Cold porcelain products for beginners with photos and videos


Products from cold porcelain can do both beginner sculptors and children, especially work with him very interesting. Cold china is absolutely safe in work.

Cold porcelain is one of the cheapest, militant and affordable materials. From it you can sculpt even very small products. After all, there is clay and puff pastry, and one of them can also make small details, but china has a big advantage in front of them - it is not necessary to bake it, it dries on my outdoor in the fresh air in two days.

Cold porcelain products for beginners with photos and videos

The modeling of this material develops a small motorcy of the hands, made of decorations, pendants, flowers, greeting cards, paintings from it.

Cold porcelain products for beginners with photos and videos

The first Scriptures about the cutting of cold porcelain were found in Chinese treatises. About art and sculpture. Cold porcelain was invented in Argentina in early 19th century. A similar formulation was used at the Imperial Porcelain Factory in St. Petersburg. As the story says, the first flowers were made in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century Ivanov Peter Ulyanovich, they were used to decorate the bottle of perfumes for the emperor and his family.


Cold porcelain products for beginners with photos and videos

Consider one of the recipes for the manufacture of porcelain:

  • 1 cup of rice or corn starch;
  • 1 cup of PVA glue;
  • 2 tablespoons of glycerin;
  • 1 tablespoon of fatty children's cream.

All ingredients mix thoroughly and give it in the course of 15-20 minutes. Do not store in the refrigerator and keep storage at room temperature for more than 2 hours.

Recommendations when working with cold porcelain:

Cold porcelain products for beginners with photos and videos

  1. It is possible to paint the product only after complete drying, but not earlier than in a day.
  2. Porcelain can be painted with oil, acrylic paints, gouache. Collecting water-based paints (food dyes) should be avoided.
  3. When working with a porcelain, so that it does not stick to his hands, we lubricate your hands with a cream.
  4. Recipes that include water, fragile and short-lived.
  5. If add 1 tablespoon of citric acid, then the product will be stronger and more durable, since the conservation effect is created.
  6. Storage is not allowed near or under direct sunlight.
  7. For storage, the optimal temperature mode must be respected. At 10 ° C, the structure will be collapsed. At high temperatures, the structure also collapses - the material is screwed and crumbles.
  8. So that the products will be served as long as possible, they are covered with lacquer. Thus, the product is protected from moisture, the color and form are saved.
  9. It is recommended to use the entire porcelain, but if remained, it is stored in a polyethylene package or in a tightly closing container.
  10. The surface of the products can be sprinkled with small beads, beads, sand.
  11. If the material for the porcelain lies for a long time, it becomes liquid. It can also be used. With the help of a medical syringe, they can draw or make inscriptions, previously treated with glue surface.

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Tools required in work:

Cold porcelain products for beginners with photos and videos

  • rolling pin and cutting board;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • nippers;
  • toothpick or needles;
  • brushes and paints;
  • gloves;
  • thin wire;
  • PVA glue.

Product Description

For beginners, the easiest way to start scolding flowers. Yes, and care for them is simple: it is enough to pour on the product with a hairdryer so that the dust is not.

Cold porcelain products for beginners with photos and videos


We divide the material on 2 parts: one piece is white, and the other is pink (you can pre-paint in gentle pink color). From each color, we make billet-lumps, as in the photo, for petals, and the white parallers are thicker.

Billets connect each other along the length and cut them into small rectangles.

Cold porcelain products for beginners with photos and videos

The base of the petal is made by pink, and the edges are white. For this purpose, we glue PVA, and in the middle with a toothpicks we make a hole for the stem (wire).

From the strokes, previously prepared, it is necessary to form a flower petals, combine them, and inside we make a hole for the stem (wire).

Cold porcelain products for beginners with photos and videos

Cold porcelain products for beginners with photos and videos

Cold porcelain products for beginners with photos and videos

The buds "sit down" on the bowl-leaf green at the base and white on the edges, fasten and make the stem.

The branch of the billet of Sakura should be the same as the real Sakura. Each branch is assembled separately after complete drying. Butons need to be twisted with wire.

Cold porcelain products for beginners with photos and videos

Now Sakur can be put in the vase.

rose flower

We take a piece of porcelain, about the pea, and roll it in the palm of your hand. After that, you need to make a droplet.

Cold porcelain products for beginners with photos and videos

Toothpick rolling the droplet and twist the tube.

Cold porcelain products for beginners with photos and videos

Subsequent petals are attached to it in a checker order. To secure the petals, you can use PVA glue.

Cold porcelain products for beginners with photos and videos

Such flowers can be put in the vase, and you can also place a greeting card or picture.

Video on the topic

On video detailed master classes for the manufacture of products from cold porcelain.

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