning can be very significant, because many prefer to make such structures on their own. Below we will tell you how to do it, and also to pay attention to when buying a garden canopy.

Awnings for arbors: selection and manufacture of canopy

Country Altanka under the tissue canopy

Choose awning gazebo

Design features

Arbors and extensive awnings produced by the modern industry can have the most different device:

  • The so-called closed canopies are most expensive. They are framework devices with carrier elements made of steel profile pipe. The awning is stretched over the frame that closes not only the roof, but also the walls.
  • The advantages of such a system are obvious: the inner space is securely protected from the Sun, and from precipitation. However, there are also disadvantages, because the fabric used for sewing a protective cover is poorly passes air. So in the heat of the gazebo, it quickly warms up and it becomes very stuffy.
  • Open canopies have a simpler design. Their frame is a roofing frame installed on metal supports. The frame is tightened by a relatively small awning, which creates a shadow and provides insignificant protection against rain.

Awnings for arbors: selection and manufacture of canopy

Open construction

  • The advantage of such a solution is the low price and a small mass of all materials (and this is important if we acquire a collapsible system for periodic transportation). As for the shortcomings, it is enough to try to hide from rain with the wind under such a building, and you will understand everything yourself.
  • Also combined structures also enjoy popular, in which the walls can climb under the roof. Thus, in the heat we get a simple canopy, protecting from the sun, but if necessary, we can quickly lower all the colors and secure yourself from the rain.

Awnings for arbors: selection and manufacture of canopy

Model with removable walls

Note! It does not have to talk about the tightness of such arbor, but in most cases such protection from droplets with side winds is quite enough.

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  • Arbor - Sheds
  • Gazebo

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Material used

For sewing canopies, a variety of materials can be used, however, among the options that provide the necessary water resistance, the following can be distinguished:

Awnings for arbors: selection and manufacture of canopy

Tarpaulin canopy

  • Tarpaulin . "Untreating Classic", which is applied for a very long time. The designs are sufficiently heavy, bulky, and besides, they look not very attractive. Among the advantages of tarpaulin covers - good water resistance, relatively small price and high strength indicators.

Note! For high-quality protection against rain, the tarpaulin is still impregnated with special compositions. True, such impregnations worsen air permeability, so you have to make a choice.

  • Polyvinyl chloride cloth . An alternative to a tarpaulster, which in recent years is actively used for mass production of arbors, awnings, canopies, etc. Does not let water, has a small mass, the price is quite accessible. The main minus is quite easy to rush and melts when exposed to high temperatures.

Awnings for arbors: selection and manufacture of canopy

PVC-based fabric

  • As for other materials, such as a thin tent tissue, then for the manufacture of arbors, they are used quite rarely. Among the reasons are the high cost and complexity in the processing of seams.

In addition to the main materials in the manufacture of canopies, additional are also applied:

  • Transparent polymer inserts . Play the role of windows in closed gazebos, provide natural lighting. As a rule, pasted into the PVC cloth with a mandatory firmware around the perimeter.

Note! From such a material, you can make a completely transparent awning for a gazebo, but they do so quite rarely, because then it will not protect the sun. But in the greenhouse, this technology is used very widely.

  • Mosquito nets . Produced from artificial fibers, provide ventilation under a canopy. Can be installed either as part of the wall (then around the perimeter, the attachment site is necessarily sealed by a special ribbon), or hovering in the form of a separate canopy.

Awnings for arbors: selection and manufacture of canopy

Mosquito gel

Articles on the topic:

  • How to close the arbor from the rain and wind?
  • Tent do it yourself
  • Arbor from plastic pipes with their own hands

Making canopy


The manufacture of fabric and tarp arbors is not very often practiced. However, if desired, there is nothing impossible for the skills and the corresponding equipment.

Work should be started with the manufacture of a frame:

  • For supporting structures, steel pipes are used in most cases. Moreover, the collapsible systems are more often made from a round tube, and non-separable - from the profile.

Note! Recently, plastic frames have appeared on sale, but they are suitable for the smallest gazebo. It is not necessary to chase the cheapness - plastic tube in any case will not be able to withstand the wind load without a deflection.

  • Since the main advantage of awesome arbors is their high mobility, the capital base is relatively rarely placed. Most often, metal pins fixed at the bottom of each support are used for attachment.
  • You can also use hooks intended for a hook in the rings done in the capital foundation. On the one hand, this design will allow you to move the gazebo, and on the other, it will provide its reliable fixing in case of a strong wind.

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Awnings for arbors: selection and manufacture of canopy

Roofing knot

  • The lower strapping is made of sufficient thick pipes. In addition to stabilizing the shape, it plays a counterweight role by holding its weight of the wall and roof, which is distinguished by high sailboat.
  • To the strapping we weld the vertical racks with a step of no more than 2.5 m. If the possibility of disassembling the framework, then for the connection we use tubular adapters.
  • As a rule, such structures have the roof of the tent or dome type. However, if you plan to sew awning on your own, you can design a bounce roof - it will be easier to cut the material.

Awnings for arbors: selection and manufacture of canopy

Welded metal frame

  • In those places in which we will attach the awning to the supporting structure, there will be special holes. In order not to reduce the strength of the pipe, it is better to tear up special rings or plates with eyelets.

The resulting frame must be cleared of rust and handle the protective composition.

Sewing awning

Instructions for sewing the awning is both simple, and complex. If you have the skills of working with sewing machinery (and the household machine will not fit - at least a semi-professional machine is needed), then difficulties are not expected. But the newcomer will have to sweat, so it is better to practice in advance on small fragments of the material.

Awnings for arbors: selection and manufacture of canopy

Option pattern

For tailoring, we need a robust waterproof tar or similar to the properties of the fabric. PVC canvas will not fit - it must not be sewed, but to weld on special installations.

The work is done like this:

  • Remove the sizes from our carcass. It is not necessary to do a big stock: first, the fabric should go to bed "dash", and secondly, with time, the tarpaulin takes the form of the structure.
  • On the roll of tarpaulin, laid out on the floor, carry patterns.

Awnings for arbors: selection and manufacture of canopy

Send mounting details

  • Carved parts stitched on a typewriter, paying special attention to the quality of the seam.
  • Create the resulting case around the perimeter to avoid the dissolution of the fabric.
  • From the inside we glue the seams with a special tape that impedes the flow.
  • In places where the canopy will be attached to the frame, we install the champs through which we skip the cord.

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Awnings for arbors: selection and manufacture of canopy

Photo of installed luphertov

Articles on the topic:

  • Tents-arbors for giving
  • Camouflage grid for gazebo
  • Mosquito net for gazebo

Repair opportunities

As for the canopies of industrial production from PVC fabric, then repair issues are relevant for them. As we noted above, the polymer canvas is quite easily cut and punctured, so it periodically the need to protect our gazebo from leaks.

We do it like this:

  • Hole or cut carefully process with scissors. At this stage, we need to align the edges and remove all hanging flaps.
  • The area around the cut is wiping at the beginning, and then dry rag.
  • Cut from the same material to pay, which we also clean.

Tip! Even if we do not use glue, both surfaces should be deguted.

  • We put the paid on the damaged place and warming up the connection with the help of a construction dryer. At the same time PVC begins to melt, and the parts are connected together.

Awnings for arbors: selection and manufacture of canopy

We weld the pay

  • In order for the patch to lay exactly, we stretch the main fabric (can be fixed by clamps), and then - we carefully ride both layers of roller.
  • After completion of the soldering, it is necessary to put the cargo in a somewhat kilogram on the renovated area. You can use the awning one hour after repair.
  • Instead of a construction dryer for connecting parts, many experts recommend using special adhesives for PVC (Cosmofen and similar compositions). The glue is applied on both surfaces, after which the patch must be smoothed with a roller and press it well.

Awnings for arbors: selection and manufacture of canopy

Tube "Kosmofen"


Buying or independently manufacturing awnings for the gazebo, you need to closely treat both the selection of the design and the selection of the material itself. But as a result, we can get a completely comfortable lightweight structure, reliably protects us from heat and rain. This information is listed in more detail on the video in this article.

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