How to equip a gazebo inside: Basic Rules, Interesting Tips


Registration just built gazebos, perhaps the most "tasty" lesson! All the most difficult construction works remained behind. It is much easier to equip the domestic space, and you can fully show your creative veil.

How to equip a gazebo inside: Basic Rules, Interesting Tips

The combination of stone and dark wood - looks very consonant! The floor-lined floor with access right to the garden plot does not disrupt natural harmony.

Create interior arbor

It is important to notice, this little "islet" is not just a place to relax. He is also the decoration of the entire country area. Therefore, first of all, the gazebo must harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape.


Even if you really want to surprise your neighbors and guests, you should not arrange a gazebo, for example, in the style of Kitch - this is at least ridiculous, not to mention the inevitable disharmony around.

How to equip a gazebo inside: Basic Rules, Interesting Tips

But, in fact, the style of Kitch (for those who have not seen)

The arbor arbor within, undoubtedly, will depend on the style of its construction. Erected in Japanese-style with the original Russian decoration it will look very strange. Not to mention that two conflicting style will cause discomfort, and not relaxation and pleasure, as it was intended initially.

So, the process of arranging this small "island" can be divided into two interrelated parts:

  1. Creating an exterior that includes the design of the roof, support pillars, input and railings.
  2. Creating an interior - furnishing, lighting, barbecue or brazing, decoration with various accessories (colors, dishes, fabrics, etc.).


The outer and interior decoration of the arbor must be combined with each other and be aged in one or similar styles.

How to equip a gazebo inside: Basic Rules, Interesting Tips

Gazebo "For Two". It does not differ in functionality. But for a young couple or the elderly - the most.

Before detailing about the features of creating an exterior and interior interior, I would like to write 3 basic rules.

This small instruction will help to make everything competently and without excesses:

  • If you still burn the elements of the style, which does not match the common selected style, then do it very and very carefully . First, there should be no such elements. Secondly, the place for them is chosen extremely thoroughly. And, thirdly, the presence of each element of another style should be justified.
  • Observe the color consonance - More than three colors in the interior of any room are not recommended. Otherwise, the color stick will cause overwork, especially in such a small space as a gazebo, which is already decorated with a violence of natural paints.
  • Do not muffle the beauty of nature mother Using a huge number of small decorative elements (of course, with the exception of those created by nature itself).

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How to equip a gazebo inside: Basic Rules, Interesting Tips

Due to its simplicity and naturalness, the construction seems to merge with green landscape

Nuances arbor arbor outside

What can be done with your own hands in order to turn this place in a pleasant eye and soul yokes?

  • Be sure to lay out a pretty track, which will be comfortable to walk even in rainy weather.
  • If the gazebo is closed, then it would be fine for it to organize a small platform. If you wish, it will be possible to make a table and chairs on it, if suddenly wants to admire the open sky and drink a seagull in the fresh air into a warm summer day.
  • Small flower beds with flower or spicy herbs will organically fit into the space near the entrance.


An interesting idea is flowerbed from old stump, from the old clay or forged dishes, and maybe even from a rubber boot.

How to equip a gazebo inside: Basic Rules, Interesting Tips

"Live" gazebo

  • The same entrance can be equipped with a low double-willed gate (especially if the ledge from the tree) - it looks very colorful.
  • If there is a ladder with rails before entering the arbor, then it is better to cover it with a varnish - so it will serve much longer. Do not forget to take care of the lighting of the ladder in the dark.
  • The roof of the constructions of the arbor can be decorated with a vane or high tip.

Articles on the topic:

  • Registration of the arbor

Outdoor and internal lighting

To illuminate the arbor, outside are very comfortable and the effects of christmas garlands. It looks excellent and energy consumes little! They can be fixed around the perimeter of the roof or wind on the support pillars. The range of the garlands is incredible.

How to equip a gazebo inside: Basic Rules, Interesting Tips

Lighting garlands

How to equip a gazebo inside: Basic Rules, Interesting Tips


How to equip a gazebo inside: Basic Rules, Interesting Tips

Also a good option

Inside you can organize and stationary lighting. Well, if you plan to come to the cottage infrequently, you can do the lamps on batteries or batteries.

The advantage of autonomous lighting devices is that they are completely transferred to any place without limiting the space near the socket. And this makes it possible to change the lighting and create inside a different atmosphere.


The lamps will look great here in the form of a kerosene lamp or torch.

And if you have a real kerosene lamp, it will become a unique genuine decoration of your arbor.

Articles on the topic:

  • Interior Arbor inside (photo)
  • Lighting in a gazebo
  • Design Gazebo

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Set of furniture, oven barbecue, brazier

Another important point is how to equip furniture arbor, not overlooking it anything else? Here you need to proceed from the area of ​​the room. If the gazebo is not very big, then the set of furniture is standard - table, chairs or benches.

How to equip a gazebo inside: Basic Rules, Interesting Tips

Benches on chains for evening dressers by the fire

Another thing if the area allows you to "get roaring"! For example, a gazebo with massive beams and supports can be easily equipped with suspended benches on cables, chains or just ropes - it will be a favorite place of adults and children.

Special comfort and comfort will bring a chaise lounge or rocking chair. Buffet - another good thing! It is indispensable for storing kitchen accessories and dishes, in order not to run for them every time. And at the bottom of the buffet, warm plaids are well stored in case of evening cooling.

For arbors fits plastic, wooden or wicker furniture. The first is good because it is easy to clean. Wooden - the fact that the tree is organic looks at the lap of nature. Woven furniture is not heavy, soft, beautiful and at the same time retains all the natural beauty of wood.

How to equip a gazebo inside: Basic Rules, Interesting Tips

Laconic interior without frills

To minimize!

Do you already have wooden furniture, but it is not new and diverse?

No problem!

It can be seized, drown out protruding nails and paint.

Such a simple restoration creates wonders - products will acquire a fresh look, and the single color scheme will combine, it would seem such different furniture items.

Yes, and the price will be somewhat pleasant than when buying everything new.

The bake barbecue or brazier is very comfortable tools for relaxing in nature. We think to explain nothing here. Food cooked in the fresh air is exquisite and irreplaceable pleasure.

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How to equip a gazebo inside: Basic Rules, Interesting Tips

In the photo - oven barbecue

Textiles and accessories

Textiles, perhaps, occupies one of the most important places in the design of the arbor. Curtains, blankets, towels, napkins, decorative pillows - without it, well, no way! For example, curtains will close you from curious eyes, protect against rustling wind and rain.

And if sprinkling the curtains with essential oil cloves, they will become an excellent barrier on the way of annoying flies and mosquitoes. Pillows and blankets on benches / chairs / chairs do not simply provide comfort, but also with its own kind create a cozy atmosphere.

How to equip a gazebo inside: Basic Rules, Interesting Tips

Pay attention to textiles - everything combines


Curtains, pillows, capes on chairs and napkins It is advisable to do with the same pattern or one-photon (2-3 colors, no more).

As for accessories and dishes, when they are selected, it is necessary to pay attention again to the color gamut. Of course, any dishes will be used for godding, but a lot of multicolored and diverse small parts will create a feeling of disorder. In the gazebo, it is impossible to look for clay or metal elements of decor, plates, mugs.


In fact, talking about the design of the arbors is still very long! After all, this is pretty interesting and multifaceted theme. However, we decided that the basic recommendations would be quite enough.

Observing them during the flight of their fantasy, you will certainly create a harmonious arbor design with a special "highlight"! By the way, in the thematic video in this article there is still a lot of useful.

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