How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video


Topiary - artificially created sculpture, resembling a growing tree - an excellent idea for decorating the house or gift creation. In the modern world, the working generation of women does not have time to do the needlework, and in the confusion of life it is difficult to collect my thoughts and understand what I would like to be new. This article provides information, how to make topiary with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions with photos convince you of ease of creating these crafts.

After all, only man-made things make individuality and reveal the character of the house, create a mood and fill with admiration over the work done by all the guests and owners themselves. Topiary for beginners with step-by-step photo-material is done quickly and simple.

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

Basics of creation

To work on topiary, you will have to start the crust, because we will need a material for the crown, trunk, an unnecessary container and a filler for the container so that the trunk is tightly held into the base. In the house of each needlewoman always exists than to decorate the elements of Topiaria. It can be food, natural and artificial materials.

From the natural, you can highlight the most commonly used products - leaves, coffee, pasta, cones, berries, fresh and dried flowers.

Amazing fluffy balls are obtained from paper, decorated with decorative bows from ribbons, beads, rhinestones.

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

The base of the crown can take any forms: a plastic or foam ball, a ball or hearts that are cut out of a piece of foam or fold from the sheets of newspapers.

Consider a small master class on a light example of creating a romantic sculpture for lovers.

Heart for loved ones

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

Stage 1. Come up with the design of your crafts, collect material.

We need a piece of foam, stationery knife, stick, paper or white napkins, corrugated paper pink or red paper, glass, cloth for decorating glass, cement, thin wand and glue.

Cut out the heart of the desired size from the foam. A stick that serves a trunk, wind the napkin, we apply glue to secure on the end. Freaky stick to foam. The glass is wrapped with a cloth, we glue the ends to the inside of our received pot, garden trunk with a heart and pour the cement solution. We are waiting for complete drying.

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How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

Stage 2. Decorating the crown of Topiaria. The final part of the work is performed in the technique of carrying the corrugated paper with the help of glue to the surface of the foam. For this, the paper should be cut into squares by a side of 2 cm. After that, a thin wand is taken, pieces are wound on the end, a little glue is applied and sent to the foam. One square after another and The thick of the better. Decorated with bows of ribbons and beads. The principle of operation is not at all difficult and will not require a lot of time.

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

Coffee break

Topiary from certain items turns into a symbol. For example, a coffee tree is a find for coffee makers. Friends, loved ones and even colleagues can be surprised by such a gift. Its appearance is beyond and real grains will still smell some time.

Topicia from coffee is easiest to collect on the ball, and glue on the glue without smell. For example, on a thermoclay of a pistol.

Try a couple of grains to glue for skill, because the glue initially flows a lot. And any smell glue can spoil the impression.

It will look very stylish if you decorate a coffee shop by sacking and beige sisal, ordinary twine. You can add small postcards and write warm words on them with your beloved. Such a drawing creates a warm decor in the kitchen and configures on spiritual conversations.

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

Autumn mood

Bright crafts from the leaves make an aroma of autumn to the house. And Topiaria from the autumn bouquets look lush. Maple leaves, rowan sprigs, autumn flowers, chrysanthemums can be easily inserted into foam stems. Maple leaves make buds of roses and glued to crowns. You can decorate bouquets with ventricles, artificial fruit. Also such crafts can be done with children for contests in kindergarten. Autumn bouquets certainly create a warm mood. And after the time of time, so that they do not spit, the Topiary can be covered by paint from the title.

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How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

How to make topiary with your own hands: Step by step instructions with photos and video

Video on the topic

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