How to get rid of the crotteen in the garden plot


How to get rid of the crotteen in the garden plot

Experts argue that moles are capable of living only in high-quality and fertile soil. In addition, these cute animals eat snails and slugs, and can protect your plot from them. But when Mole becomes too much, it is already a problem. Dropping the next move into your underground house, the mole can damage the root system of plants growing on the site, and will negatively affect the country's landscape. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to get rid of moles in the garden plot by folk remedies.

How to get rid of moles in the garden plot

Mole cannot be called dangerous fauna representatives for our garden. The fact is that these animals prefer to dwell solely in high-quality and clean soil, so if there appeared mink on your site, you can only rejoice that your land is so good. But when the mink is becoming more and more, and the plants begin to die due to the fact that they are damaged roots, then it is necessary to do something, and begin the active phase of fighting crumbs.

The biggest problem is that krota is rarely taking place by one. Much more often they settle in small colonies, so in the shortest possible time your site will resemble a minefield with a huge number of moles. If you do not want your crop and the appearance of your garden plot to be completely destroyed, it is necessary to start taking actions aimed at bringing mole from your land.

There are a lot of methods to combat crumbs. In business stores you can find chemicals that will help get rid of these animals. In addition, there are a variety of electronic devices. Among the most popular methods of combating crumbs can be allocated:

  • traps for moles;
  • scaring by noise effects;
  • chemicals;
  • Capps and electronic dischargers;
  • Deratization and meek;
  • Plants with strong flavors that mole are not transferred.

About each of these methods is worth telling more detail.

How to get rid of the crotteen in the garden plot

How to get rid of moles on the garden plot with noise effects

From the nature of the mole of the blind, but they replace bad vision to replace excellent scents and rumors. Particular attention should be paid to the hearing of these animals. The moles do not tolerate sharp and loud noise, so one of the most effective methods of combating them are considered a variety of noise traps.

At home, it is possible to organize noise for the crotch without much difficulties. The most enterprising dacket owners sometimes go through their plot and loudly rose with saucepans and other metal objects. But it needs a lot of time, and the method itself can hardly be called so effective.

Experienced gardeners are recommended to take a reed or an empty metal tube, and insert in Noura. Even the slightest breeze will lead to the fact that the pipe or cane will begin to publish the overestimation sounds that the moles do not like so much. Also suitable empty champagne bottles.

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In addition, a computer or a tape recorder can be connected on the summer site, and arrange a small disco. The most important thing is that the sound is well penetrated into the Krow dwelling. From sharp and unpleasant sound effects, Mole will begin to be gradually distancing, and pretty quickly will leave your land alone.

Important! Try so that the sound effects are varied. The same sound of the animal can get used to the same sound, and then the struggle with it will become more difficult.

How to get rid of the crotteen in the garden plot

How to use poisons to destroy mole

If humane and environmental methods of combating crumbs do not bring proper results, and the population of these "underground residents" on your site has just increased, then you need to move to more radical means. These include a variety of chemicals and other poisoning substances.

It is worth noting immediately that moles feed in insects, in particular sniffers and slugs, so it is quite difficult to feed them with poison. Is that the owner of the cottage caught the animal, and feed him manually. Nevertheless, guided by some principles and rules, the animals feed the poison.

The most important thing when working with poison is to know the main movement routes of the Crow. In order to find out this information, we will have to watch the underground residents of your cottage for some time.

Having determined the main route of the movement, take a metal pipe with the void inside, gently pierce the soil in the area of ​​the mole of the mole and through the void in the tube we put the poison there. There are several such masonry. Then the effectiveness of the poison will noticeably increase.

In addition, you can catch the snails and other insects, which krotni eat, and put the poison in them. Then we study the clock route, and place an indulgence at the place of their reservation.

Important! Try to use small concentrations of poisoning substances. They may well go to plants that grow on the site.

How to get rid of the crotteen in the garden plot

How to make a trap for clock

At home, the effective method of combating crumbs will be the use of traps cooked with their own hands. It's not so difficult to make them, it is enough to show a little fantasy and attentiveness.

One of the most simple traps consider catching moles on the hook. To do this, it is necessary to dig a mink and put a metal hook in it. Experienced gardeners recommend using three-end hooks. Ideally, you must associate several hooks together and tie them on a solid wire. When the animal visits the move, he clings to the hook, and it can be pulled out from underground laza.

You can also organize traps for moles using metal shovels. However, it is necessary to show special attentiveness and speed of the reaction. Armed with a metal shovel should carefully examine its site. As soon as the soil begins to move, carefully get to this place and stick to the soil in such a way as to block the underground stroke. The animal will try to get out as quickly as possible, and therefore will be released on the surface where it can be caught with bare hands.

Another interesting way of the device traps consider the so-called "pot method". It is necessary to take a metal saucepan and carry it around the middle of fresh molding. Cover the entrance to the pan with a small layer of turf and wait. As soon as the Mole returns to his turn, he will fall into the pan, which will not be able to choose himself. As a trap, you can also use glass jars with a wide neck.

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Another trap, which should be mentioned, water can become. It is required to pour a large amount of water into the mole of LAZ. As soon as the water comes to an animal, it will immediately leave your country area. However, it is worth noting that considering the depth and branching of underground moves, you will need a huge amount of water.

How to get rid of the crotteen in the garden plot

How to get rid of unnecessary guests: crusts and cappos

Speaking about how to withdraw moles in the country area, do not forget about such effective means as memes and cappos. Of course, with humane, these funds can not be called in any way, but if there has been a huge number of inconspicuous guests on your site, nothing else remains.

Capps are considered fairly effective means from moles, but these devices have their own nuances. For example, the trap can simply not work, or react to the shower of the Earth. And the moles themselves are not so stupid to go straight to the cappon, they try to bypass this device as far as possible. Nevertheless, the established drone in the fresh move can help you get rid of the uninhabited guest, but if there are many of them in the site, then you need to look for other methods of struggle.

As an alternative to the cabin perfectly suitable meek. There are quite a lot of their varieties, however, massive positive feedback remains about electronic devices that kill moles inside their climb when the destruction zone is passed.

Important! After using crustes or trays, try to apply any means to counteract the appearance of moles in the future. Otherwise, after some time, your site may re-enter the attack of irrepressible guests.

How to get rid of the crotteen in the garden plot

What plants will protect the plot from the invasion of moles

One of the most environmental ways to combat crumbs is called the use of plants. As you know, moles have a sensitive nose, and unpleasant and sharp smells can drive them. Therefore, it is necessary to pick up plants with a strong and stable aroma. As such plants, garlic, onions, beans, imperial rhykchik can act as such plants.

Of course, landing on the site of these plants will help to avoid the appearance of moles. If the animals have already managed to occupy your Earth, it is necessary to show resourcefulness and ingenuity, as they will try to avoid sources of unpleasant odors.

Also effective means from moles are considered black beans and hemp. However, animals will try to avoid places of cluster of unpleasant odors, for which other moves will begin. Therefore, the effectiveness of these funds is in doubt. Of course, crop production can help as prevention against moles, but if you have already settled animals, then it is necessary to choose a more efficient way, until they have time to completely destroy your crops.

How to get rid of the crotteen in the garden plot


If you still failed folk remedies and chemicals from moles, then you need to contact the specialists. Such services provide specialized companies that will hold a complex of professional actions against the spread of moles on your site.

The most important advantage of the call of specialists is that moles will disappear from your garden within the minimum period of time. In addition, there will be special tools on your site that will help protect you from the possible invasion of non-refundable guests in the future.

However, it is worth noting that the services of the kroot destruction specialists are quite expensive, and therefore not every person can afford to call a specialist. Nevertheless, if no other ways do not help, then this is the only opportunity to get rid of underground animals every permanent opportunity.

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How to bring moles in the country area with electronic repeatters

If you wish to get rid of Mole with a humane method, without causing their death, then you can use electronic repeatters as an alternative. This modern technical adaptation combines low cost, efficiency and humanism. Disputers appeared relatively recently, but they have already managed to establish themselves well.

These fixtures are designed based on the specific features of moles. Given their sensitivity to outsiders, the device radiates ultrasonic waves, which penetrate quite deeply into the soil and cause vibration.

It is worth noting that this device scares the mole at a considerable distance, so the installation of the repeller will help you get rid of the mole of times and forever quickly.

Important! Mole flares are capable of working under all weather conditions. The device is working on autonomous power, so no special service will be required.

How to get rid of the crotteen in the garden plot

Several tips, how to prevent the appearance of moles on the plot

The appearance of moles in the country area is similar to the invasion of the crowd of pests. These cute animals are able to completely destroy your landscape design and will contribute to the fact that the harvest of your crops will noticeably decrease. You can get rid of mole of course, but it will take some time. Therefore, it is much easier to perform some actions that will help prevent the appearance of moles, especially if they meet quite often at the location of your garden plot.
  1. So that moles could not penetrate your site, you need to turn the entire perimeter of the garden galvanized or plastic grid. It should be remembered that the grid is needed deeply, experts recommend minimal depth within 1.2 m.
  2. As a safety drug from the appearance of moles on the site, it is possible to protect it with a impermeable wall of plants from plants, which highlight the aromas unpleasant for moles. It is cannabis, garlic, beans and black beans.
  3. Also, calcium carbide can be used as a means of protection against moles, which is used in gas welding. It is enough to scatter it around the perimeter of the plot and moisten to create a barrier barrier for moles. Carbide in combination with water highlights acetylene, which deeply penetrates into the soil and will scare the mole with a sharp odor.
  4. How to get rid of moles in the garden plot? As an alternative to calcium carbide, which can negatively affect the state of the soil and vital activity of plants, a regular Corvalol can be used. It is enough to mix 2 bubbles of droplets from the heart with three liters of water, and sprinkle your garden around the perimeter. It will help forget about the invasions of Mole for a long time.
  5. One of the most common means of scaring the mole from your garden plot can be accommodated at the border of the garden of noise instruments. A variety of sakes and other mechanisms, publishing sounds, will help heave the animal, and will not allow him to get on your garden.
  6. Also early spring on the garden plot can be brought to your beloved cat. Cats in nature hunters, and if the mole tries to penetrate your site, then it will be expected to expect your homemade favorite, which can easily drive the crotter from your land.

How to get rid of the crotteen in the garden plot

How to withdraw moles in the country area: video

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