Varieties and rules for mounting with coarse water purification filters


Varieties and rules for mounting with coarse water purification filters

Unfortunately, domestic water supply networks cannot boast of water supplied, which would correspond to all international purity standards. This is a big problem of modern cities that can be solved by installing the filtration system in the house or apartment. Of course, the central water supply network in its composition has a water treatment system. But many plumbing highways are outdated and require a replacement that is not rushing. Therefore, even by installing a coarse water filter, we can talk about some kind of contamination.

Varieties and rules for mounting with coarse water purification filters

It should be noted that the townspeople are leaving for the city, they immediately face unclean water in country areas, where local water supply systems are organized with water intake or well. Here the problem of untreated water stands a hundred times sharper. But today they decide today, the benefit of the filtering system and here it is possible to organize quickly and easily.

Than harmful crude water

It is necessary to correctly note that water is an excellent solvent for all chemical elements that are negatively reflected on the human body. For example, rigid water is the deposition of salts in the joints, manganese is a substance that negatively affects the liver. And such examples can be listed a lot.

But suspended particles adversely affect household appliances. Many manufacturers directly in the instructions indicate that in front of the device must be installed with a coarse water purification filter. Without him no one does not give any guarantees for the instrument. This is especially true of such home expensive equipment, such as washing and dishwashers.

Principle of operation of a coarse filter

So, let's start with the fact that this device refers to the category "Mechanical filtration devices". In fact, it is a regular grid (sieve), which is installed in the flow of water consumers. It passes through the grid on which weighted particles of a certain size remain. And the smaller the size of the cells of the sieves, the cleaner the water at the exit.

Varieties and rules for mounting with coarse water purification filters

The most important thing is to create a pressure in the plumbing highway so that the particle scoring the particle does not become an obstacle to the movement of water movement. Therefore, it is very important to periodically wash the grid.

Varieties of coarse filters

In principle, when the conversation about filters for water supply is coming, there is due to coarse cleaning, it is necessary to understand that there is no large variety of devices in this group. Because constructively, this is a fairly simple device. But still it should be noted that there are two unlike each other modifications: mesh and flavored.

Mesh filters

Let's start with the mesh filters into water, as from the most simple designs. Most often, the so-called oblique filter is installed in the plumbing network. He received its name for purely constructive features. This pipe system in the form of a tee, the addition element of which is located at an angle to the main pipe element.

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It is in this additional pipe that the mesh filter is inserted as a cylinder. Its diameter is slightly less than the inner diameter of the pipe into which it is inserted. The length of the mesh cylinder is determined by the length of the oblique element, plus the pipe diameter of the main line. That is, the filter must overlap the main flow of water passing through the tap pipe. From above, the filter element is closed with a lid on a thread with a rubber gasket that ensures the tightness of the structure.

Ease of operation of such a device consists in the fact that it is installed on the feed pipe in which it is mounted using a threaded connection, like any shut-off valve used in home water supply networks, for example, a valve or mixer. At the same time, flushing of a coolest cleaning filter is performed by opening the lid and pull out the mesh cylinder. It should be just rinsed under water pressure, removing contamination remaining on the grid. Then it returns to the place, the cover is spinning. Of course, before carrying out this operation, it is necessary to overlap the water supply.

We denote that in addition to the slant filters there are straight lines in which the additional element to the trunk is connected at an angle of 90 °. They can be installed only on horizontal plots of water supply.

So, this water filter is installed in the plumbing line. But since the theme of the local water supply was already touched above, it should be noted that it uses mesh filters. True, their appointment is the same, but the place of installation is completely different.

They are usually installed in the lowest part of the pipeline, which is lowered into a well or well. That is, it turns out that these devices are used only when mounting the surface pump, which is an integral part of the autonomous water supply network.

Installation of a coarse water purification filter on a pipeline is a guarantee that sand, pebbles and slim deposits from hydraulic structures will not fall into the water system itself. Here are two varieties.

  • An ordinary metal or synthetic mesh, which is attached to the pipeline or the hose by the usual clamp, is better than plastic (it will last longer in the water).
  • This is a strainer with a check valve in one design. The first clearly delays weighted particles, the second does not give water back to merge into a well or well with a non-working pump. First, thus, it does not rise to a torment from the bottom of the structure. Secondly, the feed pipe is filled with water, which makes it possible not to fill it again when the pump unit is repeatedly turned on.

Now to the question, what to choose from two options offered? It is clear that the second position is better, although almost four times more expensive.

I would like to say a few words about the grids, or rather, about the sizes of cells. It is believed that the filter of coarse water purification should not pass suspended particles in size more than 1 mm. Recently, the standards have been revised, and now it is believed that this indicator needs to be tightened - no more than 0.5 mm. True, it is just a recommendation value, so manufacturers today produce sieves with different cells.

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So, we turn to a more complex device, which is a flask made of transparent plastic, which places a replaceable cartridge. The latter is polymeric fibers or threads that are wound on the plastic rod. It is called shift because it periodically needs to be changed to a new one. It makes no sense to rinse it, it will not be easy. Transparent plastic flask made for no accident. Thus, it is clearly visible to what extent the cartridge clogged.

Varieties and rules for mounting with coarse water purification filters

Attention! As a filtering system, the threads or fibers of polypropylene are used here. This polymer is neutral to water, chemically inert, so it is used in the food industry.

In essence, this kind of ordinary sump or mud, which is inserted with a filter element. Water enters the inside the flasks through the feed pipe and comes out by passing the filtering. Inside there are all pollution of large sizes. In any case, this plumbing sump is more efficient than the grid.

Installation of the flasks is made by the same principle as all other elements of the water supply system - on the thread. Therefore, there should be no problems with the installation of the instrument. But as for cleaning and changing the cartridge, then it is necessary to understand how to replace it correctly. With oblique filters, everything is much easier, because everything is done by hand. But to open the cartridge device, you must surround the top cover. This typically uses a special key made of durable plastic. It comes complete with a filter. Its operating part must be put on the lid and turn the handle counterclockwise. The lid should easily open.

After that, you need to pull the contaminated cartridge, and install a new one instead. After that, the lid is installed in place, it turns from the hand until it stops and pulls up the same key.

By the way, with regard to the varieties of cartridges, or rather the polypropylene framework. There are three types of their varieties.

  • Wound on the rod thread.
  • Corrugation.
  • Sponge-type foamed material.

Montaja rules

Filters of coarse water purification in independence from their design are installed according to a specific rules. It is from this that they will work efficiently.
  • Sustainer must be mounted in front of the meter if the installation is made on the water supply (central). Or before the pump, if the conversation is about the local system.
  • It is necessarily taken into account the direction of water supply to the filter device. Typically, the direction is indicated by the arrow on the housing.
  • Reta-type mesh filters can be installed on a vertical water supply if the water in it moves from top to bottom.
  • You can not install mesh devices cover up.
  • Cartridge type settling can only be installed on the horizontal section of the water pipeline.

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Useful advice

It should be noted that the installation of one of the types of filters for tap water is not always effective. Especially when it comes to a local water supply system. All experts converge in one opinion that an integrated approach is needed here. That is, the installation of two filters at once at the same time.

Mesh structures will restrain large impurities, and cartridges are smaller. By the way, the second to the category of coarse cleaning is not rotated. After all, with the help of the flask you can hold very small particles. It all depends on the type of flask used, or rather, the cartridge inside it.

Currently, manufacturers offer comprehensive filtration systems consisting of coarse and thin cleaning filters located on one mounting bar. A very convenient option that guarantees almost one hundred percent cleaning of water from impurities. Such devices are called multistage. Install them, as usual, to a pump or counter.

And one more important advice regarding the performance of filters. It is based on water consumption by all family members in a private house or urban apartment. It is believed that a person consumes 200 liters of water for its needs. If 4 people live in the house, then the total consumption will be 800 liters per day. It is clear that this value is unevenly divided by time. There are peak clock when the cost is the largest. This is usually happening in the morning and in the evening. That is, during this period there may be more fluid through a water filter than in the rest of the time.

Therefore, this peak must be calculated. What you need to know how many points consumption are in the house, and what is their classification. For example, the shower mixer in the bathroom passes through itself 9 liters of water per minute, a tap on a washing or sink - 6 liters. Given all Plumbing devices, you can get a total consumption in the peak of using water. It should be noted that the indicator will be impressive, and, probably, the filtration system with such a water flow cannot be cope. But let's take into account that the peak period is short-term and unlikely in terms of simultaneous inclusion of all consumers.

And one moment. When it comes to drinking water, it is probably necessary to distribute filters in such a way that all the load does not lay on them. For example, set under the sink console filter, which will provide clean drinking water all the house. And, for example, in the bathroom there will be enough to install a conventional strainer.

Conclusion on the topic

Summing up the foregoing, it is necessary to pay tribute to the simple design of the coarse filters. Simplicity, but effectiveness make them in demand. Sometimes only one device is enough to guarantee the purity of water consumed. Therefore, regardless of what water supply, we use, you must install the filter element. Be it mesh or cartridge.

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