Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples


Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

I bring to your attention a pick-up recipe for modeling crafts and other interesting things. I myself tried something to sculpt in my time, and I even got it. Therefore, I want to share your knowledge.

Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

The main "working recipe" for simple crafts:

For 1 cup flour take half of the salt and half of the glass of water. At the same time, flour and salt weight take the same number of grams, but in the volume of flour more, therefore half the glass of salt on a glass of flour comes out.

Salted Dough Recipe for Thin Details:

To the main, working recipe, add a tablespoon of starch, or wallpaper glue, or PVA glue, and the wallpaper glue must be pre-breed with water in a standard proportion.

Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

Recipe for strong salt dough for large crafts:

A glass of flour, a glass of salt, half a glass of water.

Test recipe for thin parts:

A half a cup of flour, half of a glass of salt, 4 tablespoons of glycerin, sold in pharmacies, 2 tablespoons of glue for wallpaper (pre-divorced water). It is possible to mix the most qualitatively a mixer - this is quick and the composition is successful.

Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

How to get color dough:

Salted dough perfectly tinted with watercolor, food dyes, gouache. If you add cocoa, you can get a magnificent chocolate color. Please note that when drying the product, the color will become somewhat lighter, less bright, so it is necessary after drying, cover the product with varnish - the color will become brighter and rich.

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How to cut flour

You can not take flour with additives - bustle and yeast, so be sure to read the composition! Only ordinary flour, otherwise it turns out a cake? Rises and there will be a bunch.

Take the salt shallow, extr.4. Crupins are quickly dissolved and perfectly included in the flour. Stone salt dissolves well and can give grains. First mix salt with flour, and then tosses the water!

Water is recommended to take cold , pour to the test mixed with salt, parts so that the dough is high-quality kneading.

Store the kneaded dough follows the polyethylene package so that there is no air access. In the air, the dough is covered with a crust, and this is not worth it. Get the dough for modeling the package also follows parts to work with fresh material.

Salted Test Tools

The rolling pin - for rolling the dough, knife - for cutting the required pieces of the test, comb is good to make relief patterns, the rod from the gel handle is easy to extrude holes in the test.

Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

Stamps can be made from everything that comes at hand. For example, some buttons, burlap, molds from children's sets for games in the sand, knobs for forks and knives from sets. Spaciousness for creativity is limited only by your fantasy and the presence of things in the house.

How to dry the crafts from salt dough

one Put the oven for the minimum temperature.

2. If the temperature is not regulated, then make a minimum of fire and open the door of the oven (for gas stoves)

3. Place the product in a cold oven, warming should occur gradually, without sudden drops. Similarly, itching the product should be inside the oven, after it is turned off.

four Some masters recommend driving in stages, making breaks between drying. It is believed that so the product will become stronger. For example, the hour dries in the oven, the day dries itself, then turn on the oven again and another hour is dry, then again the day is dried at room temperature.

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five The time required for drying a particular product depends on the mass of flour, on the sized craft.

Coloring and lacquer

Paints can be taken any, acrylic, watercolor, gouache, that you are closer, then use. Covering the paint on top of the best acrylic varnish, but will go and lacquer for construction, on a water basis, for wooden surfaces.

Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

If the product has occurred or crackled

If it fade So the flour is taken wrong. The best option is flour without additives. For better coupling, flour can be added to wheat rye, in proportion 1 to 1, or 50 grams of starch, it will give the test with the necessary plasticity. You can also add a tablespoon of the construction glue of PVA to the dough.

Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

If cracked So the process of the ears was not on technology. Ideally, it is best if the product dries at room temperature, itself, without any furnaces. But in this case, the duration of the drying can be more than a week. We do not want to wait, so you can dry at the minimum temperature in the oven if it is electric. Or with a dutched door, at minimum gas, if it is gas. At the same time, it is still important to turn the product to dry evenly. Each hour and a half you need to turn the craft from the dough during the drying process, otherwise it can crack.

Collect the cracker follows after its dry dryer Otherwise, the paint can also crack due to the tests of the test, not fully dried.

If you have something fell off, then glue it with a construction glue PVA. Keeps perfect!

These are all the main secrets of the kneading dough. For crafts. Otherwise, experience will come with each other product. Create and delight the world with your handmade products!

Idea - a candlestick made of salted dough

Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

I missed such a needlework for a very long time, like a salty dough modeling. And this is despite the fact that I was always interested in the ceramics and polymer clay (plastic), but the salt dough went around the party. Then somehow went information from different sides and I even tried to sculpt myself. I liked it, confused only that the finished product can not be dried instantly. However, salty dough gave a lot of opportunities for the manufacture of various items for the interior - not only decorative, but also utilitarian.

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If you like to create products for home and interior, then you also need to try to make crafts from salt dough! For example, it is possible to make such a candlestick for a tea candle, and you can add something in the design of the candlestick - the painting or decoration.

Infographics for salty test for beginners

Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

Salted dough is just a unique material for those who love to sculpt. From it you can make a lot of beautiful things for the house: candlesticks, panels, souvenirs, everyday things. You may seem difficult to make ceramics from clay, but with a salt dough work much easier!

Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

Seals from salt dough - Frog

Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

Lovers of salty dough modeling: Very good master class from Kanokhna Svetlana.

So, how to make such a cute frog (looks like ceramic). I really want to learn this technique modeling. Until I have only a candlestick and fish, and the tail in the process of drying fell from the fish.

Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

We form a torso.

Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

We pay attention to the details.

Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

The frog is still in the "disassembled" form.

Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

All parts of the crafts glue with water in a mixture with PVA glue.

Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

Porous skin can be shaped with toothpick.

Salted dough for modeling crafts - recipe and examples

Here is such a beautiful craft of a frog from a salt dough from us. It can be done with the child.

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