Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video


The kitchen is a small world of each mistress. And each, no doubt, wants this place to do perfect: beautiful, comfortable and neat. But the kitchen is a place not only for culinary masterpieces. This is also a large platform for creativity. Daily during the cooking process remains the necessary and unnecessary jars. Someone stares them on the upper storage room shelves, someone on the balcony, some are thrown away. In this article we will tell you how to make beautiful and comfortable jars for cereals with your own hands, both from unnecessary cans and from our usual.

In addition to storing croup can be done beautiful and even decorated the kitchen, it is also a more hygienic storage method. In such a container, food mole or other insects will not be charged.

One of the common methods of manufacturing cans for bulk is a decoupage. This art has gained great popularity. Because of the ease of execution, the cheapness of the material and the constant revival of old things, the decoupage was called the art of the poor. The first to the Germans who began to carry the drawings first on the furniture, and then on the glass and metal.

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Acquaintance with decoupage

Imagine a master class on making jars for cereals in the decoupage technique.

Required materials and tools: glass jars, wipes with a pattern for decoration, white napkins, PVA glue and "moment", gouache, tassels, ribbon, scissors.

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

We will proceed to decorating. At the bottom of the banks draw a semicircle. This is done for convenience - through such a window will be visible the contents of the bank.

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

The rest of the banks are gluable using white napkins and plow glue. After drying, you can coat on top of a napkin with white gouache or acrylic paint. This is done so that in the future the drawing is not translucent.

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Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

From napkins with a pattern that were selected and cooked, cut out the necessary fragments. Gently remove the two lower bowls of the napkins from them.

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

It is possible to proceed with the process of decorating only after complete drying of the harvested can. The plot on which the fragment will be glued, we richly lubricate the PVA glue and gently glue the pattern. We will smooth it with a brush, richly moistened with PVA glue.

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Such consistent actions we glue the entire blank surface of the can.

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

We decorate the window. For this, the border line lubricate the "moment" glue and glue the tape.

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

We give the work to completely dry. Of course, this can complete the decoration process, but we propose to continue. With the help of acrylic paints, give the drawing more "life" - draw the petals and middle of the floweries, as in the photo below.

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Again, wait for a complete drying of the cans. We complete the work - we open lacquer, preferably acrylic, but it is possible and construction. After complete drying of the lacquer jar is ready for use! The lid can be chosen in the color of the drawing! We leave it unchanged, but by applying fantasy, it can also be reappeted.

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Also for decoupage you can apply tin jars from under coffee or, for example, baby food.

The decoupage technology will not change, it is necessary only to glue them well with white napkins and be sure to scroll from above.

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

But in this case there is one minus - there is no possibility to leave the "window" so that the contents of the can be seen. Nevertheless, there is a way out! You can buy stickers and sign the content. Or simply print them from the Internet. Below will provide several templates.

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

The simplest décor can be just a decor with a beautiful ribbon, braid or tissue around the neck. It will be more spectacular if the bank is glass. Then we paint the cover of acrylic paint. And the jar is ready!

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Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

In the style of minimalism

Such a decor will allow you to view the contents of the bank completely. If it is not necessary, they can be reappeted in any color. Such a decor does not require much effort and does not imply any skills or abilities.

Materials: The desired number of cans with covers, paint in aerosol, paper, cardboard, templates for inscriptions, black paint with the effect of a rubbing board, PVA glue, scissors, chalk and pencil.

If it was not possible to find a stilt paint, you do not need to despair. It can be done independently, just mixing the black paint and grout for tiles. A glass of paint needs 2 tablespoons of grouts and a little plow glue. The mixture is thoroughly stirred. If everything is ready, proceed to decorating.

Clean and dry banks in the afternoon up. It is necessary to do this on the detachable old newspapers or not necessary paper. Then the aerosol paint cover them completely into one tone. In our case in white. So the bank will look as impressive in combination with a black sticker. If it was decided to leave the bank transparent, this item misses.

Another example of a simple decor of jackets for spices can be harvested jars with inscriptions on cams. But the inscription need to be processed. It is possible to do this with the help of a construction or acrylic varnish, or attach a wide scotch from both sides.

The original and beautiful decor can be the design of textiles jars for spices. The fabric must be dense, it can be simply glued to the jar, make inscriptions and open lacquer.

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Another beautiful and original solution can be the decoration of the jar of decoupage.

Materials: Glass jars for spices, PVA glue, scissors, brushes, acrylic paints and varnish, beautiful ornamental napkins, white napkins.

The manufacturing process is very simple. On a clean jar with the help of PVA glue glue several balls of napkins. Let dry. Meanwhile, with napkins for decor, we remove the 2 inner balls and cut the elements for the decor. Gently glue by a jar with elements, smoothed a tassel with glue. Let the jar dry completely and cover with glue. A jar for spices in a decoupage technique is ready.

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Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Decor variants set. From simple painting of covers, sticking stickers and to decor with textiles, artificial colors, polymer clay, harnesses, ropes, beads, pearls and everything that is enough fantasy.

Provide several examples of different difficulties for inspiration.

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Jars for cereals do it yourself: master class with photos and video

Create beauty and comfort with your own hands from simple materials very simple! The main thing is not to be afraid of experiments. All will definitely work!

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