How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend


February 14 is an unusual holiday, on this day I want to please our loved ones with something unusual, original, and Valentine, made by your own hands, can become an excellent option for such a gift. The various techniques and ways to make such a postcard an infinite set, in our article we will tell you how to make Valentine's most interesting ways.

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

Of course, you may think about whether to spend time and effort to instill Valentines, if the holidays are "donated" in the form of hearts in the form of hearts, but the postcard made by your own hands will never be compared with the shop purchased in the store, because When you realize that a person tried specifically for you, the pleasure of a gift is increased at times.

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

"Openwork heart"

In this master class, we will try to make Valentine in a very unusual technique - quilling, it will look very beautiful, with all the seeming complexity, the work process is completely simple. This postcard is universal, suitable for both the best girlfriend and for the guy.

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

To work, you will need:

  • Strips of colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard;
  • Tool for queening;
  • Stationery knife.

First, on the cardboard you draw our heart for a friend and cut it out.

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

Inside this heart, you need to draw another one and cut it using a stationery knife.

Now we take our stripes from colored paper and twist them in the spirals.

You can use paper of different colors or different shades of the same color, you can also experiment with the size of the "Rolls".

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

Spirals that we have turned out, you need to decorate the inner space of the product. Now each of the spirals gluits from the neighboring, and the extreme with the heart itself. If you have a large distance between the spirals, it can be filled with a smaller "rolling".

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At the end of the work, it remains only to decorate our valentine with a ribbon or lace ribbon.

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

Here is such an original postcard from us:

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

"Sweet" postcard

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

An excellent gift for a mother for a mother or for a teacher at school will be Valentine's candy. This postcard not only looks very beautiful, but is a pleasant treat. A wonderful gift option will be the Valentine's and for colleagues, especially ate relationships with you are intense, as well as a gift "sweetened" relationships and for tea can be continued to strengthen them.

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

Make such a gift is very easy, just enough to cut from cardboard heart and glue your favorite human candies to it, which you are going to give Valentine. My daughter also can give such a present, a small sweet tooth will accurately appreciate this mark of attention.

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

These are the original valentines can be made from the fabric, it is suitable for the present of the girlfriend, they are made quite easily: two hearts are cut and stitched together, the product can also be stuffed with syntheps or any other filler. The finished product can be decorate with bows, ribbons, beads, butchers and so on.

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

"Soft Heart"

Valentine is not necessarily glued from cardboard, sew from felt or buy in the store. You can connect a wonderful heart with a crochet, which in the future can serve as a key chain, a magnetic or just a pretty souvenir.

Tying such a heart is very easy, instructions for work and schemes are presented in the photo below in this part of the article. Such a heart can be used as a napkin or stand under the glasses, so you can decorate a festive table for dinner with your loved one with such a gift. You can give a favorite person embroidery with a cross in the form of a heart, get such a gift will be nice and mom, and a grandmother, such a mini-picture can be decorated with a house, and when looking at her, warm feelings will immediately enhance it.

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We offer you a scheme for embroidery, it is quite simple, even a beginner needlewoman will cope.

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

Embroidery can be carefully cut along the contour, circling it on cardboard, cut the same figure from cardboard and glued to embroidery. On the reverse side, you can write nice words for your beloved person. You can also take a sheet of colored cardboard, fold it in half and glue the embroidery on the front side, then you will get a very original postcard, decorated with embroidered pattern, write good words for the recipient of the postcard, such a gift will be very nice.

How to make valentine from fabric and from candy for a guy or for a friend

Video on the topic

Now please the beloved person or the closest relative with the original gift for you will not be a lot of work, it is still not all the ideas of homemade valentines, other master classes you can see in this video selection. Pay some time and effort to make a pleasant close.

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