Cancer for newlyweds with your own hands: We select text and poems for the catering, detailed master class


Wedding is one of the happiest days in the life of both women and men. We received an invitation to the wedding, but do not know what to give? After all, you want to please the young and not get to come, giving, for example, the second microwave oven or a kettle, or something else. Of course, you can give money, and they themselves will buy what they want. But to give money in a simple envelope is very trite, agree. Therefore, we suggest you make an extraordinary gift with your own hands. After all, how long is known, gifts made by their own hands are priceless. So truly "invaluable" gift is a savings book for newlyweds.

What is the savings record for newlyweds?

Cancer for newlyweds with their own hands is a small album in which wishes and instructions are written for a young couple.

Cancer for newlyweds with your own hands: We select text and poems for the catering, detailed master class

Most often they are written with a humorous bias. In such an album, young will find not only wishes, but also cash to achieve them. For example, the text of the catering for newlyweds can be like this:

Although not in the money your happiness,

But without them you can not live.

We decided to start

You have a savings book.

In addition to wishes on each page there are pockets for money. Make such an original gift is not as difficult as it may seem. Following the instructions below, absolutely everything will be able to cope with such a task.

Master Class: Cancer for Newlyweds

Before proceeding with work, carefully think about the design of the book. If you prefer to determine the theme, it will be easier to choose the material.

To create a savings in this master class, we will use a simple material as the basis, which can easily be found in any stationery store - folder. You will also need the following materials: scrapbook of different colors, glue, double-sided tape, scissors, color cardboard, cloth and synthesis for binding, appropriately cutting a wedding clippings from printed editions, satin ribbons and various decorative elements for decorating. The photo below shows all stages of work.

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First you need to make a book cover, so we take the prepared folder. If it does not match the desired size, it can be trimmed. Next, it is necessary to glue two-sided tape from the inner and outdoor side. After that, we apply a synthetic tube on the outer side of the folder, tensioning the fabric over it. The easiest way to use already quilted fabric. The edges are tailored to the inner side, the surplus cut off, the corners are picking pins. For a beautiful design of the inside of the cover, we use cardboard. From it, cut out two rectangles a little less than the size of the folder. We glue them to the inner side of the folder using a thermoclaus. The design of the cover is almost completed, it remains only to consider the name.

The name of your creation can be both simply printed by the picture of a savings book and a beautifully decorated inscription "Savings (AA) contribution / book."

In the presented MK, this is an inscription, for the design of which is used three mug of different diameter from color cardboard. Initially, we glue the largest circle to the tissue, the middle circle on it, and on the middle is the smallest circle with the album name.

Decorate all with existing decorative elements.

Cover is fully completed. Now go to pages. We will be made of cardboard. To do this, cut out rectangles slightly smaller compared to the cover. Carved pages on both sides, we glue the scrapbook with the help of bilateral scotch. On the one hand, the hole punch holes. It is necessary to connect a cover with cover.

Cancer for newlyweds with your own hands: We select text and poems for the catering, detailed master class

After joining the pages begins the most interesting. Now you need to decorate each page in accordance with the themes you have thought. Here they will use all the implications of magazines in advance. Among other things, on each page, do not forget to indicate what goals should be spent money, and, of course, glue pockets for them.

Cancer for newlyweds with your own hands: We select text and poems for the catering, detailed master class

Also for each page it is necessary to pick up poems for the catering for the newlyweds. In addition, on the last page you can stick an empty sheet if you plan to sign a gift personally.

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That's all, the original gift is ready. You can safely go to the wedding. Such a gift will undoubtedly attract the attention of both newlyweds and guests.

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