How to choose the material and lay the floor from larch


Every year, more new building materials appear on the shelves of construction stores. Despite this, many buyers prefer the goods that are checked for years. This is especially true for decorative materials. And, choosing an outdoor cover, the consumer stops its choice on a regular natural wooden board, which has a long period of operation.

Many do not consider the tree due to its instability to moisture and leaning towards deformities. However, there are wood breeds that have excellent operational properties. One of these breeds is a Siberian larch. It was it used in the construction of an excellent Venice. And wooden piles made of larch are still in excellent condition, despite the constant effects of water.

How to choose the material and lay the floor from larch

Screwdrived boards from larch are suitable for furnishing of floors in bathrooms and baths. At the ends of the genital boards are castle connections. Therefore, the board laying will not deliver a lot of trouble, and does not take much time. You can ride the floors from larch floors on open verandahs or terraces. Used larch and during the arrangement of decks of ships.

Advantages of larch sex

In addition to durability, it is worth noting the porous structure of the material. Thanks to this, wood freely "breathes." Not all wood species can boast such a porous structure. The larch floor absorbs an extra moisture, which simply evaporates, without lingering at the very floorboard. Therefore, the apartment will constantly be comfortable for the life of the microclimate.

Despite the fact that larch has a porous structure, it has low thermal conductivity characteristics. Consequently, the floors in the house will not need to be stuck with carpets or tracks. They will be warm even in winter. Not all decorative flooring can boast of such quality. Some remain cold even in the summer (porcelain stoneware, outdoor tile).

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How to choose the material and lay the floor from larch

Since wood is 100% environmentally friendly material, it is safe for human health. Few people know that the Siberian larch contains phytoncides. These substances are able to destroy bacteria that are in the air and cause diseases. They have favorably affect the general state of a person, strengthen immunity and contribute to improving the work of the human respiratory system.

The fact that people living in houses decorated with a pinned board from Siberian larch are less suffering from headaches and colds scientifically proven. It is worth noting that the Siberian larch contains gum. This substance prevents the rotation process and prevents the appearance of fungus and mold.

As for the appearance, the tipped board from the Siberian larch is represented in 12 shades. It has an interesting texture and decorate any room. In addition to all the advantages, it should be noted the excellent sound insulation qualities of the geepboard from the Siberian larch.

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Features of larch flooring

For the floors to serve for a non-one decade, you need to qualitatively perform installation work. Boards must be strictly horizontally. If drowshes were allowed during the stacking, the operational period of the material will significantly decrease. Due to the uneven load distribution, genital boards are deformed. Ultimately, they will have to be replaced with new ones.

You also need to consider the ventilation system. Whatever it was, and wood is natural material to which the air should come. Therefore, the laying of the genital boards is made on the lags. And even if the free space between the lags is closed with insulating material, it should not close to the sexual boards.

If the flooring laying in the apartment, which is on the first floor, should be taken care of high-quality thermal insulation. After all, sex boards will be on the border of heated and unheated premises. Due to the constant drops of temperatures, the board are simply deformed, and the floor will have to be prohibited.

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How to choose the material and lay the floor from larch

The floorboard should adapt to the conditions of the room in which its laying will be produced. Therefore, the material cannot be laid immediately after it was brought. It must go to the room for 5-7 days. During this time, wood will get used to the temperature regime and the level of humidity.

It is best to purchase a material that has been processed by special means that increase the operating period of the tree. You can process boards yourself or simply cover with paintwork. In order to do not spoil its attractive appearance during wood processing, it is necessary to use transparent paints and varnishes.

It is worth paying attention to the presence of oils in these products. If those are present, then during the renewal of the surface of the genital boards can not do without grinding. This is due to the fact that oils are deeply penetrated into the structure of the tree. At the same time, the adhesive properties of the material deteriorate significantly.

Larch board

How to choose the material and lay the floor from larch

Even if the installation was completed by all the rules, it is necessary to care for the tree. You need to systematically update the protective layer. As a rule, it should be done once every three years. However, it all depends on the pavement of the room.

In some rooms, you need to update the protective layer annually. You can update not the entire protective layer, but only damaged areas. But before applying a protective agent to a certain area, it must be cleaned.

During cleaning it is undesirable to use household chemicals. If there is no need to make wet cleaning, then it is better to simply spend the surface of the floor. If there is a need to wash the floors in the apartment, then you need to do it moist, and not a wet rag. After a wet cleaning, it is desirable to wipe the floor with a dry cloth. To prevent premature abrasion of the protective layer can be placed on the floor small mats.

Disadvantages of a tipped board of larch

How to choose the material and lay the floor from larch

The lack of floors from larch can be attributed their high price policy. But, if you consider the fact that this tree is a tree is one of the most durable, its pricing policy is quite justified. You can buy pine boards that cost much cheaper. But after a couple of dozen years they will have to be replaced with new ones. And larch can be operated by centuries.

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In Europe, you can meet the castles that were built 500 years ago. There, during the arrangement of the floors, a Siberian larch was used. And the floors in these locks to this day are in excellent condition.

Another disadvantage is instability to fire. Unfortunately, all the wood breeds possess this disadvantage. To date, there are special impregnations that solve the fireproof problem. After processing wood becomes resistant to the effects of fire.

In conclusion, we can say that, despite the emergence of modern materials, the tree does not lose its popularity. And for the arrangement of the floor, a solid and beautiful Siberian larch is perfect.

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