Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video


Among the gifts, the elements of clothing are popular among the gifts, but simply fold them in a bag, even if it is beautifully decorated, it is already considered a banal one. Therefore, craftsmen are looking for ways of unusual design of such cute little things. One of these options is a bouquet of clothes for a newborn.

The article contains a master class to create such a composition in several options, choose the one that is closer to you.

Composition of socks

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

It should be prepared:

  • socks, several pairs;
  • Thin wire 0.2-0.3 mm in diameter;
  • Floral ribbon of green shade;
  • For the decor you can buy twigs with leaves or make them from corrugated paper.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

We take one sock from the pair and wrap them into roses buds, ranging from the sock, as shown in the photo below. Remember, the number of colors in the end should turn out in an odd quantity, to do this from one pair to put aside, you can then lay it in the base of the bouquet.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

When you get to the gum, wrap in it the resulting flower. Remove the edges out for beauty.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

I pierce the segment of the thin wire of the flower across and tighten at the base. Thus, we strengthen the collected bud. Then we screw the sock to the thicker wire or to the skewer.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

Now, ranging from the base of the flower and all over the stalk, we pass by flora, covering the wire and imitating the stalk.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

Now we make a bouquet, combining suture roses with twigs, flowers alive or artificial. Wrap packing or corrugated paper. You can supplement the decor as desired. The composition itself can be left a bouquet in classic form, and can be placed in a box, a basket.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

Diverse kit

We will need:

  • Set of clothes you want to present (body, slips, whirls, socks, hats, etc.);
  • basket;
  • Sucks;
  • Floral felt (can corrugated paper, packaging, etc.);
  • Floral tape;
  • stapler;
  • glue-gun with rods;
  • base of foam;
  • Decor at your discretion.

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Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

We form rosettes from things around the skewers, which the flora can be saved in advance.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

We fix for the reliability of an elastic band for money, while we can attach an artificial branch with a leaflet.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

Close the base of the flower floral or atlas ribbon.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

We form a bouquet, decorating it with artificial or lively colors, another decor. Wrap a packaging paper.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

At this stage you can stay. But we suggest placing a foam base in a basket and collect a bouquet, a sticky spanks with roses from clothes into it. From felt we make envelopes, fixing them at the base of the stapler, and glue through the inner walls of the basket.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

The entire composition can be wrapped in a transparent or nailed mica, tagging a bow, but this is already like you want.

Diapero paradise

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

We take a diaper, fold it in two or three times. The edges of the received rectangle fold to the middle, so that the triangle turned out, and once again beging the side to the middle. And so until we get a bouton. At the base by fixing with a rubber band or satin ribbon. We take a basket and put a towel there, put the resulting flowers in it. Decorating at your discretion.

Flowers from clothing can be placed not only in the classic basket, but also Cachepie (mom as a gift), a decorative woven stroller, in a gift box.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

You can add to the bouquet toy as a decor and an additional gift.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

Or garlands on a crib or stroller, which will be needed by the time of donation.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

You can attach flowers to clothes from diapers. But it must be remembered that it is still the subject of personal hygiene, so my hands and work with them on a clean surface. And best, if the bouquet itself is closed with mica or it will be covered with each flower from the diaper. Watch it just like the items of clothing.

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Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

From the same diapers, you can make the basis for the bouquet. Just twist them and form a circle with an elastic band for money and satin tape. And already in this foundation stick the flowers from the clothes. Decorate the decor at will.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

It is not necessary to always fold clothes in perfect rollers, some of them do careless.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

More warm things, too, should not be afraid, it turns out just more volumetric buds, but it looks very cute too.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

But such bouquets will delight parents of diversified twins.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns do it yourself: master class with video

As can be seen from the master classes, the formation of buds is almost the same, but the decor allows you to show all the power of fantasy, do it yourself incredible compositions. You can decorate the standard decor in the form of colors, twigs. And it is better to add to the gift for the first year of the baby things (pacifiers, bottles, rattles, etc.). If in the house where you will suffer your gift, there are older children, then attach to the gift toys for their age or sweets. Be sure the family will be glad as a component of the bouquet, which can be periodically deployed, and every time it is to wait for a surprise and the desire.

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