Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos


Children are very often like to make something with their own hands. But what if the fantasy of parents on the idea of ​​dried up? Unconventional materials can come to the rescue. We offer you ideas how to make crafts for children from cotton disks with your own hands. In the article will be given examples and master classes for a collaborative creativity.

Pictures and panels

This is perhaps the very first thing that comes to mind, where you can use such an unusual material. For example, a postcard for the new year. Taking a couple of cotton discs, we glue them to a substrate from dense cardboard, cut out additional parts from colored paper.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

You can go on and as in the photo above to make both drifts, and trees using cotton disks. But this can get out the main acting face of the holiday - Santa Claus.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

By March 8, you can please the women's women by making flowers, as demonstrated below. To do this, stain with six cotton discs with water mixed with paint. After drying, we glue three disks in normal form, and we glit three others for the middle, the edges bend the top, giving the shape of the flower. Stem and leaves cut out of colored paper.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

You can create a whole picture or panel with swans using only cotton disks and paint.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

Roses, daisies and other

Next will be described how to make flowers from cotton discs. Let's start with so loved by many ladies of roses.

Prepare for this:

  • cotton discs;
  • wire;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • gouache and brush;
  • Hair laying varnish.

Cut the wire on the segments of the length that you have chosen for stems of colors. We take several cotton disks and tear them (shown in the figure below). We wind by these pieces of wire, for reliability we fasten glue.

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Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

Cut from cotton leaves leaves. You can cut to the eye, and maybe according to the template taken from the Internet.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

Now we have a green gouache stalk and leaves from all sides.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

We assume all the billets towards sleeping, but while we will deal directly with buds. The first cotton disk is folded into the tube, it will serve as a middle. We fasten glue.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

The rest of the cottage discs are glued only for the base in the brassiness to each other. It is enough to make two rows of three and five "petals". Of course, if you want to continant, add cotton discs. At the end slightly flexing the petals outside.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

We glue a bud to the dried stalk. Cover the base with leaves.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

You can, taking advantage of red gouache, make red roses. Or that shade what you like.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

"Woman's happiness"

In the proposed master class Made panel, but you can make a bouquet for a vase using the same technique.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

We will need:

  • Plasticine and stacks;
  • gouache;
  • cotton wheels and wands;
  • black cardboard;
  • beans;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

We take cotton discs, fold twice and, drawing the outline of the petal, cut out with scissors.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

Now take cotton wands and one tip will be free from the wool. And the other perch in yellow paint.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

Watch the wand in the petal, fasten the edge with glue. The skeleton itself from the base of the bud closes green plasticine.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

Next, on black cardboard, we draw the outlines of the pot and foliage with a stroke.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

And now the plasticine of the corresponding color fill the drawing. Using the stack, mark the foliage pattern.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

We distribute buds on the leaves. Covered with brown plasticine zone of soil.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

We cover the entire surface of the pot light plasticine. Top laying beans.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

Our panel is ready.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

New Year decoration

Again will return to the subject of this spiritual, family and unifying holiday. In many families, there is a tradition before the new year to gather everyone together and make the toys for the Christmas tree and the decor of the house. We propose to make such a Christmas tree from cotton disks.

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Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

To create such beauty, you will need: cotton wheels, beads, ribbons, sequins, scissors, stapler, glue, cardboard.

To begin with, we will deal with the preparation of "needles". For this, the disc is folded twice in half and from the side of the scene by the stapler. There are many such items, so be patient and make them better in advance.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

Now from the cardboard we turn the cone. It will be our head of the Christmas tree. For greater reliability from the inside, the bottom can be glued with a braid or tape. Starting from the base, Sadim on the glue coiled triangles from cotton disks in one direction.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

In some triangles we place beads. Confirm with glue.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

Now cut two stars from paper. In the middle of each beam, from the top to the center, we carry out a line, which is then making bends. Thus, we attach the volume of FIG. We glue two blanks, while at the base we attach the toothpick. Let's put on the tip of the Christmas tree. Decorate to your taste.

Crafts for children from cotton disks do it yourself with photos and videos

This is not all the possibility of using cotton discs in creativity. It is worth trying to you and your child, and you definitely not be able to stop your fantasy. For greater inspiration, we suggest familiar with the video selection below.

Video on the topic

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