Retractable drawers: Making your own hands


Extended boxes are an integral part of any closet. Sometimes there are situations when they are missing, in order to arrange all things in a convenient place and order.

Retractable drawers: Making your own hands

Retractable boxes are very convenient to use. Make them can even be those who have never mastered anyone himself.

It is worth saying that you can make drawers with your own hands. Some, of course, will want to acquire them, but the desired size can not always be on the market. In this case, the retractable elements are the only way out of the impasamian situation.

Tools and materials

So, to collect products that are put forward, you will need the following list of tools and materials:

  • drill or powerful screwdriver;
  • Electric jigsaw, which will allow to cut the material as high quality as possible;
  • Building angle;
  • line;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • rag;
  • knife;
  • iron.

When everything is collected, you can proceed directly to the installation.

Retractable drawers: Making your own hands

Retractable drawer assembly scheme.

Guides will be an integral element of the design. Without them, just do not do, because there should be boxes for something?

Full rally guides are the best option. However, you can use roller products. Some people prefer to install ordinary trees instead of them. However, this is not the best way out.

All guides presented in the market have a step that is 50 mm. Thus, if we are talking about a box, the length of which will be 450 mm, then it will take a guide for it having a size of 400 mm. In this case, the system will work efficiently and trouble-free.

One thing to buy, but you need to put. It is made extremely simple. The design of these elements implies a standard mount with self-tapping screws or other fasteners.

Detailing of the boxes themselves

Now it's time to make boxes themselves. For billets, you can use chipboard sheets or purchase ready-made furniture shields. Let them and smaller in size, but they are enough for work, but a lot of waste will remain from DSP (of course, if you do not equip the furniture headset).

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Split all the elements can be independently using an electric jigsaw. Sometimes you can go to another way, for example, order this service in the store where the material is purchased. The front and rear wall of the boxes must be fastened between the sidewall. To the box must be attached to the bottom.

Assembling drawers with your own hands

Retractable drawers: Making your own hands

Diagram of the drawer device.

All details are ready for assembly, it's time and start. Before starting work, the edge of the elements is sampled. It is made extremely simple - with the help of a not strongly heated iron and rags. The edge at the same time is stacked with a beautiful side up, and then pass it on it several times (the fastening will be more reliable).

After that, the rag is removed. Next, everything is rubbed with a dry cloth, covert the extra edges with a knife. All edges additionally need to be processed using sandpaper. As a result, a very pretty picture should be turned out.

Under the confirmates in the product, the holes with a diameter of 8 mm are drilled, and in the end - 5 mm. Marking for guides on the box can be in any convenient position, however, it is best if this line will pass in the middle of the product.

Some features

It will be about the guide of the full clean, which was mentioned above. They are most appropriate in such a situation. Products consist of two components. The wide part should be firmly attached to the sidewalls of the cabinet using the self-sizes of the appropriate size. They should not be too big to fasten the fastener. Small part of them should be attached directly to the boxes. Initially, such elements are sold as a whole, but they are separated before starting work. This is done quite easily.

Now the guides can be fixed on the end and box. On the first element, this is done with a slight indent, which is approximately 3 mm from the edge. As for the boxes, there are no gaps here. The guide is attached flush.

The facades themselves must be attached from the inside with the help of self-tapping screws.

Scheme calculating the details of the drawer.

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There is one small trick that will help set these elements exactly:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to make the corresponding holes for the handle.
  2. Next, it needs to be attached to the place, and then attach from the outside through the hole data. Then the box is put forward, the facade is fastened from the inside in normal mode, and then fasteners are turned. A very tangled system, but in practice it is easy to figure it enough.

Now you can reserved to the end of the hole under the handle, and then go to directly fastening. On this work is pumped.

You can state the fact that the drawers are fully prepared for operation. At the same time, it is definitely necessary to check their performance. If something is wrong, then customized elements will have from the very beginning. And this is very undesirable. It is better at the design stage to take care that everything is done as high quality. Only in this case the work of all structural elements will be correct.

Thus, as it is clear, drawers do with their own hands quite simple. Most importantly, follow the instructions that are given above. This will eliminate various modifications and defects that may arise at different stages of the work and operation of the structural elements of this type. Good luck!

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