Draw table in Restaurant:? Main nuances and requirements


The service in the restaurant must match his image. This primarily concerns how guests meet and decorate the hall. Each item is of great importance and affects the reputation of the institution. The proper table setting in the restaurant should be carried out according to the main generally accepted rules.

Principles of classic serving

Many believe that to serve the table - it means to properly place cutlery. However, when placing a banquet table, you must perform a number of actions and take into account the many other nuances:

  • Proper placement of chairs. They are put so that the distance between them is 50-80 cm. If necessary, they can move to the right or left. Each guest of the restaurant highlights equal place at the table.
  • Do not overload the table. The table lay out the devices that are used during the meal. Too large number of items creates inconvenience for a person during a feast.
  • Features of the feast. When placing the table, the number of guests, seasonality and time of meals, as well as the occasion of the feast, takes into account. Only after all this is defined, you can proceed to further actions.

Correct table setting in the restaurant

Given the above principles, we will consider in more detail the rules for serving the table in the restaurant and café, and also learn which cutlery is and in what order them.


When the tabletop will be covered with a clean and well-jumped tablecloth, you can proceed to the arrangement of cutlery. It is worth considering the basic recommendations and rules for serving the table for the waiter. Cutlery perform a specific function and have a set place on the table. They can not be taken by hand.

Knives and forks

Between the pyrolyne and the diner plate are laid out canteens and snacks. The tooth is located up. On the right side of the appetizer, dining rooms and snacks knives for meat and other dishes are falling. The blades should be directed towards the plate. When sorting it is worth considering that cutlery should not be hidden under the edge of the plates or be too far.

Correct layout of forks and knives on the table

Visitors to fish dishes additionally need a fork and a table knife for fish. They fit between snacks and cutlery.

How to position the cutlery on the left and right of the plate


On the table spoons are presented in minimal quantity. Often they are used to eat liquid dishes and desserts. The soup lies on the right side of the plate, between the table and the snack knives. As for the device for dessert, it falls on top of the dish. If the menu does not provide for the delivery of the dessert, it will not be necessary in the instruments.

Article on the topic: We serve a table with taste: selection of dishes, appliances and accessories [stylish sets]

How to arrange spoons when serving a table

A separate group includes a teaspoon - it is laid out only with the feed of a hot drink.

How to arrange a teaspoon and a cup on the table

On the video: how to use cutlery correctly.

Blades, forceps and other

There is a separate group of auxiliary devices that are used to lay down dishes on plates. Especially often such species can be found on banquets and buffets.

Additional devices include:

  • blade for whale and grainy caviar;
  • The blade for cold and hot fish dishes;
  • baking tongs;
  • shovel for cake and pastry;
  • spoon for ice cream;
  • Salad supply spoon;
  • Coffee spoon;
  • The knife for oil and much more.

Additional cutlery for serving table


No less important table attributes are hooks for hanging. Of course, they do not have a direct attitude towards the meal. However, the hooks are installed on the furniture, which allows you to hang bags or other accessories on them.


Glasses: what for what

For each drink, a specific glass is used. Here the main thing is to properly place the glasses. In classic serving, they are set to the right of the plate in the line. There is no need to set all the glasses in parallel. They change together with plates when submitting a subsequent dish. The only winegrader, which is necessarily on the table throughout the meal is a glass of water.

Table setting by bookers

Beautiful wine glasses put in the sequence in which drinks are served during food. The first is used the farthest glass.

Location of glasses on the table

As for the set of glassware, it consists of the following fuels:

  • one glass for ordinary water;
  • Glass for champagne above the rest;
  • separate glasses for different wines;
  • vodka glasses;
  • Ryumki for brandy and liqueur.

Each feud has unique characteristics, due to this you can reveal the smell and taste of a particular drink. These features need to be taken into account when sorting the table.

Wine wakes for what

Preliminary preparation

Preparation of the table to customer service begins with alignment of chairs. Here you should adhere to the previously mentioned rule, according to which the distance between the landing sites should be at least 50 cm. If a romantic dinner is scheduled for two, then a small table is selected, and the chairs are put in front of each other.

Table setting for two in a restaurant

At the next stage, the table top is covered with a tablecloth. This is exactly what is considered the first stage of setting the table. The classic option is a snow-white cloth made of tight quality fabric. Often, a satin is used for the manufacture of the tablecloth. You can also use the cloths of other shades, the main thing is that they are combined with the design of the hall.

When choosing a tablecloth, experts recommend focusing on light colors such as cream or soft blue.

Which tablecloth should be at the table in the restaurant

The tablecloth should be clean and well-headed. It is a common table for serving. If the cloth is thin and slippery, then it is necessary to put the flannel fabric. This will allow you to save the situation. Also, such material drowshes the knock of the fuels and devices about the furniture.

Important! Plastic and adhesive tablecloth are unacceptable to use in the presentable restaurant. This is especially true for the organization of festive banquets.

Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

At the preliminary preparation stage, special attention should be paid to the length of the tablecloth - it should not hang more than 30 cm from the table top. The corners of the canvas should close the legs. When the tablecloth is settled, proceed to setting cutlery and fuels according to the menu.

Article on the topic: How beautifully folded napkins for the festive table: variety of options [master classes]

tablecloth size

Requirements for serving tables and instruments

Table serving is real art at which a lot of factors should be taken into account. The setting on the table must meet certain requirements. And the main thing here is to take into account when the feast is carried out:

  • Breakfast. Only fresh bread is served on the table, for this it uses a wicker basket or a special plate, covered with a napkin. Oil is served exclusively in the oilbox. If sausage or cheese is used for sandwiches, they are cut by thin pieces. As for jam and jam, they are served in the outlet. Exhibit a plate and a cup for tea or coffee, as well as a glass for juice or other drink.

Table setting to breakfast

  • Lunch and dinner. In both cases, the serving is carried out with the help of cutlery, snack bars and pies. The plug is put on the left, and the right is a knife. The glasses are placed above the knife. Also, the set of devices and fues can change and be added depending on the ordered menu. This is especially true for dinner. Do not forget about the jars for spices.

Table setting to dinner in a restaurant

  • Table to tea party. For serving take special tea sets. At the same time there is a dessert plate, a spoon, fork and a saucer with a cup. The table is made in an interesting tablecloth or colors.

Table serving to tea party

Of course, the setting must fully match the ordered menu. This preserves the rule of flow of dishes. No need to forget about napkins - for serving the table in the restaurant they are required.

Festive serving

Table setting in a banquet restaurant has some features. First of all, it concerns the use of decorative elements. The best solution here is flowers. They must have a light pleasant smell. Vase is installed so that the petals do not fall into the dish. Often it acts as the center of the table.

Table setting and decor in a restaurant

Textile products are widely used to decorate the table. This applies not only to tablecloths and napkins, but also covers, skirts and daughters on chairs and tables. When choosing products, it is worth considering the place and format of the event. The main thing is that all the elements of serving and designing the meal are optimally combined with each other and constituted a folded concept.

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Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

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Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

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Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

Style and color - the main components of the beautiful table setting

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Style and color - the main components of the beautiful table setting

Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

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Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

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Style and color - the main components of the beautiful table setting

Style and color - the main components of the beautiful table setting

Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

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The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

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Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

Table setting ideas at home: options for different cases | +88 photos

Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

Style and color - the main components of the beautiful table setting

Style and color - the main components of the beautiful table setting

Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

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Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

Table setting ideas at home: options for different cases | +88 photos

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

How the table is served in different countries of the world: table etiquette features

Basic Table Service Principles in Restaurant: Preparation, Requirements and Design

The main rules for serving the table: selection and location of dishes, appliances, napkins

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