Is it worth facing the facade with a stonewater?


If you have a question about the appearance of your home, then facing the facade to the facade deserves your attention. In this article, I will tell you about this type of material and about its properties.

Benefits and disadvantages of material

First of all, the porcelain stoneware protects the house from the destruction. The fact is that this material itself has sufficiently high strength. It is not afraid of the impact of moisture and changes in the temperature environment. It is also resistant to the action of various aggressive substances.

Is it worth facing the facade with a stonewater?

Due to its strength, this material will not pull additional costs of maintaining it in suitable form or repairs. Your costs of exploiting a house or office with a facade made of porcelain stoneware will be minimal. Its coverage has another advantage - it repels the dirt. Dust particles, which are so many on our streets, will not be able to firmly sit on a smooth surface. Therefore, it will have to wash it infrequently. Quite not easy and leave a trace on such a material. About scratches and chips can also be forgotten. Facing with porcelain with facades will withstand a load of several hundred kilograms. And one more important moment is non-aging. Yes, this material is absolutely resistant to straight fire.

Is it worth facing the facade with a stonewater?

The appearance of your facade can be anyone you wish. And the shape and size, not to mention the color and texture, satisfy the most demanding buyer. And, of course, it is worth noting that today it is very fashionable.

Due to the additional protection of the facade, the microclimate inside your home or office will improve. Thus, you can save on the insulation.

So, we will focus on the main advantages again:

  • reliability and strength;
  • durability;
  • saving on exploitation;
  • ease of care;
  • nonseasing;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • diverse design;
  • Improve the microclimate inside the building.

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The deficiencies in porcelain is not so much. First, it is, of course, the price. If you will see a decent amount in a lining of facades to facade the facades, there is nothing to be surprised. Since really the price is high. Another disadvantage is the considerable weight of the tile. Transportation requires in connection with these special conditions. Yes, and the facade should also withstand this weight.

Is it worth facing the facade with a stonewater?


There are several ways to fix porcelain stoneware. It is mechanical, adhesive and combined.

Mechanical fastening

It is a metal frame that consists of longitudinal profiles. They are attached to the wall. The transverse profile is also attached at four points. Cerambar is mounted on it. Anchor dowels are inserted into pre-prepared holes. They are drilled on the reverse side of the plate. There are already ready-made holes for fastening provided by the manufacturer in advance for greater convenience and quick installation. The four point mount is considered quite reliable. It can also be used at high buildings. In case of need, the required element can be quickly and easily replaced. In this case, the mount remains invisible outwardly.

Is it worth facing the facade with a stonewater?

I am sure that you met and visible mechanical mount. This type of facade finish with porcelain stoneware is performed using special aluminum clamps. Of course, they will be visible to human eye. Do you say that the porrite facade spoils an external aesthetic appearance? Perhaps aluminum clamps and striking, but now manufacturers can offer you similar clamps in the color to your chosen facing.

On glue

Performing cladding with one glue, you will save a lot of time. I would say that this is the fastest time consuming method of facing with facades with facade, but not the most reliable. Over time, the glue will not be able to keep the facing quite firmly due to severe temperature differences characteristic of our latitudes. The glue solution simply will lose its initial functions. And you with annoyance, discover that some stoves will start peeling. I advise you to thoroughly think about the choice of this method of finishing.

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Combined method

It combines two ways described by me above. Initially, the porcelain stoneware is attached to the horizontal profile with the help of glue from two sides. Then the fasteners are performed using two anchor dowels. Such a finish of facades with a stoneware will significantly reduce your time costs due to a smaller amount of bolts compared with the first way. Only here it will have to spend a little more to spend a little more on small plates.

Is it worth facing the facade with a stonewater?


The main advantage of Fentfasad is that it is not necessary to specially prepare for this wall. Such a system can be mounted directly on the old wall surface. That is, level the walls and the surface reconstruction is not necessary. This reduces the cost of work.

And of course, as the name itself says, ventilated facade systems provide air circulation. Due to the temperature difference from the outside inside the air in such a system moves, ensuring the removal of moisture due to movement. It is thanks to this wall of buildings remain in excellent condition. The walls of the structure due to such a ventilation system will not be given cracks. Airbag made of air mass, which is obtained inside the system, serves as an additional insulator. In winter, she will protect the house from the cold, and in the summer will help to cope with heat.

If you need it, you can install an additional layer of insulation. If in the winter in your area, the thermometer lowers low, this measure will justify itself with a decrease in energy consumption.

Is it worth facing the facade with a stonewater?

I will also tell about how facing the facades with the facades with ventilated structures. At the very beginning of such works, I make a preliminary estimate, that is, I make pre-project preparation. Then I place the wall, I install the brackets, perform installation work on thermal insulation and wind protection. To protect the structure from the wind, a special film and a thermal layer is attached. Next, the installation of ventfassada and carrier guides is performed. At the last stage, the finishing of facades with a porcelain stoneware.

The smooth surface of the ceramic granite does not give atmospheric phenomena to destroy the wall. It reflects sunlight and has a water-repellent effect.

At the heart of the ceramic granite Kaolin clay. This natural material is not only excellent heat, but also sound an insulator. Ventfasad technology with a ceramic finish is very durable. She will have an ideal appearance not one year.

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Facing with a porcelain stoneware of facades in combination with the ventilation system will serve your home with reliable protection against weather, heat and cold, wind and summer heat. This material opens limitless opportunities for the design of the exterior of buildings. A wide range of colors and textures, as well as the possibility of creating additional decorative elements from this material makes it universal. You may not even know your home after facing facades with a stonewater. Monophonic walls will make the structure visually more. If the house is large, he can add speakers by applying more than one color in the finish.

Facing a ceramist of facades of buildings The process is quite complicated. I would advise you to entrust this business to professionals. I think to make a decision on lining at home you need to think about everything and take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of this material. Such structures are erected by year. Good luck to you!

Video "Installation of porcelain stoneware on the facade of the building"

The record shows how the installation process of the mounted ventilated facade with facing plates from porcelain stoneware occurs.

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