Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions


Specified make the craft to school or in kindergarten to the exhibition? Adults are most often not difficult for the process of helping the child, but it is difficult to come up with an idea of ​​creating some kind of unique product. This article will be devoted to the crafts from the napkins with their own hands. Napkins are very versatile material for crafts. Some advantages in accessibility and low cash costs. They are easy to turn, arid, they are used in decoupage of objects, and species of colors and drawings on them allow you to expand the entire range of products from them.

Crafts from napkins you can take the children in their free time. For them, it will be a fun game in which there is a deep meaning in the development of the child of the amazingness, imagination and creative taste.

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Let's start with simple

What children's work can be offered? The simplest creative task for children - paintings created with napkins Technique technique or mosaic, as well as ordinary appliqué.

For this we need cardboard, plasticine, PVA glue, directly napkins, idea of ​​the picture.

The usual applique of paper looks flat. If adding to dandelions, for example, cut circles from the napkins, cut them out and fluff out, then this will add volumes of buds and the craft will become unusual.

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

The drawing may not be very difficult: it can be a conventional flower or a whole field, a picture of a sun with clouds, the main thing is that the drawing skills do not need at all, the main thing is the scheme. In our modern world, you can simply print drawings and use any finished coloring.

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Traveling technology is a painstaking way to glue small squares of napkins, side from 1-2 cm. On a sheet of cardboard, a picture is drawn or a printed pattern is pasted. PVA glue is applied to the part of the pattern or the thick layer of plasticine is applied. After that, on a thin wand, it turns out pieces of napkins and go to glue. The sticks are cleaned and sticking tubes remain on the surface. In this way, the applications very realistically create lilac bouquets or chrysanthemums. It remains only to pick up the color of the napkins. Leaves and stems, as well as separate items cut out of ordinary colored paper.

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Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Mosaic is almost the same as the carriage. Only pieces of paper hands twisted into balls and glue on glue. Napkins can be selected by colors and glue from them various volumetric landscapes.

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Not leaving the topics of the torch, it is possible to make such crafts on a piece of plasticine, volume figures. To do this, you just need to roll Placinlin to the ball or to compose cylinders and balls for the animal body. Such types of work can be made to an exhibition or a children's competition. Create thematic figures on the type of snowmen, animals.

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Interesting figures

Another quick way of crafts from napkins, almost does not require any tools, is origami. From simple paper or from napkins, you can add figures of transport, animals, plants and even rolled out the figures of people. Although to do them, you need an instruction, and an ordinary fantasy will no longer be even an adult. Several examples in the photo:

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Paper napkins made roses buds. The color palette allows you to make them as close as possible to the present, for example, red roses with green leaves.

Flowers from napkins are used to create crowns of toopiaris and suspended balls, hearts. Such crafts came up with masters for decorating table settings on holidays and home decoration in everyday life. Products are chic.

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Paper flowers are made or in Origami technique, or in a simple way.

Magnificent gloves, reminiscent of peonies and carnations, are obtained, if you fold the napkins, as shown in the photo below, first the harmonica along, then in half. In the middle, tie the thread, and better with a soft long wire, wrapped in a napkin. Cut the edges with scissors and gently beatenly beaten "petals", straightening the buds of colors.

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Make more such buds with wire and stick them into a foam ball, and you can simply hang on a beautiful ribbon or use when creating topiary and happiness trees. This is an excellent idea for the decor of the premises, which will give the interior of the tenderness home. Such crafts can be made in the form of decoration on the table or present a girl as a gift.

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Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

Crafts from napkins do it yourself for children with photos and video instructions

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