Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video


Fasteling in Decoupage is a very interesting technique for decorating the casket, it is in unusual staining, which helps to create unique images and effects. If you first hear this concept or you know and have long been dreaming to try, even if you just want to improve your skills in this art, this article will be very useful to you.

Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video

Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video

Lesstation is a kind of coloring technique, in which layers of paint are applied one to another, the transparent layers are applied to the basis. As a result, a variety of shades are obtained, a variety of depth and brightness of color. Paint with such a technique is diluted with water or solvent to get blurred, translucent strokes. The brushes should choose the average stiffness, as soft is difficult to mix the paint, and the tough will not provide proper application, but in any case, it is an individual moment if you are used to work with your brushes, you may be more convenient not to change your habit.

Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video

Decoupage Casket

Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video

Most often in this technique, wooden boxes are decorated, they can serve as an excellent gift for relatives or girlfriends, as well as well to have such an unusual accessory, which can become not only a convenient storage location of your jewelry, but also an unusual decoration of the interior. We bring to your attention a detailed master class on decorating the most inconspicuous box in this technique.

Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video

For work it is necessary to prepare:

  • wooden box;
  • printout pattern;
  • acrylic soil;
  • acrylic paints;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • Tassels;
  • various sponges, pieces of foam rubber;
  • A piece of sandpaper.

Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video

First you need to prepare the casket itself for applying the paint, you need to grind it to a smooth condition using sandwich.

Please note that the surface must be perfectly smooth so that the paint fell well and did not roll.

Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video

The lid on which the drawing will be applied to be cut off.

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Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video

Now the drawing must be glued to the surface of the cover. Top covered with varnish, starting work from the center of the picture to the edges.

Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video

With the help of sandpaper, we proceed the edges, smooth out all the irregularities, if necessary, you can turn the image to varnish again. Now we take the brightest tone of the palette chosen by us and cover the box, it will be the base.

The main color you need to scroll through the sidewalls and the bottom of our product, after the paint is dry, you need to cover the product with varnish. Sandage again remove all the irregularities and extra pieces of dried varnish.

Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video

We mix another 2-3 colors from the palette. In the paint you need to add more water so that it becomes completely liquid.

Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video

Brush when working should be wet. We recruit paint on the brush, unfin the paper. We start applying paint on the product. The brush should "go" parallel to the surface of the casket.

If the coating is dense, you can again moisten the brush in water, the more blurred the contours will turn out, it will be better. Excess water can be removed using a napkin.

Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video

In the same way, we apply the following shades, it is not necessary to wait for a complete drying of the previous layer, because the colors should be mixed with each other, and the contours must be blurred. Here you need to give freedom of your imagination, do not be afraid to experiment. Lesservation in decoupage is freedom of creativity, and not strictly limited framework. The face is desirable to handle with a sponge.

Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video

When the staining is completed, the product must be put aside and give it to dry.

After the paint is dry, the box should be covered with varnish, to handle emery paper. Treat the product with varnish and sandpaper until it becomes pleasant to the touch.

Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video

Here is such a beautiful casket with us, no one guesses what they did it with their own hands.

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Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video

Interesting Facts:

Fasteling in Decoupage: Master class with photos and video

  1. Very often, ordinary paper napkins with a pattern are used for decoupage, this material is quite thin and easily transferred to any surface;
  2. For decoupage it is not necessary to choose a wooden surface, it can be anything (skin, porcelain, metal, glass, and so on);
  3. Initially, this technique was invented by artists to decorate the frames of their paintings;
  4. With the help of decoupage, you can turn any old and unnecessary subject to an interesting interior decoration.

Video on the topic

If, after reading the article, you have left any questions and unclear moments or you just want to inspire new unusual ideas, we recommend that you see the lessons on the video proposed in the selection below. The main thing is to pay a little time, to show fantasy, and you can create unique interior items, gifts for relatives and loved ones or just your small artwork.

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