Features of interior doors secret and hidden installation


No repairs do without installing interroom doors. A stylish and concise solution when choosing doors will be an unusual designer solution: the door of the hidden installation, which has another name, "the door-invisible". She has no visible box, platbands; Only a very narrow slit between the wall and the door canvase is noticeable.

In Moscow, such doors sell Belveddors, familiar with the prices and the photo you can link.

Advantages and features of the doors of the hidden editing

  1. Harmoniously look at any room and are appropriate even in the smallestistic interior;
  2. Allow the original room design, for example, make an emphasis on an unusual wall decor or make the doorway indistinguishable from the wall in color and texture;
  3. visually expand the space and improve the proportions of the room;
  4. give the opportunity to "hide" from strange eyes the entrance to the premises for household needs or bathroom;
  5. Increases the height of the room when installing "into the ceiling" without top jumper, due to which the horizontal clearance disappears completely and makes the canvas truly imperceptible.
  6. The door of the hidden installation can be made completely invisible with the help of special built-in handles and locks: in this case, the canvas will open due to a small pressure on it;
  7. Most often, the design without a visible door handle is used under painting - so the door opening becomes the most imperceptible for the finishing coating.
Most often, the doors of the latent installation are swinging: the door opens "on itself" or "from ourselves" with the help of visible or invisible handles and requires free space for the door canvase.

The versatility of the hidden installation is that you can install the door in the same plane with the wall with any side you need.

Another incomprehensible plus in favor of hidden installation doors - the ability to choose the design style - antique, under ancient, classic or loft - any decision will give the space of airiness and freshness due to the full disguise of the door frame.

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The door-invisible is a modern solution for practical people who keep up with the times.

Features of secret (secret) doors

If the door of the hidden installation can only be in the same plane with the wall (and only on the one hand: on the other hand, the doorway stands out perfectly), then when looking at the door, no one should guess that in front of them the design, behind which the entrance is hidden in Another room.

It does not have accessories, or it should be special, hidden.

The creation of a secret door is a task that requires creative veins and engineering knowledge, always non-trivial, requiring an individual approach and careful planning.

Judge for yourself:

  • The secret door can be hidden under the wallpaper, curtains, tiles, brick; hang on her mirror in full growth; Masking for a picture or panel, decorated with wall panels. At the same time, no one should guess that the door in front of him.
  • On the secret door you can hang the design, imitating or playing the role of a cabinet or rack. At the same time, the door and door frame should be very well strengthened or being metallic to withstand such solid extra weight.
  • The design of the hiding doors can be very difficult: in addition to hanging on the loop, the designers can hide the door, making it sliding (manually controlled and automatically) and rotate ("rotapolito" turns around its axis due to the operation of a complex mechanism from retractable rods).
  • Such doors are hung on special invisible doors-hinges, locks and mechanisms of a special design; Arrange levers.

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