Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos


Everyone knows that such a western holiday like Halloween came to us from America. Someone suits cheerful, noisy costume parties, someone celebrates this holiday quietly, but with an abundance of thematic dishes. Many probably interested in such a question: what can be made unusual, non-standard scenery on Halloween do it yourself?

To immediately plunge into the atmosphere of this holiday, the design can be started directly from the entrance door. Homemade ghosts, mummies, bats, a web and even a grave plate will serve as a wonderful catalyst to create an appropriate mood. Also, for the sake of such a case, it makes sense to buy more candles and pumpkins to create Jack lamps.

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

There is a lot of decor ideas at home. Here, the main thing is to adhere to the effect of surprise so that your guests and closely did not guesses about where the elements of horrific design in your home can see.

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Hardly someone will leave indifferent bloody traces in the bathroom.

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

And even interior doors can be decorated on the topic:

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Original decorations

A homemade bats can be used as a room decoration. How to make them? Yes Easy! To do this, you will need:

  • black paper;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • double sided tape;
  • Printer (or pencil).

Total we can only print the vampires on the printer or make a template of one volatile mouse, and then it is already on it to circulate the amount you need.

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Then cut them out and with the help of double-sided adhesion fasten on the doors, windows, walls and ceiling - everywhere, where only your soul wishes.

You can use threads as fixation, then the mice for the wings are suspended on the chandeliers, door handles and windows.

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Extremely funny and appropriate pumpkin-mummy will look. To make her cooking, the pumpkin itself will need, bandage, toy eyes and "moment" glue, on which these eyes will be fixed. You can also use the red gouache, pissing it on the bandage - so the product will acquire a more awesome look. The result of this work can be seen in the photo:

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

We invite the cast

Is it possible to submit such a holiday without the presence of bringing on it? Of course, without them, the atmosphere will not be the party, and the party itself can work out fresh and boring. Therefore, we give several options for the manufacture of these important Halloween attributes.

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For example, you can build small ghosts of white napkins. To do this, we take a napkin, inside the center put some round small item - it will be a head, and wrap it with a thread. Then the black marker draw eyes and mouth, and everyone for the same thread hangs our creation in the chandelier.

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

Oddly enough, but the ghost can be made from an unnecessary old book. And the result, by the way, it will look stylish and interesting. To do this, on the reversal of the book, on both its pages, cut the silhouettes of the ghost, but completely silhouette do not cut out, leaving a whole sheet at the base of the figure so that our ghosts can "stand."

And it's all manipulations! Looking ready!

Halloween scenery: Room decoration with photos and videos

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