Public Color Transplant Rules


Plants in the house - it is always beautiful and cozy. And if you decide to use flowers in pots as a decor, buy in Moscow and other cities, they are absolutely not difficult - online shopping, floral shops and markets offer a huge selection of a wide variety of options.

But buy a plant is not even fellow. Even behind the most unpretentious "green friends" you need to care for. And many really care about them - watered, fertilize, acquire special lamps to ensure proper lighting, forgetting about one of the main elements of the reconnaissance.

How to transplant flower in another pot: Step-by-step instructions

When do you need to relocate plants from old pots?

Young plants should transplant each spring, and after 3-4 years - once every two or three years . This applies to almost all domestic flowers, except as cacti - they can live in one pot until 5-6 years.

There are several signs that make it clear that the transplant is necessary:

  • The flower grows too slowly or at all stopped in growth;
  • Soil dries too quickly after watering;
  • the appearance of pests or signs of the disease;
  • The roots look out of the soil of the drainage hole.

The best season for transplantation is spring. At this time, many species ends the rest period, and for successful growth and development they need a new nutrient soil. . Also, many flower flowers are focused on the lunar calendar, preferring to update the dwellings of their green pupils during the growing moon, especially avoiding such procedures during the New Moon.

If you have just purchased a new plant, especially on the market - it is worth it to immediately transplant it to a new pot, regardless of the time of year. Exception - buying in specialized online and offline outlets, where they refer to each flower.

To postpone the transplantation on the next season, if floral buds have ringed.

Selection of soil and pot

The soil for plants can be done by itself, but it is best to purchase a ready-made option in the store. There are universal mixtures, but it is better to choose specially intended for specific species . In stores a large selection of various options - for succulents and cacti, for ficuses, roses, coniferous, decorative-hardware etc.

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In no case do not take the land from your own garden, or even worse - from the common yard. It is not enough nutrients, and a variety of pests are abundant.

Pots are of different sizes and shapes, plastic, wood, clay. Some are equipped with drainage systems and autopoligas. The size of the new pot must be somewhat more than that of the previous one. If a plant has already grew before in it, a pretty worn with hot water capacitance with soap.

How to transplant flower in another pot: Step-by-step instructions

Rules of transplant

Transplantation should be well prepared. The table on which you will produce all manipulations are made by glue or newspapers, and do not forget about protective gloves.

Transplanting sequence:

  • Prepare a new pot, put on the bottom of the drainage - ceramzite, gravel, clay shards;
  • Remove the plant from the old pot together with the earthen room;
  • Inspect the roots, if necessary, clean them completely from the Earth;
  • Transfer the plant into a new container and pour fresh soil;
  • compact land;
  • Pour the plant.

In most cases, the plant is transplanted with an old earthen room, but if there are signs of infection by pests, it is worth completely removing the entire land and rinse the roots. Digid, damaged areas are removed anyway.

After transplantation, the plant is placed in a shaded place for several days, and then return to where it stood before the transplant.

Instruction prepared with the participation of florists of the online store of flowers in pots -

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