Crocheted panels for kitchen with schemes


Crocheted panels for kitchen with schemes

Good afternoon, dear needleworks and all guests blog!

Congratulations on the beginning of the long-awaited summer!

Probably, this time does not really fit, but still, I will offer you to your piggy bank of ideas a selection of knitted hook panels with schemes.

I met someone on the Internet of the Internet to me this photo, which shows a very cute knitted panel with a jar. I did not give me rest. Jug decorated with knitted flowers, did you meet somewhere? And let's connect and decorate our kitchen!

Knitted panels in the kitchen in the fillet technology

Knitted panel "Jug"

The pitcher is so connected in the fillet technology. Schemes of all crocheted panels are quite large, I placed them in separate tabs. Save the scheme for ease of reading on your computer, and then print.

The scheme of the knitted panel "Jug" (all links are clickable)

All rules and subtleties of the fillet knitting, the addition and disabling loops in the ranks are described here >>.

The jug itself is connected in the fuel technique of white yarn. Most likely, not very thin cotton yarn and hook №1,5 suitable.

When the jug is connected, you can bind it around the perimeter of bright color yarn. So it turns out a complete neat subject.

Then it will be necessary to tie flowers and leaves and decorate the pitcher. The knitting of the leaves is also attached, it is very simple. Flowers can be chosen to your taste, for example, link roses.

It remains to stick the knitted jug onto a wooden frame or sew on some dense tissue canvas, and a thin fabric will fit if it is covered with a piece of plywood or cardboard, and then insert our product into the frame and hang a crocheted panel on the wall.

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It turns out a very original cute decor.

In the kitchen, decorated with such a panel, it would be nice to hang knitted curtains.

Knitted panel "Soup"

Crocheted panels for kitchen with schemes

Another knitted panel with a crochet is perfect for the kitchen. It depicts a suits. All manufacturing technology is identical to the panel with a jug.

Scheme of knitted panel "Supper"

Knitted panel "Cats"

Crocheted panels for kitchen with schemes

For lovers of cats and cats, I offer schemes for their knitting. Here everything is much easier than when knitting a jug. A beginner knitter will cope with such a scheme.

Knitting schemes cats

Knitted panel "Clock"

Crocheted panels for kitchen with schemes

And this knitted panel with the image of the clock has adopted me at all!

It is not even a panel, but a whole picture. And you can also arrange working hours, attaching a clock mechanism on the reverse side.

Scheme of knitted panel "Clock"

In the technique of fillet knitting, you can make a panel with any pattern. And you can even take an embroidery scheme.

By the way, look at how else you can do Original decorative panel in the kitchen.

Knitted panels from napkins

Crocheted panels for kitchen with schemes

Another option for knitted hours is to make them round, tied by the type of simple napkin.

From the napkins, and round, and from the motives can be a wonderful stylish knitted panel. Such panels will decorate not only the kitchen, but any room. It seems to me that they will perfectly fit into any modern interior. And the design in the chambers instead of the framework looks very stylish and original.

Read more about the modern decoration of the interior lace.

Crocheted panels for kitchen with schemes

I do not cite the schemes, choose anyone at your discretion. You can see here.

And I recently made a panel in the chambers of the hook-related sunflower colors. Schemes and description placed.

Knitted panels with berries and vegetables

Crocheted panels for kitchen with schemes

For the embodiment of this idea, you can take right now, because the time here is needed quite a bit, and everything is very simple to tie.

Article on the topic: Female pullovers with knitting needles with a description of a knitting stroke and schemes

Charming things, isn't it? Just raise your appetite and mood in the kitchen.

Knit crocheted panels on a simple scheme as a small napkin. Separately knit volume berries and carrots and sew them on the panel.

Scheme 1, Scheme 2, Scheme 3.

How do you like my ideas of knitted panels? Share in the comments.

Wonderful summer mood!

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