Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo


What a wonderful reason to make a gift is the birth of a child. Someone will give objects of clothing, someone developing toys, pacifiers, bottles, etc. And someone wants to present such a necessary present, like diapers, but to give just a pack will be very simple. Therefore, we suggest you make a bike from diapers, so your gift will bring and benefit, and an element of surprise.

Two-wheeled transport

You will need:

  • diapers;
  • Thin diapers from cotton in the tone of the whole composition (in this master class it is green) - 2 pieces;
  • terry towels 50 90 cm - 2 pieces;
  • Rock (bottle);
  • Soft toy not more than 30 cm high;
  • socks in size from 0 to 3 months;
  • Blouse with long sleeves and sliders - size 56-62;
  • tank with high walls and a small diameter (saucepan, for example);
  • Pins and gum for money;
  • Satin tapes of yellow and green shades - 1.5 and 2.5 centimeters width;
  • scissors;
  • Mica (can be purchased in floral stores).

To begin with, we make wheels for our bike. For this, we take 14-15 diapers on one wheel and lay them into the container, and the gum must be inside.

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

When the item is ready, we take it away from the tank halfway and bandage the elastic across. We take a green satin ribbon and pulling the design through the wheel hole. Fix pins.

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Put the blanks to the side and take a diaper. Of these, we will make the steering wheel. Fresh all rubber bands. The edges of the diaper is better to hide inside.

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

The diaper that will be the steering wheel, we draw into the hole of one ring, which are different in the second wheel, and the free ends hide in the opening of the front. We will prelay tires from terry towels that fix with yellow ribbons and pins.

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Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

To the top of the wheels we put folded twice the pants, the heel to the back of the structure. Putting a blouse over the sliders. In the space between the wheels and in their hole we lay diapers.

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

On the front wheel put the rope and around it we fasten a diaper that performs the role of the steering wheel. On his ends we put socks.

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Behind the wheel Sadim our toy. We pack a gift in the mica.

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Three-wheeled model

Now we will make this unit:

To make a craft, you will need almost all the same, but only the whirl will need from the clothes.

We twine on the same principle as in the previous version, three wheels. We will blame them with one wide blue ribbon.

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

We fold the diapers into the tube, one of them permeate the thread and proceed into the wheels, as shown in the photo below.

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

The second roll from the diaper is done in the front wheel.

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

On the front wheel lay the whirl, then the bottle, on top of the second slot one of another coloring.

Wrap a second diaper that fix the rubber band. On the ends of the steering wheel put on socks.

Decorating the steering wheel with a beautiful bow. You can also put a toy as in the previous version.

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Bike on stand

If you want to give diapers more or just bought a pack of more and left too much, then we propose to make a stand. How the bike itself is done, step by step is described in the second example.

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

For the stand, we make a circle of diapers with this diameter so that it can be placed on it. Decorating the base of the base with socks, fastened pins.

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

In the center of the center you can put additional gifts.

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

We put a bike on the stand.

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Similarly, we can put a toy and add some need for a baby with a decor. Packing in the mica.

Such a stand can be multi-tier. It all depends on how many diapers are at your disposal.

Other options

The diapers for the wheels can be folded not only in the tank, but simply each separately twisted into the rolls, secure the rubber band. And from several such rolls to form wheels.

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Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Bicycle can be made four-wheeled, although rather it looks like a quad.

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Bike from diapers do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

As you can see, make a bike from diapers with their own hands will not be difficult for even a novice master or generally a person far from creativity. And if the formation of the base from the wheels and the frame is almost the same in all cases, then in terms of decor and applying additional gifts you have full space for activity. These are various rattling toys, and details of clothing, and diaper, and bottles of nipples, etc., etc.

We are sure, you should do and give such a song, the next time you will have such an opportunity, you will know what to do. And maybe make some new figures from diapers. For example, a train, stroller, cake, machine, bear, baskets, etc. Several such options can be viewed in the selection of the video below. And what delight you will meet at the celebration, do not convey words.

Video on the topic

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