How to choose an entrance door to an apartment? (Important nuances and tips)


The first thing that rushes into the eyes when you go to the apartment is the entrance door. High-quality door design should personify reliability, safety and good taste of residents at home. That is why it is so difficult to decide on the main criteria for selecting the entrance door: aesthetic attractiveness or specifications?

To pick up the right option, you should figure out the design features of this kind of product, in the price division and types of external finishes. In this article we will answer the question of how to choose an entrance door to an apartment at a reasonable price, as well as consider popular models of different modifications and manufacturers.

Highlights when choosing an entrance door to an apartment

Entrance doors for the apartment can differ significantly, depending on the manufacturer and content (materials used and mechanisms used). It is from these two criteria that the quality of finished products depends. The operational properties of the design also affects the selected accessories, the type of thermal insulation and the lock mechanism.

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Experts allocate multiple key parameters to which it is worth navigating when choosing an entrance door:

  • Two-layer door leaf with a sheet thickness of at least 2 mm. Steel models made of fine steel is more durable than standard interrooms (the thickness of the web in this case is 0.7-1.15 mm).
  • The presence of anti-removable loops. In the absence of such installation and subsequent dismantling of the door leaf - this is a very laborious and cost-consuming process (it will be necessary to call the work brigade, which will definitely not please your neighbors).
  • The presence of the heat insulation system. Suitable materials should be used, better if it is a mineral wool or polyurethane foam spraying.
  • Reliable castle protection. To reduce the risks of hacking the entrance door to a minimum, it is best to put a model with a double-shut-off system of tiny type. If your financial capabilities allow, then we recommend structures with an additional lock protection system.
  • The quality of the external door decoration. Metal elements should be covered with powder paint and a layer of anti-corrosion primer.

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Constructive features

Metal doors in the apartment are performed by several basic functions: reliability, high sound and thermal insulation, as well as an attractive appearance. All this is due to the use of seals and special fireproof substances (for the insulation of the side parts of the structure). When choosing an external and interior decoration, manufacturers take into account modern trends. But, on the quality of metal products, its structural features are of particular importance.

Construction of the entrance door

The metal door includes four elements:

  • carrier design (base);
  • constipation system;
  • decorative finish;
  • Additional fittings and other components.
Constructive features of entrance doors
Construction of the entrance door

How to choose an inlet metal door to the apartment? Before going to the store, get acquainted with the features of this type of product. When choosing reliable entrance doors in an apartment, you should choose models that open out (those that open simply inside, can be easily hacked). Such protective metal doors will not give to penetrate the housing of thieves and fraudsters (the system is not amenable to the common type of hacking with the help of a jack).

Increasingly, manufacturers refuse to use such important elements as stiffeners, due to their high cost. However, this approach leads to a rapid sediment and distortion of the product, which in no case cannot be allowed when creating such structures.

Stiffery ribs in doors

When choosing an input metal door to the apartment, make sure that the model you like is equipped with all the necessary protective components. We can not equip the design with several locks of different types. However, make sure that the distance between them was at least 25 cm.

Additional elements include anti-binding pins and all sorts of blocks that impede the opening with intentive damage to the loops.

Antician pin

Third thickness

The thickness of steel products varies from 0.5 to 3 mm and is determined based on the profile width: 5-7 cm for residential premises and 9-10 cm for street objects. Using the inlet door with a thick web provides high strength, safety and excellent insulating properties. However, elevated inertia makes such a more traumatic design.

Experts recommend choosing the models of the average price segment. After all, excessively cheap door canvases (thickness 0.5-1.5 mm) are very unreliable and have a relatively low service life. And the large thickness of the canvas threatens an increase in the weight of the entire design.

Remember, the perfect thickness of the canvas is two millimeters. If you are just going to change the door in the apartment, then look close to the new product type - products using one external metal sheet three millimeters.

steel thickness on the entrance door

Number of rigid rigidity

When hacking the entrance door there are twisting loads, only ribbon ribs can withstand them. The sustainability and reliability of the entire design depend on the number and correct location of this element.

Article on the topic: Decoration of interroom doors - an original approach to interior decoration

There are three stiffener ribs.

  • Transverse - horizontal location;
  • Longitudinal - Scheme "top-down", vertical location;
  • Mixed (combined) - a combination of transverse and longitudinal.

Below in the photo shows an example of using a mixed system when stiffeners are located along and cooked the door canvase. Such an option of the door is as efficient to protect against unforeseen penetration of thieves, and also tolerate a long mechanical effect.

Stiffery ribs in doors

Heat insulation and sound insulation

Competently planned isolation of the door leaf should be protected from heat loss, outsiders and smells from the staircase. In addition, correctly selected insulating materials can improve the appearance of the door, as they are used to finish the external part of the design and slopes.

Heat insulation inlet door

At the first stage of isolation, empty gaps between the ribbies are filled with mineral wool or other material with a complex action (both sound and heat insulator). Additional fillers are used, such as polyurethane foam and expanded polystyrene. However, their big disadvantage is the fire hazard.

Heat and sound insulation of the entrance door

In the second stage, the appropriate seal is distributed throughout the perimeter of the structure. The leaders in the market are rubber and silicone seals - with their help you can not only increase the soundproof properties of the door, but also save the apartment from unpleasant odors and outsiders from the side of the landing.

Silicone seal on entrance doors

External and interior decoration

When choosing an interior decor, it is worth considering only the personal preferences of residents, as well as the features of the style design of the room. As for the external finish, it should be resistant to the effects of environmental factors (sharp temperature drops, sunlight, high humidity) and mechanical exposure from the outside.

Popular options for finishing entrance doors and their features:

  • Powder coating. Such a method involves a uniform application of special paints on the surface of the door, a distinctive feature of which is the possibility of the formation of an anti-vandal film under the influence of high temperatures. This is an economy option with excellent performance. The advantages of this material include low coating price, resistance to atmospheric precipitation and durability.

Entrance door Powder painting

  • Natural wood panels. Are the most expensive, stylish, beautiful and eco-friendly option of the entrance door. Wood looks worthily in any interior and at the same time can be considered excellent additional thermal insulator. If you decorate the finished wooden structure with bronze staining and interesting carvings, then you can get a real work of art.

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

  • MDF panel. This finish is very popular among Russian buyers. The panels are made of wood chips, after which they are covered with special paint or PVC film with a pattern in the form of an array of wood. They are distinguished by high heat and noise insulation, a wide selection of decorative coating. Do not require much care, but it is much more expensive than powder spraying models.

Entrance door MDF.

  • Dermantin. A few years ago, vinylisprozine was used for finishing the entrance doors, now it slept greatly. Externally, the material resembles natural skin, however, it has less significant operational properties (short-lived, fire hazardous).

Vinyl slip

Less expensive finishes include plastic panels and PVC film lamination (but the service life of such a coating is very short - no more than 10 years).

Attention on the loop

Two types of loops are distinguished - hidden and outdoor. The second is welded to the box frame and the doorway, the hidden are located in specially adapted sinuses protected on both sides.

Outdoor loops on a metal door
Outdoor loops welded to the door frame

Entrance doors with hidden loops are somewhat more expensive, but their opposite properties are worthy of all silence. In addition to the loops, the design can be equipped with anti-blank pins and bearings.

Internal loop on the door
So look hidden loops

When choosing an entrance door to buyers, the question arises: what option loops is better - adjustable or unregulated. Models of the first type require timely replacement of worn loops, and the unregulated long time retain strength and reliability. To spoil unregulated loops is almost impossible.

Internal loop on a metal door
Hidden adjustable loops

Features of the choice of the castle

The main element of the reliability of the entrance doors is a high-quality shut-off design. The harder the mechanism, the harder it will be hacked. That is why when choosing a door, special attention should be paid to the castles.

Article on the topic: What interior doors are better to install in a wooden house: tips on choosing and stages of installation

Which lock to choose on the entrance doors

There are two different types of locks for metal models, the hacking of which will take a long time from the scam:

  • The cylinder locking mechanism is characterized by a complex operating system, but unstable to mechanical effects. So that the thieves did not beat the lock, it will be reasonably adding such a binding structure.

Cylinder lock on doors

  • Suwald locking mechanism - the discovery is possible only using special adaptation and certain skills, but resistant to the directional use of physical force.

Suwald Castle on Doors

To secure the apartment from hacking, it is better to give preference to the inlet doors with two locks of different types. As the main shut-off mechanism, we advise you to install a castle with several riglels.

What castle on the door to choose

Door security classes

For everyday installation, the input blocks of seven different types are used, depending on the class of security, however, in most apartments, it is preferred to set products for the first four classes:

  • First class - the most unreliable door structures with a simple gate system. Open them is able to anyone, the easiest way to do this, knocking the door frame. Use such products is worth it in the utility rooms.
  • Second Class - Door Designs of this type have a more advanced protection scheme. To open the mechanism, a special tool will be required: scrap or hammer. They are also not suitable for installation in apartments, country houses or office premises.
  • The third class - to this category include burglar-resistant doors with excellent noise insulating properties. Dismantling of this design is carried out using a powerful power tool. Such models are produced in several price categories, but most often these are elite doors. This is the most common option for installation in apartments and small private buildings.
  • Fourth Class - Compared to the previous type of this kind, the door structures are equipped with auxiliary side panels, and multi-item installation is used for installation. Due to the excellent protective properties, such doors are often called armored (in their manufacture, armored steel apply).
Protection classes of entrance doors
To avoid hacking, choose only reliable door structures

On video: how to choose a lock for the front door.

Input metal doors

The main requirements for the parameters of the input metal doors and openings are set forth in the rules of SNiP and GOST. Before installing, all products are pre-verified, where its dimensions are determined. Depending on the results obtained, the product refers to a specific type. The table below shows the basic parameters of standard door structures.

Standard Input Door Sizes

Most modern construction facilities are built on individual projects, in connection with which the input and interior doors to order have to do. The development of non-standard types of structures is also based on international security criteria.

The so-called high input doors (non-standard sizes) must comply with the following indicators:

  • For products with a height of 2.5 meters, a width of 60-100 centimeters is characteristic. The most optimal option is the dimensions of the door leaf equal to 900 x 2500.
  • For openings with parameters of 1040 x 2550, the doors of 940 x 2500 mm are suitable. This kind of proportion will perfectly fit into any room and provide the owner free entrance to the apartment.

Width of entrance doors

Famous manufacturers

Where to buy the entrance door at an affordable price, what manufacturers are to trust, and what no? Please note that large companies provide their customers with guarantees, as well as documents for products with all technical parameters. What can not be said about small domestic and foreign industries. Buying the entrance door in a dubious company, you will not be able to replace the displaced item for free in the event of a breakdown.

In the domestic market, the rating of the manufacturers of entrance doors looks like this:

  1. Gardian;
  2. Outpost;
  3. Condor;
  4. Tapere;
  5. Elbor.

Top entrance doors

Today, specialized stores feature a wide range of various modifications of entrance doors from domestic and foreign manufacturers. Models of Italian companies are particularly popular in the Russian market, since they are distinguished by a unique design, reliable fitness and excellent quality. To choose the option optimal for a specific situation, it is necessary to deal with the features of various types of designs and the rating of the best manufacturers.

With thermal survey

The thermal survey is intended to limit the process of heat transfer. This is a special element of the inner part of the inlet door with a low degree of thermal conductivity. This principle began to be used in the production of such structures relatively recently, before the thermorrone replaced the imposition (the second partition). To change bulky structures, to establish which was difficult because of the high weight, the thermal survey came.

Doors with thermal survey

The advantages of such designs, specialists include long-term heat conservation, reducing energy seats, durability and an attractive appearance. The minus you can call the high cost of products - the initial price is about 22,000 rubles.

Article on the topic: bivalve interior doors: types, sizes, variety of models

With a thick cannol

Not always from metal thickness depends on the quality of the entrance door. Some manufacturers make a web with a thickness of up to 3 cm, which indicates the low quality of the material used. Thus, in order to achieve suitable stiffness of the structure, thick, dense steel sheets are used. Such a burglar-resistant door is a complex mechanism with a special system of arrangement of internal stiffeners.

Input doors with thick web

Recently, cases occur when manufacturers in order to save on the manufacture of products are used with a thickness of about 1 mm (double-sided colorful coating). The strength of this material is comparable to the canning can. Budget "Thin" Metal door canvases are completely not protected from hacking.

Belarusian production

The perfect combination of price-quality boasts metal doors of Belarusian production. This is a real standard of reliability, safety and sophisticated style. The successes of developers from Belarus are due to the widespread introduction of modern equipment, low labor costs and the availability of duty-free trade with the Russian Federation. Companies produce a variety of input door models and even special safe structures with an increased degree of strength.

Most of the products are based on average and premium price segments. If you choose the best doors on the market, then certainly order the products of the Belarusian production.

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

We recommend paying special attention to the products of the Belarusian company "Diva". At all online stores, the goods of this manufacturer occupy a leading position, and the brand safes are in demand not only in Russia, but also in Eastern Europe. The company is focused on the release of models for street installation with high indicators of noise insulation and reliability.

Entrance doors Diva

Sound insulation

These models of the entrance doors are characterized by increased soundproofing confirmed by the specialized structure of the NIIF. Acoustic doors are used in health facilities, in large business centers, in hotels, museums, power plants - in various premises where high noise protection and heat transfer reduction even with frequent opening.

Sound insulation door


We have already said that metal doors are the standard of reliability. But still it is worth noting such an important feature of a similar design, as significant dimensions - the average weight is 100 kilograms. Weight depends on the thickness of the steel profile, accessories and material of the external finish.

Metal entrance door

Anyway, metal doors are perfectly coping with three basic requirements for this type of product:

  • protection against thieves and negative environmental factors;
  • providing heat in the apartment;
  • An obstacle to the penetration of various noise, smells.

Metal entrance door

With finishing MDF.

Increasingly, the market can be found in the market with the MDF type finish. Such models are very popular at the expense of their excellent technical and operational properties.

The indisputable advantages of structures include:

  • Ecology material. In the manufacture of products of this type, a chip of natural wood is used, which increases the strength and stability of products to all sorts of exposure.
  • Wide selection of colors and textures. When connecting different materials, it turns out a unique one that is not similar to the drawing.
  • Good resistance to high temperatures. This allows the design for a long time to maintain its initial appearance.

Entrance doors MDF.

With internal opening

When choosing an entrance door, few people think about what the opening mechanism is equipped. However, this parameter is very important in separate cases. How will you open the door in the future if the design features of the opening do not make it possible to fully push the sash out? In such a situation, the inlet doors of the internal opening will come to help you.

This system is often used as an additional level of protection - that is, at the entrance, two mechanisms with various types of opening are mounted.

Entrance doors with internal opening

As in the case of other modifications of entrance doors, prices for similar structures may vary, depending on the type of finishing, the strength of the frame, design features, the quality of the accessories and the selected gate system. You can purchase input blocks from internal opening mechanisms in budget and exposive versions.

Summing up, I would like to note that the most important when choosing an entrance door is the material from which it is made. After all, the main purchase criteria is the strength, reliability and safety of the design. A variety of types of external decoration will allow you to choose the right option for you in any price category. From the video below, you can learn useful information about selecting the entrance door and leave comments to other users if you have already encountered the problem of finding the only correct option.

Selecting the entrance door - how not to give yourself to fool? (2 video)

Different models of entrance doors (75 photos)

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

Choose the entrance door to the apartment: features of structures and advice of professionals

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