Bulk Heart Origami


Bulk Heart Origami

An unusual bulk paper from paper can be made in the origami technique and present a good friend or a loved one in valentine's form. The heart will look good as a decor for the house, and it is very simple to make it easier.


To make the free heart of origami, you need a double-sided sheet of paper of red.

Step 1 . Take the prepared sheet. It should be rectangular. The difference between the length and width of the figure should be 1 - 2 cm. Bend the paper at exactly in the middle, forming the fold line. Reconnect it again.

Bulk Heart Origami

Step 2. . The bottom of the rectangle is lowered, as shown in the photo. As a result, you have to get a square.

Bulk Heart Origami

Step 3. . Bend the square in half across the existing fracture line.

Bulk Heart Origami

Step 4. . One of the half of the triangle wrap the corner to the fold line. You must have a triangular bedroom.

Bulk Heart Origami

Bulk Heart Origami

Step 5. . Similar triangle form on the other hand.

Bulk Heart Origami

Step 6. . Turn the figure.

Bulk Heart Origami

Step 7. . The corners of the triangles from the fold line, bent outward, as demonstrated in the photo. This is necessary for the formation of the chances.

Bulk Heart Origami

Bulk Heart Origami

Step 8. . Outdoor corners of triangles. Bend to the center. Leave them in this position.

Bulk Heart Origami

Bulk Heart Origami

Step 9. . Paper corners from the central fold line again bent outward, closing the existing small triangles, and make them in the resulting pocket.

Bulk Heart Origami

Bulk Heart Origami

Step 10. . Specified in the photo Corners are groaning.

Bulk Heart Origami

Step 11. . Turn the heart.

Bulk Heart Origami

Step 12. . Finger through the center of the folding line, bend the top part to get the desired shape. If necessary, correct paper.

Bulk Heart Origami

Heart is ready.

Article on the topic: Heart of paper origami: how to make with a scheme and video

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