Toys of socks - lollipops


If you, dear needlewomen, are not yet familiar with the weed machinery of the creation of dolls for kids, I suggest starting with the easiest - sewing of small toys, lollipops that will not leave a single child indifferent. And if you also attract your baby to the work, take him the right to choose your socks, then such a toy can become the most beloved. I invite you to view a small master class in photos.

Toys of socks - lollipops

Toys of socks - lollipops

Toys of socks - lollipops

The following materials should be prepared for work:

  • Color children's sock
  • Felt - for sticks,
  • scissors,
  • pencil or ballpoint pen
  • threads with needle
  • filler - syntputs or wool,
  • Silk ribbon - for a bow.

To create a lollipop, it is not necessary to buy new socks, in your wardrobe, you will certainly have socks that have lost their pair. The brighter the coloring of the sock, the more beautiful the miniature toys created by you are created - lollipops.

We take a sock and draw a line, retreating from the edge of approximately 0.7 cm, like this:

Toys of socks - lollipops

We flash small stitches.

Toys of socks - lollipops

Cut the stitched strip, retreating from the edge of 0.4 mm.

Toys of socks - lollipops

Soak and fill with cotton or syntheph.

Toys of socks - lollipops

We fold the finished roller sniff and fix with small stitches with threads that match the color with the colors.

Toys of socks - lollipops

Cut from felt and sew two parts for candy sticks.

Toys of socks - lollipops

Stick with a lollipop stitching or glue with hot glue, the connection location is closed with a bustard from a narrow ribbon.

Toys of socks - lollipops

Toys of socks - lollipops

Article on the topic: The pattern of "honeycomb" by the knitting needles: description and diagram of invalous loops with video

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