Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes


Point painted bottles - a master class for beginners can be seen below - like everyone who wants to simply and originally decorate the interior or make a gift. You can decorate a bottle in different ways: make a decoupage, glue accessories, seashells, buttons or simply paint paint. As a result, a beautiful decorative vase can get. Separately, it is worth noting the point painting, which is made by special contour paints capable of holding a long time and do not fill. The painting technique is very simple, it is possible to master it quite quickly and easily. However, there are some features of the work that it is worth paying attention to the caretaker turns out beautiful and harmonious.

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Principles of technology

The essence of the technology is to create a picture or pattern using points without using smooth, continuous lines. The point painting on the glass is made by special contour acrylic paints that are sold in tubes with a norace convenient.

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Paints can be of different colors, but most often used black, golden, silver or white paint. For point painting is also acceptable and ordinary acrylic (for glass) of different colors and shades in jars, but to apply it to the bottle, it is necessary to use a wand, for example, from a brush.

It should take into account the consistency of the paint: it is not recommended to breed it liquid, otherwise it will flock.

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Contour paints are larger in consistency and do not require dilution. It is enough to buy several tubes, open them and start working.

The simplest painting with which the newbie will cope with the screen drawing. Stencils can be downloaded and print, redraw from the monitor or buy ready-made in the store for creativity. It can be bizarre patterns, images of animals, birds, insects, colors.

The main thing is that they contain as much minor lines as possible and as little empty spaces as possible. Then the finished picture, despite the fact that it is done by points, it will look full, like a mosaic.

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Of course, you can also start drawings on the bottle and bizarre patterns, and also start drawing immediately on the glass surface. But if there is no confidence in your artistic skills, it is better to use the finished picture.

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We start creating

So, it will take to create a point painting:

  • any clean (without labels) bottle;
  • contour paints;
  • Fluid degreasing (alcohol or varnish removal fluid);
  • cotton discs and cotton wands;
  • contour patterns;
  • needle;
  • Acrylic varnish and brushes.

Common work:

  1. Degrease the surface of the bottle: Moisten a cotton disk with alcohol or liquid to remove varnish and walk along the glass;
  1. Transfer the drawing to the bottle;
  1. Slightly pressing on the tube, start using the drawing of the point (irregularities and surplus paint, clean with a cotton wand);

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

  1. When the work is completed, leave it for drying, better for a day;
  1. To protect the paint cover a bottle of varnish (if desired).

Crafts ready!

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

To transfer the drawing to the bottle, the easiest way is to use the copy. If it is not, you can make it yourself. To do this, a fairly printed picture paint a soft simple pencil from the opposite side. After that, the drawing is secured by the shaded side on the bottle, for example, with a scotch, and circle with pressure the main features of the pattern.

On the glass surface of the bottle, you must stay barely noticeable lines that will become a guide for applying a pattern.

Also, traces from the pencil on the painted surface remain good, so before painting it is recommended to paint the bottle acrylic. For example, as in the photo:

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

From the intensity of the pressure on the tube depends the size of the point. Large points, as a rule, "roll" are first large, the main parts of the pattern, and then begin to small lines. Large points can be alternating with small. It is also necessary to observe an equal distance between each point. The more accurate the painting will be, the right and harmonious will look at the work as a whole.

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Before starting work, it is recommended to practice on paper. Ethnic patterns with small details and contours are suitable for the bottle. Crafts can work out very stylish. Such vases will look beautiful and original by themselves, especially if the shape of the bottle is round and resembles an amphora or an African jug.

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Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

To fill with color points the entire surface of the bottle, it is recommended to use ready-made schemes, for example, for embroidery. You can transfer to the bottle with a pencil, you can only a mesh with the same cells, and then simply navigate the color pattern.

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

The painting can be combined with decoupage - another type of bottle decoration, which is well familiar to many masters. To hide irregular napkins, as well as decorate the image, it is recommended to make a point frame. Also itself, the image of the decoupage, especially if it contains large parts, you can highlight the points.

Point painting bottles: master class for beginners, video schemes

Video on the topic

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