Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos


Your child is inquisitive and interested in everything around? Wonderful! Good parents will not just be rejected by this fact, but also in every way to encourage and support the undertakings of a small "lap." The baby has already seen how it rains, snow and hail. He knows how the wind blows and the thunderstorm begins. Surprise it and show the current eruption of a volcano without leaving home. An excellent version of joint creativity and interesting pastime with a child is the manufacture of a volcano with their own hands.

There are many ways to manufacture a volcanic. And in the decoration of this interesting handicraft there are no borders for fantasy. Consider the most common options for producing a volcano at home.

Manufacturing Product

If there is no plasticine, plaster and other finished mixtures at hand, you will come to help salt and flour. The volcano of salt dough can be made for reusable, in this case, it is possible to enjoy the exciting spectacle of the eruptions.

To do this, you will need:

  1. Colored paper;
  2. Cardboard;
  3. PVA glue";
  4. Vinegar and soda;
  5. Scissors;
  6. Flour 400 g;
  7. Salt small 200 g;
  8. Water 150 ml;
  9. Gouache;
  10. Glass glass.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Pervamm business will prepare salt dough. To do this, combine salt and flour. Gradually pouring water, dress the dough. It should be homogeneous.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

To prepare the "foot" of our volcano, it is necessary to glue a sheet of cardboard and colored paper of green.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

When the cardboard gets dry, put a glass into his center, it will play the role of the crater. Around the glass lay the dough and evenly distribute.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Give our billet and outline of the volcano. Create a relief, as close as possible to the natural relief of the mountains and rocks. After, let's dry by our billet.

There are two options: either wait 2 days, or dry in the oven for 20 minutes at a low temperature.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

After the dough is dry, proceed to staining. Falling the volcano with green gouache.

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Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Try to play with shades, the result will turn out more interesting.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Next, they paint the volcano himself. Gray, brown and black paints will help create a realistic color relief.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

We give paint to dry, after which we are applied to our lucky leaving. To do this, you will need red, allay and orange paints.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Getting Started by the second stage of our experiment. To the most interesting stage - eruption! In the "Zherlo" volcano, smear several spoors of soda. Add a little red gouache into vinegar.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Caution with a thin flower pour vinegar. A mixture of soda and vinegar enters a chemical reaction, and you observe a unique phenomenon - an eruption of a volcano, right at your home.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Another option

The detailed master class of production of the volcanic of plasticine will not lead, since the difference with the previous method is only in the material from which the relief of the volcano. Accordingly, instead of salt dough, we take plasticine and with its help we excite the volcano.

For a more realistic view, you can take plasticine of different colors (gray, brown, black, etc.) and, mixing them, create a mountain relief.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Paper handicraft

No less interesting than the two previous ones is the method of manufacturing a volcano from Papier-Masha. Perhaps this technique is the least costly.

The newspaper is rotable on small pieces, and a sheet of paper is cut into a strip of 1.5 cm wide.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

With the help of glue, fasten the bottle, with a cropped neck, on a sheet of thick cardboard. After that, we glue paper strips in a circle, as shown in the photo.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Where the lumens are too big, we sink strips and vertically.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

In the tray, pour PVA glue (or hubber) and, carefully wet pieces of the newspaper, we glue the prepared framework.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

For the strength of our layout, you should make a minimum of 2-3 papier-mache layers. The last layer is no longer made of newspapers, but from white paper.

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Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

After all layers are carefully dried, you can start decorative decoration of the volcano. Turn on the fantasy and let the will of the child's fantasy.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

You can familiarize yourself with this method in more detail by looking at the video selection at the end of the article. Also familiarize yourself with the various methods of producing a volcano, such as a volcano of paper, from gypsum on a wire frame and so on.

Summing up, we can say that the methods of manufacturing a volcano at home is really a lot. We only reviewed the most common, you can experiment and make something completely unexpected. Make a volcano from the mounting foam, plaster, plaster, foamflast. Spend a longer and exciting work and together with the child, create a real Park of dinosaurs, in the center of which will be located volcano. Decorate your park with trees, small pebbles and, of course, dinosaurs. It is worth noting that this unusual spectacle from the priests can be demonstrated in a children's day of birth, in kindergarten or in the school competition of projects. Children always remain delighted with such experiments.

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Volcano do it yourself from soda and vinegar with video and photos

Give the will of fantasy and wake a child in yourself. Joint creativity with children gives a lot of emotions and impressions.

Video on the topic

Volcano from salt dough:

Plasticine volcano:

Volcano from paper and papier mache:

Gypsum volcano, on wire frame:

Beautiful experiment:

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