Folding wool bags: master class for beginners


A bag of wool is a very unusual accessory that looks bright and extraordinary, but here it is very difficult to find a bag of wool in the store. But it is not worth a despair, because any thing can be made with your own hands, and felting bags of wool is an easy task for a responsible needlewoman.

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

Original accessory

Before starting work, you need to make a pattern. It is necessary to build the drawing given that wool will sit down when felting, as long as wool, written on the package. The drawing is best built on the substrate for laminate.

Take the pupil film and draw the same pattern on its smooth side. Now it needs to be cut and turn over. We lay out the pieces of wool first horizontally, and then - vertically. We continue to work and make several layers for this principle. In the edges, a little extinguish the contour, approximately a centimeter, you can slightly less.

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

At this stage of operation, the product should look like this:

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

Now it is necessary to put the grid on the workpiece, we richly pour it with soap solution. After that, we clean the mesh and apply a pattern from laminate.

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

We bring the protruding edges, we do it very carefully, the edges should be smooth and smooth.

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

Now exactly the same, but without adding, we make the second side. You need to do five layers from each side. The edges of the seams are sweeping on the other side.

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

Now proceed to the drawing. We post the image you need and cover everything with the film, process the machine for felting (VSM).

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

We continue to fulfill our future bag. Mant and knock on the bag, do it the same as the dough. Paying attention to the sides and seams.

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Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

We cut the top of the bag and pull out the pattern. We continue to felting on.

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

Put the product on the towel. Watch the towel with a product in "Rulek" and start rolling along the pupil film. Then rolling the other side.

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

When the bag sat at about forty percent, you need to cut holes for the handles. We ride sections of sections. Now it remains only to sew a lining, to re-establish a bag. You can insert a lock or butchers.

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

Our bag is ready, this beauty turned out to be:

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

Bag decoration

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

The bag of wool can be decorated with anything, here the flight of your fantasy is unlimited. You can match the drawing on the bag immediately in the process of work, you can apply it with special inclusive paints or make an application, it can be glued or sewing. Also, a bag of wool can be decorated with lace, look such a bag will be very gentle, romantic and truly feminine, it looks interesting looks like a lightning flower, they are depicted in the photo below.

Well, we offer you a master class on rolling colors from wool, it will look very organic: a bag, felling from wool, and flowers too.

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

Flowers from felt

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

In this lesson, we will make rose.

  • We take a stencil round shape and lay out felt on it. The center is laid out felt for leaves, it is better to take green color, we do it vertically and horizontally. The flower itself will be laid out with a radical way. If you want your flower to have other shades, gradients, you can add felt of different colors.

  • Now with the help of wet felting we form a circle, we do the same as in the master class with a bag. That's how we should get:

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

  • Now cut the circle on the helix, after which from the resulting strip you need to form petals and leaves, for this we simply cut them out.

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Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

  • Now make a bout from the petals and wrap it with a strip with petals.

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

  • Petals just stitched with each other. The sections of the sections will need to be cut out again and better so that the leaves are subsequently dispelled, and then just sew to the flower.

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

  • Now the flower needs to sew to your bag. Such an accessory is perfect for spring when all nature comes to life and flourishes.

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

Flower from felt can be used to decorate not only bags, but also as an independent accessory, such as a brooch or hairpin.

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

Now you can boast that you know how to hang a bag of wool, you will agree, not that ordinary girl, but even an experienced needlewoman, because as you could see, felting is a very time-consuming, but very interesting process. The bag of wool is not only a practical and convenient thing, it's also a very stylish and unusual wardrobe subject, you can buy a special organizer for bags, then you will have a not one big pocket, but a few, as in ordinary bags, no one can guess that you independently made yourself such an interesting bag.

This is how the organizer looks like a bag, if you wish, you can make it yourself:

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

Folding wool bags: master class for beginners

Video on the topic

At the end of the article, we offer you a video selection of lessons to felting bags from wool, looking at them, you will find many new ideas for yourself and consolidate the knowledge gained.

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