Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video


Such compositions are a wonderful, original gift that is also suitable for the birthday of a child, and a woman, and to the wedding of newlyweds. The article will give master classes with step-by-step photos of bouquets from soft toys.

Marshmallow gift

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

We need to prepare:

  • Soft toys, in our case, these are bears - 3 pieces;
  • Watman Sheet;
  • a strong paper - 2-3 shades;
  • organza;
  • Tapes from satin;
  • Termoklay;
  • foam or ready base for a bouquet;
  • Artificial peonies.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

From Watman, cut the circle, the diameter of which is a little more base under the bouquet. A plate can be used as a template.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Cut from the circle a small triangle and glue its edges. We get a funnel.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

From the cut slicer, the size of the A4 sheet is twist the tube, it will serve us with a bouquet handle. At one end, we do the cap. With the help of them, secure on the glue handle to the base made earlier.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Cutting a strip of 12-14 cm wide, but a length of the circumference of the funnel. We put it in half and slightly stretch the edge of the bend.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Now we put on the edges of the funnel in such a way that the foundation edge is buried from the inside, and the outside. Again we use glue. From the outside, another cut of the same color is closed by a funnel and a handle.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

The treated foam or the finished base is covered with white spirits and put into the funnel. For better fastening, we use thermocons.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

The free edge of the inside is covered with a strip of strong paper with stretched edges.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

We attach the bears to the base.

You can turn the cut of the wire through the base of the toy and stick into the foam, but if it is not supposed to use toys for a direct purpose, then you can put on glue.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

The space between the bearings fill in colors.

Article on the topic: Macrame for beginners with schemes: Master class with photos and video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

From the organza, we cut the squares with the sides of 7 cm. We fold the kulets, as shown in the photo below.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

And fill in such blanks the edge of the bouquet of toys and flowers.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

The same kules can be made of white organza and decorate their beads. And to arrange the central part of the bouquet of both varieties of organza, and the middle will serve another flower.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Cut from a strong paper two cuts from different shades, stretch the lower and upper edge. Wrap a bouquet base stripes. Secure all ribbons.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Marshmallow bouquet made with their own hands ready.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

For boy

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

In this bouquet will be used shades of blue and yellow, which is undoubtedly suitable for a gift for a gift. However, you can change the color gamut and make a bouquet for the girl.

We will need all the same materials as for the previous master class, the only thing that will require 6 toys and some decor.

How to make the basis for a bouquet of Watman step by step, see above. The basis is covered with a cut of a blue fortress paper, slightly stretching the edge.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Decorate the inner edge of the base of the mesh strip, lace or guipure.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

The central part is filled with decorative feathers of yellow shades.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Attach with wire toys to a row from the grid. Here the glue is better not to use, as it is assumed that the child can play dogs.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Two central dogs fasten the wire back to the back.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Take a small piece of foam, wrap the segment of the watman and fasten the paired toys on it. Free gaps Fill with mesh tools.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

We place the central workpiece in the middle of the bouquet and cover with feathers, connecting them using a thermoclaus.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

The outdoor part of the bouquet is decorating with a glassmag, a grid and an additional decor as desired.

Sweet bouquet

Such an option is suitable even to newlyweds for a wedding or anniversary. Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • three soft toys;
  • Candy box, in our version it is "Raphaello";
  • crepe paper;
  • organza;
  • basket, preferably in the shape of a heart, but it is not fundamentally;
  • Termoklay;
  • wire;
  • packing grid;
  • Satin tape and braid.

Article on the topic: Beading bracelets with schemes: Easy master class with photos and video

To begin with, we wanted a basket outside the golden fastener paper, the lower edge can cover the tape into the tone and decorate with semobusins, and the upper bend inside the basket. We use thermocons.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Cut the squares from the grid and take the inner surface with them.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Place the segments, as shown in the photo below.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Another row is made from the grid kules.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

The handle of the baskets is covered with an atlantic ribbon 2,5 cm wide. From above, let the gold - 0.5-1 cm.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Now we will make filling the basket. If it is deep, then so that the candy box is not drowning, you can glue a piece of foam, wrapped in paper.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

In this embodiment, toys will join the box. To do this, on the lower legs, glue the bilateral scotch strips and attach to the packing of candies.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

As a decor, we use artificial roses, placing them with glue on the free edge of the grid.

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

Bouquet ready!

Bouquet of soft toys: photo of the article Stephane in a master class with video

As you can see, the manufacture of such compositions does not take much time, does not require special skills and exorbitantly expensive materials. To search for ideas and inspiration, see the video selection below.

Video on the topic

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