Fabric for a gazebo - its types and features


If you are the owner of the country site, it is sooner or later, after the construction of the house will come a place for recreation room. It can be a gazebo, a veranda or a terrace where you can breathe fresh air and enjoy a wonderful landscape.

Next, we will talk about tissues that will allow you to equip the place of rest, make it cozy and comfortable.

Fabric for a gazebo - its types and features

Gazebo, decorated with dark curtains

Why do you need fabrics for terraces and arbors

Resting in a gazebo in the summer, you will probably need protection from the sultry sun or from insects. In a cooler, autumn season, the recreation area will be comfortable if it can protect against rain and wind. For these purposes, all sorts of curtains and curtains are used.

In addition, fabrics for arbors are a great way to design a place of rest. With it, you can make a gazebo or a veranda more attractive and stylish.

Types of fabrics for arbors

Fabric for arbors and veranda There are two main species that apply depending on the tasks and season sets.

  • Decorative fabric used for decoration, protection about the sun and insects.
  • Fabric to protect against rain and wind.

Now consider in detail both of these species.

Fabric for a gazebo - its types and features

Light fabric curtains on the veranda

Fabric curtains

Curtains for arbors and veranda of fabric look very beautifully and give the zone a special comfort. However, it is possible to apply them only if the object is used in the summer.


Using textiles, you can place a room in the style of country.

Especially popular recently is an acrylic water-repellent fabric, which will certainly please you during the summer rain. In addition, it protects well from the Sun and is characterized by simplicity in care, because dust does not absorb. Contaminated fabric can be simply rinsed with soap solution, after which it will look again as a new one.

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Separate attention should be paid to the Blakout fabric, which will create a solitude atmosphere in the recreation area, as it does not miss the sunlight. However, choosing such a material, you refuse to enjoy the surrounding nature.

If you use transparent fabric curtains for arbors and veranda, they will not only protect from the Sun, but also create a romantic atmosphere, as if you are somewhere on the sea coast. For example, a good option is the linen fabric curtains.

Fabric for a gazebo - its types and features

Bamboo curtain

Those who want to embody a more unusual solution should pay attention to the curtains from bamboo. Externally, they differ little from the Roman curtains, but lighter and practical, can fit into any interior, including gazebos.


Instead of curtains, you can use horizontal or vertical bamboo blinds.

PVC protective curtains

Often it is necessary that the curtains in the gazebo perform not only the decorative function, but also protected from wind and rain. For these purposes, a water-winding fabric is used for PVC gazebo, based on the curtains. Sometimes this cloth is tested and the arbors themselves.

Fabric for a gazebo - its types and features

Protective transparent curtains

This version of the decor will make it comfortably feeling, even being in a gazebo in the cold season. In addition, with the help of plastic curtains, you can implement the most unimaginable creative ideas regarding the interior design.


An excellent option for designing the arbor is the use of indoors of textile curtains, and outside plastic.

In this case, the furniture will be safe even during the scorching sun or rain, but the comfort will be preserved.

Despite the fact that products from polyvinyl chloride are distinguished by density and durability, over time they can lose a presentable appearance as a result of frequent openings and closures.

To solve this problem, manufacturers began to produce rolled curtains, which will satisfy the most demanding owners of the arbor and veranda. They are a moisture-proof tight fabric, which turns into a compact roll using an electric drive or manually.

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Fabric for a gazebo - its types and features

Curtains for the street

PVC curtains are represented in the market with a wide variety of colors. Including and transparent options that allow you to leave the openings to enter the daylight and observation of the surrounding nature.

Thanks to these curtains, it is possible to extend rest in a gazebo during the cold season with the help of heating devices, since the curtains are well preserved heat. There is nothing difficult for this material, since it is easily cleaned by a conventional detergent or soap solution.

At one time it was believed that the environmental characteristics of this material are very dubious. However, modern methods of manufacture allow producing products are absolutely safe for human health.

Fabric for a gazebo - its types and features

Lightproof curtains


The temperature mode at which plastic curtains can be operated is in the range from -30 to 70 degrees Celsius.

The only drawback of the product is excessive hermetic. If the curtains have long been kept closed, then the indoors will be felt in the room. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to air the gazebo, especially on hot days. To do this, just raise the curtains.

Fabric for a gazebo - its types and features

Roll curtains

But the advantages of the product has a lot, among which you can allocate the main:

  • Durability and wear resistance;
  • Resistance to sharp change change;
  • Resistance to the effects of sun rays;
  • Service life, if the instruction manual is followed, can reach 14 years;
  • The material is not difficult to care for;
  • During storage, the material is not afraid of the chances;
  • Affordable price product;
  • The ability to choose curtains of any shape, size, colors and with different kit kit.

Fabric for a gazebo - its types and features

Accessories for curtains and awnings

Articles on the topic:

  • Street curtains for arbors and veranda
  • Fabric for street curtains
  • Curtains PVC

Features of mounting curtains for veranda and arbors

There are several types of curtains for arbors:

  • The most popular is the installation on rotary brackets or brackets with strap . The main advantage of this attachment is the ability to withstand even strong winds.

    Curtains in this case can be partially closed and open, removed, or wrapped into a roll, which is located above the gazebo. Clauses with this installation are installed along the contour of the entire opening.

  • In addition, the fastening of street curtains can be performed using a guide with rollers or a cable with a carbine . This option implies a horizontal location, similar to the location of indoor curtains from textiles.

    In addition, products made to order can be equipped with lightning, rolling systems, belts, etc., regardless of the type of installation, to attach them with their own hands will not be difficult.

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Fabric for a gazebo - its types and features

In the photo - decoration of the gazebo green curtains

How to make a gazebo curtains

If you dream to arrange in your own Garden "Paradise", then you should consider the option to decorate the gazebos not only with curtains, but also all sorts of canopies and other textiles. Especially impressive, as mentioned above, it looks like a combination of PVC curtains with tissue curtains.

Also, the presence of the canopy will be appropriate if bamboo or Roman curtains are used in the gazebo. Due to their diverse design, you can create a very cozy atmosphere indoors.

The most festive look, perhaps, light light curtains from gas fabrics. Curtains with draperies and various drawings look less festively, but they can emphasize the feature of the exterior of the room.

If plastic curtains are used on the terrace or veranda, then you should not think that it is impossible to embody interesting design. To add the premises of the coziness, inside the design you can hang fabric light curtains in combination with other textiles indoors. In addition, plastic curtains themselves are often decorated with all sorts of decorative elements.


To select a fabric for a veranda, terrace or arbors, it is necessary to first decide on the design destination and its interior. Ideally, it is best to use two types of curtains - on holidays can be surprised by the friends of the beauty of "possessions" underlined with tissue curtains, and in everyday life to use reliable protective curtains.

Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.

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