Door decor with their own hands? [Several original approaches]?


You can update the interior quickly and inexpensively with non-standard design. There are many design decisions, in which the decor of the door organically fits into the design and gives the room a logical completeness.

Door decoration with your own hands is not only an easy way to transform residential space, but also a great method for eliminating minor design defects that appear during long-term operation. In this article, we will consider the basic principles of this kind of finishing work and we give examples of the most interesting and affordable options.

Wallpapering doors

To date, stores present a wide selection of materials that are great for decorating interroom doors. However, for quite a long time, the leading position occupies the wallpaper. The classic wallpaper winnings both on the walls and other interior items (including as a door decor).

Door decor simple wallpaper

To take advantage of this way, you will not have to spend a lot of time and money for finishing works, and a wide variety of wallpaper models allows you to choose the right style and shade.

Interior doors decor Wallpaper

Note that for the decor doors it is not necessary to use wallpaper in the tone of the walls, any drawing you like or coloring can be selected (it can be modern photo wallpapers).

Wall mural on doors

Classic wallpaper

If you are going to produce the decor of interroom doors with your own hands, then it will not be superfluous to note the need for the correct selection of materials. In the case of wallpaper, you should give preference to more expensive products, as cheap options are most often not smoothed and quickly lose their appearance. It is worth paying attention to the quality of the adhesive mixture.

How to glue the wallpaper
Choose only high-quality wallpaper

As for the process of decorating walls with wallpaper, then everything is simple:

1. First, the surface must be carefully cleansed from traces of dirt and fat with a degreaser or solvent.

2. In the presence of chipping and other defects, use a special putty on wood.

3. It is necessary to dissolve glue to the desired consistency, according to the instructions on the package, and apply the solution on the door leaf.

4. Cut the required length of the wallpaper strip and try on the doors, after which cover it with glue.

5. The process of applying wallpaper is coming - gluing the canvas, make sure that there are no bubbles on the surface.

6. To smooth defects, arm with a roller or a wide plastic spatula.

7. Extra parts of the wallpaper are removed by the usual stationery knife.

Door decor Wallpaper do it yourself

On video: Casting doors with wallpaper and decorative moldings.

the cloth

Door decor with their own hands implies an independent choice of materials and unusual ways to design. One of these techniques is the use of fabric. The selected material can be both a solid decoration of the door leaf and partial decor.

To decorate the door leaf as follows:

1. Measure the width and length of the part of the canvas you want to decorate.

2. Make the tissue pattern on the size and cut out.

3. At the perimeter of the door, glue two-way tape.

4. It remains only to stick the carved tissue on the door, having previously folded around the edges.

Fabric doors decor

Most often, with this kind of finishing work, one-piece segments of the fabric are used, but the interior has a great decoration, performed in the "Patchwork" technique - several fragments of various colors and textures are taken.

Decor doors with cloth in the technique of patchwork

Liquid wallpaper

The universal version of the decor of old doors is liquid wallpaper. With their help, you can recreate entire pictures from incredible patterns on the surface. To work, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and devices: alkyd primer or white oil-based putty, dry wallpaper mixture, set of spatulas of different sizes, roller, color and transparent varnish.

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Liquid wallpaper
If non-ferrous liquid wallpaper is purchased, then there is no need for a clearing

Compared to the classical wallpaper, the process of applying this material has a number of distinctive features:

  1. At the stage of preparatory work, the door canvas is covered with a layer of primer or white putty. It is important to wait for a complete drying of the coating.
  2. According to the instructions from the manufacturer, you need to prepare a mixture of liquid wallpapers by adding water in the desired amount and the color to give color.
  3. With a small spatula, the wallpaper mixture is evenly applied with a thin layer. If you wish, you can prepare wallpaper of different shades and create a multi-colored composition.
  4. When the resulting decorative coating refreshes, it should be fixed with a transparent varnish.

Door decor with liquid wallpaper

Important! The main disadvantage of liquid wallpapers is the impossibility of their use in premises with high humidity. This material is easily affected by moisture and can be detached.

Decor with liquid wallpaper

Decor door mirror

Another unusual way of making the door is to use glass and various mirror elements. This approach allows you to visually expand the space of the apartment, as well as make it more illuminated.

Mirror Interior Decor

The door decor is pretty simple:

1. First, remove the cloth and put it in a convenient location. The surface is desirable to handle the degreaser.

Decor door mirror

2. Make the next mirror location marks, according to its size.

Decor door mirror

3. On the perimeter and in the middle of the marked area, apply glue (and better good sealant).

Decor door mirror

4. Attach the mirror and make it a pretty point to the surface of the door.

Decor door mirror

5. For an additional decoration, the mirror can be arranged by the frame, and it glues it all on the same sealant.

Decor door mirror

6. While the sealant fails to completely dry, it is better to additionally fix the robe with scotch.

Decor door mirror

Now the acrylic panels with amalgam are also particularly popular with Russian citizens - they are distinguished by an increased reflectivity. The disadvantage of the use of the mirror panel includes the high cost of products. However, high quality and unsurpassed aesthetic characteristics cannot leave buyers indifferent.

Acrylic Panels with Amalgam

Decor doors buckwheat

You can arrange the doorway with the help of a common buckwheat husk. This method of framing is very ambiguous, but has several advantages: this is a non-standard approach, and the versatility of the material, as well as the low cost of the material, the simplicity of application and the ability to create a variety of patterns. The disadvantage of the coating is minus.

Order of work:

  1. From the door it is desirable to remove the old finish, whether paint, varnish or any other coating.
  2. The surface is degreased and covered with a layer of dark brown paint. In the presence of glass inserts - on the perimeter they are better to protect with painting scotch.
  3. When the paint dries, the PVA glue is applied on top, after which everything is sprinkled with a buckwheat husk or cereal.
  4. It remains only to fix the resulting decor with acrylic transparent varnish.

Decor doors buckwheat husk

To give the completion composition, the masters recommend to transform the picture frame or another detail of the interior located next to the door.

Decor buckwheat

Vintage style decor

Recently, vintage style has become especially popular. It is used to decorate living rooms, bedrooms and other residential premises. The special atmosphere of such interiors is configured to cozy and homely. According to the masters, the vintage style is able to "return the old doors to life" and fill the space of the apartment with unique charm.

Vintage doors

For finishing works, you will need: coarse sandpaper, PVA glue or a special mounting mixture, baguette, light color paint (better pastel), rollers and brushes, fixing varnish, additional decor at your discretion.

Procedure for decorating:

  1. The main stage of decoration involves staining the door to neutral. Next, you must wait until the paint is dry.
  2. With the help of sandpaper, the cloth is slightly sled. Through the layer of previously applied paint will perform traces of natural wood, which will give the surface a shape.
  3. Upon completion of coarse processing, the central part of the door begins. For this, the chosen baguette on the reverse side is labeled with glue and grudges tightly to the canvase.
  4. Additionally, you can decorate the composition using old music notebooks, posters, geographical maps and any other vintage images - they are simply glued to the surface. You can install both the accessories under ancient (for example, a handle).
  5. In order for the decor obtained fully, the baguette is painted, and two layers of transparent acrylic varnish are applied on top of the glued patterns.

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Vintage style decor

Decorating old doors

New interior and entrance doors are quite a lot, which is why if there are small defects on the surface of the door canvase, the best solution will be the restoration and subsequent decor of this interior item. This approach is applicable to the old furniture, which over time lost its original appearance.

The order of work on decorating doors from the tree is as follows:

1. The door must be removed from the loops and replace the old accessories to the new one. It is desirable that locks, latches and door handles are performed in one style.

Restoration of the door do it yourself

2. After you removed the door leaf, you must remove the old paint. To do this, you will need a construction hairdryer and spatulas of different sizes.

Restoration of the door do it yourself

3. It is very important to make all the microcracks and scratches on the surface of the door. You can do this with the help of putty and special putty.

Restoration of the door do it yourself

4. When the door surface is completely dry, you can proceed to the depth. At the same stage, we need to be applied to the canvas layer of Olifa, which will not give the coating to be deformed under the influence of negative environmental factors.

Restoration of the door do it yourself

5. There are a large number of ways to design the door leaf - you can use the paint or apply a layer of varnish, create an interesting composition with stenings or imitate moldings.

Painting Doors through Stencil

On video: how to restore the door or give the old door fresh look.

Decoupage technique

Decoupage technique can be used for the doorway decor. This way is easy to perform with your own hands, which allows you to recreate exactly the design that reflects the interests of the residents at home. Decoupage technique perfectly complements the vintage style, decorating it and giving a modern appearance.

The decor is carried out using napkins that are fixed on the surface with decoupage glue or PVA.

Decor doors in the technique of decoupage

Before glueing the composition of the napkins, the door needs to be treated with a putty (for leveling the surface), to cover the dark paint first, to be treated with wax, and then paint white acrylic paint and slightly sand. Thus, the very effect of antiquity will be created.

Door Update With Self-Adhesive Film

The self-adhesive film is also used to decorate the old doors of natural wood, glass, metal and even plastic. A distinctive feature of this material is high elasticity, which makes it possible to framing the door with a variety of ways (around the painted surface). That is why the self-adhesive film is great for decoring furniture, door canvases, windows, windowsill.

Self-adhesive film

If you do not have additional material resources, but strive for the fundamental transformation of the interroom or entrance door, then the purchase of this material will be an excellent solution.

Decor of the door self-adhesive film

Using paints

You can update the interior with the help of standard doors painting. The advantages of this method include: availability, long service life, elimination of defects and spots, a variety of color options and simplicity of coating care. However, this decor today is already surprised. To arrange the doorway to the paints wisely in the children's room, especially if you attract the child to this process.

How to update the doors do it yourself

Buying paint, give preference to acrylic products. These materials smoothly fall on the surface, not leaving the stains and herds.

Painting interroom doors

Stained-in painted

All sorts of stained glass windows are ideal for decoration of glass doors. As a result, you will receive an original and spectacular interior, visual expansion of space and thematic zoning of the house. And all this with one or two small stained glass windows. Create stained glass windows on glass and do it yourself, for this in art stores for sale sets of stained-glass paints.

Decor door stained painting

In addition to the paints you will need the contour - the so-called metal boundary between fragments of different colors.

Stained-in painted

Decor with the help of old geographical maps or posters

To decorate the interior door to the teenager's room you will need a stack of old posters, fragments from newspapers or magazines, as well as geographical maps. For a child, such a decoration will be a pleasant surprise, especially if the door to the room is decorated in the style of his beloved musical group. Pruning can be pasted in the same way as in the case of classical wallpaper.

Article on the topic: White interroom doors - exquisite decoration for any interior

Door decor with old geographic maps

It is worth noting that this option is suitable not only for children's and teenage rooms. A similar decor will fit perfectly in the interior of a small country house: for the veranda and bedrooms, use posters and cuts from newspapers, and for the living room - geographical maps and music notebooks, written by the tenants of this house.

Decor with stickers

To update the interior of the room, it is not necessary to buy acrylic paint, windows or roll rolls. A fairly simple and inexpensive way to decorate doors is the use of decorative stickers. Decorating the door leaf of this kind of elements, you will not only refresh the space of the room, but also make it more modern and youth.

This technique will definitely lead your guests in shock and will force constantly turn on this element of the interior.

Door decor with decorative stickers

When decorating glass doors, decorative stickers are applied horizontally (or parts) on both sides of the web, due to which the design acquires the original appearance. Specialized stores have a wide selection of similar products of various shapes, textures and sizes.

The most optimal option for the interior door decor can be called the use of vinyl stickers. They differ in durability and resistance to environmental factors (perfectly carry high temperatures, the effect of ultraviolet rays and increased air humidity).

Decor doors stickers

On video: how to glue a sticker on the door.

Glass Decor on Doors

One of the most common design techniques in decorating door openings is stained glass and sandblasting. A simple variant of such a decor, which can be done with your own hands, is a replacement of transparent braid on color or corrugated stained inserts.

You can also contact a specialized company and develop your own stained glass sketch. In this case, the type and content of the composition you will choose yourself.

Glass decor on doors with their own hands

Before applying the picture on the glass, you need to thoroughly clean the surface from dirt and dust, then slightly moisten the glass with water and wipe it with a soft napkin. The next step will be the preparation of the desired mixture of acrylic paint and the application of the resulting solution with a thin layer. After complete drying, wipe the glass insert with a tissue napkin and enjoy the result.

Stained-glass painting with their own hands on the glass

If you do not possess special artistic skills, stencils will help you to make a glass door. Choose several options for images in the store, arimize the paints and turn the old door to the artwork.

DECOR interroom doors moldings

Transform the door canvas immediately and without unnecessary finishing works made it possible to appear in the market of modern molding. The surface of this kind of elements can be both smooth and with an unusual texture. Decor with moldings perfectly fit into the classic and vintage design - such a finish is perfectly combined with baguettes, tapestries and a furniture head of expensive wood breeds.

A few years ago, only wooden moldings and models made of plaster stucco could be found in the stores. Now they produce options from foam and expanded polystyrene, which are easy to install.

Door decor Moldings do it yourself

The design of the door leaf is an effective and original way in the shortest possible time to transform the interior of the room. There are a large number of options for the decor of input and interior door structures. When choosing, it is worth considering personal preferences and features of the apartment design. Then it will be easier for you to make a decision that choose is a monophonic painting of doors, allocation of molding, stained glass windows or wallpapers.

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Decoration of interroom doors - an original approach to interior decoration

Decoration of interroom doors - an original approach to interior decoration

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