We clean the iron with a steam generator from scale and nagar


Steam generator, like any other technique, which uses a boiled fluid to work, a considerable extent suffers from the content of lime salts in tap water. The result is a scale, which prevents the steam generator to perform its functions to the steam generator.

How to clean the iron with a steam generator

We clean the iron with a steam generator from scale and nagar

How to clean the steam generators from scale? It is just necessary to use one of the most affordable tools, among which are particularly effective are the following:

  • Funds that prevent the appearance of scale can be found on store shelves, they are fairly easy to use, they need to be poured into a liquid tank, after which it is used to use an integration unit.
  • Lemon acid or ordinary vinegar helps prevent scale or get rid of it. It is necessary to use it like this: pour one of these substances into a third of the volume into the tank, to sip any tissue, be sure to open a window for aircraft, since vinegar will be highlighted with a strong smell, repeating such a procedure as needed.
  • The steam generator is perfectly cleaned with liquid soap, it is necessary to apply it as follows: first mix the water and liquid soap, taking three parts of the water and one - soap, the resulting mixture is required to wipe the unit of the unit, if it did not help to cope with the traces of burnt fabric, you can additionally try to scrape them when assistance toothpicks. It is worth noting that for the Teflon surface this method does not fit.
  • If on the surface of the household appliance, there was a raid from scale or rust, it can be used to remove it soda: mix 2 teaspoons of soda and 100 ml of water or vinegar; This composition wipe the heated coating of the iron; In conclusion, clean the surface with the cloth.
  • In the case when the steam generator has a Teflon coating, it can be cleaned by the heating path to a minimum and wiping with economic soap. The latter is melted and will make a tag softer, after which it can be easily shusing with remedies.
  • White Toothpaste is capable of acting as a "scrub", which will allow cleaning the surface of the iron, and then you need to file steam to clean the holes of the sole.
  • Ceramic Iron can be cleaned with a cotton disk in a hydrogen peroxide, and with the help of cotton sticks thoroughly treat all the holes.

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We clean the iron with a steam generator from scale and nagar

If the steam generator coating is made of stainless steel, it can be cleaned with paraffin and salt:

  • First crushed a small candle of white;
  • Then mix it with a fine grinding salt;
  • Gently mix both ingredients and pour the resulting mixture on a sheet of paper;
  • Iron heat and stroke a sheet;
  • Pasta, which will result in the melting of this substance, will cover the sole of the unit;
  • When the iron cools, it needs to wipe with dry matter;
  • In conclusion, disappear fabric until the liquid ended in the tank.

Recommendations for clearing the surface of the steam generator

  • In the event that the iron has fallen into the fabric, it is necessary to immediately carry out its sole on the tissue on a cotton basis, which should be slightly humid;
  • You should not clean the surface of the steam generator with rigid brushes, so as not to damage the coating;
  • In order to prevent high formation of scale, it follows after each ironing to drain the water from the container;
  • Use for pouring into the iron only filtered fluid.

How to clean the steam iron from scale

We clean the iron with a steam generator from scale and nagar

It is rather unpleasant when the steam generator ceases to fulfill its functions because of such a trifling cause, like a limescale.

If the steam generator is equipped with a self-cleaning function, the system will independently notify the owner of the need for cleaning and conduct all the necessary actions to clean the iron from lime by pressing the button. This is due to the presence within a special anticorcraft rod.

In order to clean the steam generator from scale inside, you can use the following tools.

Lemon acid

  • release the steam generator from the liquid;
  • Dilute 2 tablespoons of citric acid in a glass of warm water, pre-boiled;
  • Pour this composition in the reservoir;
  • warm up the iron and turn on the steam supply;
  • Now you can disconnect the device from the network and remove the reservoir;
  • For optimal effect, this procedure can occasionally repeat.
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The ordinary vinegar makes it possible to figure out how to clear not only the tank from the resulting plaque, but also the sole from the car, making the iron with the digestion function completely new:

  • Prepare a pan, at the bottom of which two parallel wooden sticks are located;
  • Turn off the iron on this base, watching its sole touch the bottom of the pan;
  • Prepare the composition, for this it is required to dilute in a liter of water a glass of 9% vinegar or on the same amount of water 5 tablespoons of citric acid;
  • The mixture to pour into the pan, drawing attention to the fact that the lower part of the iron is hidden by liquid by 1.5-2 centimeters;
  • Put the steam supply regulator to the maximum position;
  • Preheat the frying pan and bring the mixture to a boil;
  • The liquid should be boiled for 2 minutes, after which you need to turn off the burner;
  • You can repeat this process 2-3 times;
  • In conclusion, it is necessary to wash the sole of the steam generator under the crane and press the steam supply button several times;
  • During the day, give the technique as you should dry, and then you can use the instrument to be used again.

Funds from scale in steam generator

Shelves of housekeeping stores are full of means that make it easy and without hassle not only remove scale, but also prevent its appearance. The most famous are the means:

"Antinakipin", the substance is divorced in water according to the attached instruction, after which it removes pollution well.

We clean the iron with a steam generator from scale and nagar

Topper, removes all lime deposits due to the high concentration of purifying and dissolving its substances.

We clean the iron with a steam generator from scale and nagar

Top House, one more tool that allows you to clean all lime flakes from a liquid tank.

We clean the iron with a steam generator from scale and nagar

Greenfield removes the nagar with the soles of the steam generator, making it smooth and smooth, as at the time of purchase.

We clean the iron with a steam generator from scale and nagar

Use means for steam generators in this way:

  • disable the steam generator from the network;
  • Add a special tool to the tank in an amount specified in the instructions;
  • increase the steam supply and click on the button of its release;
  • Locate the iron in the sink, pre-laying 2 wooden sticks on the bottom;
  • The steam generator should stand in this position at least half an hour, during which time the remedy will leak through the holes and clears them;
  • Now you can drain the residues of the composition and rinse the container with a purified liquid 2-3 times.

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It is worth noting that the use of shopping and home agents to purify steam generators from scale is quite justified, because it allows you to extend the life of the device. Nevertheless, it is much easier to remove water from the tank in a timely manner, only the purified fluid is used for it so that it is possible to save the device from writing the lime as soon as possible.

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