Advantages of playgrounds for cottages


Advantages of playgrounds for cottages

Fresh air and exercise are useful for children, everyone knows. Not everyone uses these simple and efficient recommendations for the improvement of their children. An exciting in such cases, as a rule, is the lack of money for a journey to the sea. However, pediatricians believe that for the recovery of the children's body, rest in the village or in the country is much more useful. It can be done even more efficient if you install a playing playground on its site.

  • 2 No against - only for!
  • 3 Completion of a sports and gaming complex
  • 4 Children's Package Package
  • 5 Types of Sports Complexes
  • 6 Where to buy a playground for giving?
  • Children's playground for summer cottages - seven in one

    What is the game playground for giving? Formally, this is a sports and game complex. But in fact, this is not just a set of equipment for games and sports. Often parents, making a choice in favor of a set of shells for children, do not even realize all its capabilities. And they are very and very much.
    • First, the game complex solves the problem of finding a child in the fresh air. It is the problem. On social networks, the joke even walks about how the attitude of the younger generation to walks has changed. And indeed, about 20 -30 years ago for children, the most terrible punishment was deprivation of their opportunity to run in the yard with friends. For today's defers, the prospect of staying without a favorite computer game and virtual communication is much more terrible.

    It is clear that it does not add health to anyone. But how to convince your child to tear away from your favorite gadget and go out to the street at least in the country? Very simple: get the playground and your child from the pale, tired creature with patients from the monitor's eyes will turn into a cheerful pink, firmly. Who will refuse to climb the cliffrome, shake on a swing, ride from the mountain, to hang on the rope, and also on your own, and not on school!

    Now you do not have to take away his electronic toys from the child and drive it to the street. He himself will be happy to spend all his free time in the fresh air, and this Pledge of good appetite , quiet sleep and, as a result, strong immunity. Isn't it dreaming of all parents?

    • Secondly, spending time on its playground, baby The physically develops , it becomes stronger and hardy. Note, child engaged in physical exercises voluntarily and with pleasure!
    • Thirdly, during the playground games develop Creative skills Child. How? Very simple. Game complexes for the smallest, as a rule, are equipped with sandboxes. So the kids fantasize what they would be squeezed from the sand. Yes, and the process of the construction of all kinds of sandy figures is the most real creativity. At the same time, the motorcy is developing, and with it and intelligence. Older children also have, where to show their creative abilities. Climbing on the climbing, moving along the row, smoking up the rope, the boys paint the plots, full adventures and dangers, where they undoubtedly overcome all the difficulties and become winners. Girls are fantasized, equipping their houses that are an integral part of the playground.
    • Fourthly, acquiring their children a sports and game complex, you decide and Communication problem . You did not notice that modern children with friends living next door communicate in social networks? Even the era of telephone communication remained in the past. However, the virtual chatter cannot become a full-fledged replacement of fun games, infectious laughter, sincere conversations. With the emergence of your child's playground, the number of young guests will increase on your summer cottage.

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    No against - only for!

    Advantages of playgrounds for cottages

    Just imagine what pride will experience the owner of the complex! And how it will increase his authority in the eyes of peers! Here you have a solution to another problem! Very often, parents buy a child of one or another gadget, even if he is not for themselves, only to ensure that the child does not feel outlawed in his circle. How, because the neighbor on the desk has an iPhone, and our worse? Here the parents take another loan so that their Vassenka (Masha, Petenka, etc.) were "no worse than others."

    And Mom's Pads are not conceived at all about the fact that the fashionable gadget is outdated at the moment when only went on sale. This means that a maximum of a year later, the child will require a new toy, and well, if she is on your pocket. Otherwise, a new loan, new problems. And so until your child starts earning yourself.

    It is quite another thing - the acquisition of a children's sports and game complex! He will add an authority to the child, and the friends will attract, and in a year it does not have to be changed to more modern.

    Finally, Several bonuses For you, parents! Children engaged in playing on the site will not run in beds, ruthlessly byputing your favorite plantings. At the same time, you will know exactly that they are in the site and nothing bad with them happened.

    In addition, the elements of the playground will be decorated with your country area, organically impoverished in his design.

    That's what a children's playground for giving!

    Complete set of sports and gaming complex

    Advantages of playgrounds for cottages

    The choice of children's playgrounds is great today. Most of them provide for the possibility of acquiring as whole complex and individual items. Consider them in more detail.

    Swedish walls - An integral component of the playground. They are good with their versatility: regular exercises on them allow to develop a variety of muscle groups. In addition, they are designed for both children and adults. If you are planning to use the Swedish wall and for your workouts, pay attention to the materials from which this simulator is made.

    A tree, of course, is more environmentally friendly and preferable for the baby, but more than 80 kg can not withstand. For adults will suit Swedish wall with metal crossbars . These simulators are good because in addition to them attached:

    • horizontal bastards
    • rings,
    • Ropes.

    If you are acquiring them, the coating should be such that when a child falls on it is not injured. Even more contribute to the development of force and dexterity of these shells, if in addition to them on the site, a circuit and a clodder are installed.

    Huge joy will be delivered to children of all ages, and not only children, swing. Swing kids love from birth. After all, what does mom do when the child is crying? Right, shakes him! And this simple movement soothes the crumb.

    Modern children's playgrounds for giving can be equipped Swing of a variety of types, it is:

    • Swing Balancars for two or more kids,
    • Rocking on the springs in which the seat in the form of an animal or a bright typewriter swings in all directions around its axis,
    • Havalized pendant swing.

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    The sandbox is the same indispensable attribute of the children's game complex, like a swing. In the sandbox, the child develops motility, and at the same time creative abilities.

    All sorts Gorki Also loved by children of all ages. For those who are not also three years old, small hills are meant with rounded edges and gentle descent. For senior preschoolers, the slides can be higher, up to one and a half meters, and schoolchildren are allowed to ride from the mountains, the height of which exceeds two and a half meters.

    All models of the slides must have steps with anti-slip coating, railings on the steps and handrails on the top platform.

    In addition to slop with smooth descent , there are screw models. From the last chalwans especially love to roll into the pool.

    The game house, decorated in a fabulous style, is the center around which the whole complex is formed. Children will be simply happy to have their own corner, which can be issued at their discretion. And how many fun games and interesting stories in it can be invented!

    Children's playground picking

    Advantages of playgrounds for cottages

    Which configuration it is better ? The answer to this question depends on the set of factors, such as:

    • age the future host of the complex (the baby is enough a house, slides and indispensable attributes of all playgrounds - swings and sandboxes, the same one who is older to taste the clutters, stairs, ropes and other projectiles for exercise);
    • The character of the child (Fidget will come to the lifetime for sports exercises, and more tranquil children - the construction of cities and castles in a sandbox or game in the house);
    • floor (the boys are more interesting to jump, climb, climbing the rope, and girls play in the house, on the veranda, swing on the swing);
    • quantity children who will simultaneously play on the site (for example, you can make double swings);
    • Not the last role in choosing the complex play and The size of your country area , as well as the financial capabilities of parents.

    But even if the purchase of a full complex you cannot be discouraged and, moreover, do not refuse the idea to purchase a playground. After all, most firms offer both full gaming complexes and their individual elements. For example, you can only buy a sandbox and swing, and the staircase and the horizontal bar to purchase next year.

    Deciding on the acquisition of the playground, do not forget to think in advance, In which location of it can be installed . It should be located so that small fidgets have always been under your insensible, let them and invisible, control. The territory for the installation of a sports and gaming complex must be as smooth as possible.

    In order to play children, it was not only interesting, but also safely, you will have to take care of the coverage of the territory on which you plan to locate a sports game complex.

    Sports and gaming complexes

    Advantages of playgrounds for cottages

    So, unambiguously answer the question of what kind of playground is better, it is impossible. Each parent itself knows what will be interested in his child. It is also difficult to say, a complex of what material is better.

    Playgrounds are:

    • plastic
    • wooden
    • metal,
    • In some embodiments, several materials are combined at once.

    And each type of sports and gaming complexes Dignity and disadvantages.

    For example, plastic - The material is easy, thanks to which the playgrounds are easy to collect, disassemble and transport. Plastic products do not rot like a tree, do not rust like metal. They are bright, they are easy to give the most bizarre form. In addition, modern plastics do not pose a danger to the health of children. Yes, and their price is quite acceptable. However, they can crack, fade and do not stand too much weight.

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    Wood - It is always beautiful, and in addition, also safely. Covered with protective impregnations, it will last long. The main thing is that all parts of wooden structures be carefully polished and covered with varnish. Otherwise, all the hands at the small owner of such a platform will be in the zanozh. And good, if only your hands. The main drawback of such complexes is their price.

    Metal - Material is durable. Adults can be used by stairs and horizontal studs. Metal structures can be made bright with the help of a can with paint and brushes. However, be prepared for the fact that you will have to repaint the whole complex regularly. Otherwise he rushes. In addition, metals have very good thermal conductivity, which means that products of them are too much heated in the sun and cooled at low temperatures. In the cold, it is generally easy to try on.

    In this way, There is no ideal material. Any parent is free to choose the one that is more suitable for his child. Of course, a plastic complex is perfect for the kid. Everything else is suitable for older children.

    Where to buy a playground for cottages?

    Advantages of playgrounds for cottages

    So, you have studied the problem and came to the conclusion that the playground on your dacha is not a luxury, but the need. Where to buy this miracle? Of course, in sports or major furniture salons, you will be offered several options for children's sports and gaming complexes for giving. However, the choice will be small, and you will have to consider them in the catalog. After all, what salon is able to accommodate so many collected sites! If shops selling children's playgrounds are at different parts of the city, then you also have to be pretty run before you choose the perfect option.

    Quite another thing - Online shops Fixed in the network there is an abundance. Sitting on a beloved sofa with a laptop or tablet in hand, you can easily pick up the right option. If you have, on what to take the platform from the territory of the enterprise, you can find the addresses of manufacturers. And it is not necessary to carry the forever the future owner of the complex over the entire city. Agree, beauty!

    If speak about prices , they are very different and spread here is huge. As of 2019, the cheapest sites consisting of several ladies are about twenty thousand rubles. The most expensive children's complexes for giving will cost potential buyers and in 60, and 100 , and most importantly, in 500 thousand Russian rubles. It all depends on the configuration and materials used. Nevertheless, plastic is cheaper than wood.

    Of course, the cost of a setlery complex for the average family is rather big. She is sobativism with the price of a decent gadget or a trip to the sea. But, arguing in this way, do not forget:

    • You can purchase or a playground for cottages, or a gadget, but the latter will come out of fashion after a while and you may not doubt that your child will be braked new;
    • For the money you will rest on the sea with your child, but only once.

    The advantages of the playground are that it will serve not one year, pleased with his little owners. In addition, this acquisition allows Play multiple children At the same time, which is ideal if in the family is not one child!

    And for sure you can be sure that the site will not come out of fashion, will not remain unclaimed and will deliver joy and unobtrusively contribute to the development of muscles, intelligence and imagination. Thus, acquiring a sports playground for children, you do a long-term contribution to the health and ability of a child!

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