How to bring cockroaches in the apartment by folk remedies


How to bring cockroaches in the apartment by folk remedies

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment forever? This question is tormented by most people, at least once in their lives faced with red mustache. Cockroaches are not dangerous insects - they do not bump, bugly running out every time you turn on the light in the kitchen. However, the threat, melting in the pipes - these are infections that they can tolerate on their limbs and mustache, crawling on food left not only on the table, but also in cabinets and couches. In addition, waste remaining from these nasty creatures is littering or peeling chitin, capable of playing the role of serious allergens, which cause asthmatic attacks in both children and adults.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment forever

The most important way to bring cockroaches - grazily. Destroy the colony that started in your apartment, it will be not so difficult. However, this does not end. So how to effectively remove cockroaches from the apartment?

The first steps are sanitary techniques and ways to protect the emergence of new uninvited guests. To make your home unattractive for nasty guests, follow the following sanitary rules:

  • Admission to eat only in the kitchen. Chips and small particles of food remain in the rooms, calling the stubs to settle outside the kitchen space. Even if you eat very carefully, but in the living room, be morally ready that soon and Usachi will look at the sound of the TV;
  • Store all edible is also necessary strictly in the kitchen;
  • Clean the vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth on the floor as often as possible, as well as regularly rub the tables, Surfaces and hard-to-reach places where food particles can enter the joints of the cabinets and household appliances, the doors of the boxes, shelves.

    Sill out all edible supplies into containers with tightly closing covers, and trash in a hermetic bucket and packages.

  • Immediately after the meal, do the order and wash the dishes - the cockroaches love to smear on the residues of food in dirty plates;
  • Put in order all plumbing devices - stagnant water, dampness and stench - an excellent environment for the life of past comrades. Take care of anywhere in anywhere there is no sources of humidity, venture and dry even the bathroom after receiving the soul, so as not to leave a single pleasant cockroach corner, remember - they love moisture!

Important! Be sure to check each centimeter of the apartment space for the presence of slots! They can be around the water supply pipes, a gas pipeline or pipeline, as well as the wires stretching in your dwelling from the outside. In new homes there are often holes under plinths.

There are no holes so that none, even the most tiny cockroach, could not get into your house, because if you raise them, but allowing the neighboring - injury will be simply meaningless.

Disinsection that needs to be held in the house after you have taken all measures to eliminate factors attracting cockroaches can be held in a wide variety of forms. But it is necessary to spend it to save yourself and their relatives from possible allergies and poisoning, which contribute to these innocent insects.

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How to bring cockroaches in the apartment by folk remedies

The most effective ways to get rid of cockroaches in the house

What can take cockroaches in the apartment? Replies to this question are many. There are various professional, chemicals for housing cleaning, but also there is an experience gained by previous generations that have not had the opportunity to refer to craftsmen in this area or buy a special means. Such methods are called folk.

It is important to understand that in the apartment there may be not only ordinary redhead cockroaches. Whether you met three-chantimetime black, pasty monsters are bonnet counterparts, and they are not only able to infect you salmonella or provoke an asthmatic seizure. Due to large sizes, black cockroaches often have a wiring, damaged household appliances, or just climb into your bed, scared to horror. How to withdraw black cockroaches from the apartment, the question is no less important.

There are several ways to get rid of the nasty neighborhood. Both ordinary red rods and black cockroaches are very sensitive to sharp smells. Lavender, bay leaf and other odorous seasonings can help. However, such a way will not act for a long time - they get used to! In addition, being constantly in the "cloud" of fragrant seasonings, you risk earning a headache or an allergic runny nose. Therefore, this option of getting rid of cockroaches is very ineffective.

To the other methods that help in the struggle, both with red and black mustache, belong:

  • Foreign housing. If you have your own home, and the fight against livery falls on the cold season, you can do the following: Disconnect the heating, take the family and leave for a couple of days to visit your relatives. Do not forget to open the windows and remove all edible supplies. Part of the colony will be drunk from the cold, the other is from hunger. Well, not hatched individuals will be eaten by their own "fellow villagers" - cannibalism is not alien to these insects. Such a method is chemically safe, and, provided that you will continue to comply with all sanitary rules, durable. But not suitable for apartments;
  • Repellents. These are special chemical and folk remedies that are directed not to the death of Usachi, but to scare them. Folk remedies, as a rule, do not act on cockroaches, but sharp specific smells of chemistry located in the fields of insect penetration to the house can help. But if repellents are located not at all points of access, which you can not be sure, cockroaches will still penetrate into your home;
  • Placing withdrawing structures. Attempts to catch cockroaches with bait known for a long time. However, these techniques do not cause confidence in one hundred percent deliverance from the cockroaches forever. Because, no matter how much of them is trapped, a couple will definitely remain a pair of fruitful females, which easily fill losses in the ranks of the past;
  • Insecticides and pesticides. Various chemical means of complex composition capable of taped cockroaches.

    Important! The threat to use is that you are risking on our own to improve such money when they get into dishes. Therefore, after hurting, it is necessary to carefully move all the surfaces and dishes. And during the week, rinse the dishes and devices before taking food - aerosol insecticides are able to "turn" in the air for a while after spraying.

  • Folk remedies, The most famous of which is boric acid. How to bring cockroaches from the apartment by boric acid, read below.

How to bring cockroaches in the apartment by folk remedies

How to bring cockroaches in the apartment at home with special drugs

How can you remove cockroaches in the apartment if there is a possibility of chemical disinsection? To date, stores can be found a lot of diverse tools, any shape, color, odor and cost.

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Before you give preference to a particular means, analyze the following items:

  • How effective is the tool. Read reviews, check out the impact method. Are you sure that this means will help?
  • How quickly disappear cockroaches under the influence of this fund ? If the injury of the Prusakov is delayed for several weeks - it is better not to take such a tool - while you poison some individuals, others will hatch, and the colony is replenished again;
  • Security for people. If the means it is indicated that it is not applicable in conditions of closed premises and in children, and you do not have the opportunity to leave the dwelling at the time of disinsection - such a means is not worth choosing;

    Attention! Choosing a chemical release form. Take care that your children cannot touch him. So ordinary shames from cockroaches become a real threat to the baby, which can spend the drawn with handles, and then try them to taste!

  • Ease of use. Most people prefer such forms of insecticide issues that allow you to spray just a couple of times - and ready. Few who want to crawl out with a small one-to-reach places.
  • Price tag. Often, a high-quality remedy against the prussians is not small money. In this case, it is worth thinking, and not to spend the same amount to call professionals who will easily get rid of you from unnecessary guests, giving a guarantee that they will not return?

Common means against cockroaches are gels. They are sold in already refilled dispensers with a convenient nose. Do not smell for people, do not decompose, do not leave stains, usually do not cause interest in children. However, for cockroaches it is even more pleasant than fresh bread. They gladly escape to enjoy, after which it feather fast enough. Gels are most popular and high quality:

  • Storm - contains two different insecticides, which increases the chances of winning the mustache, it is not more expensive than fifty rubles;
  • FAS. Approximate cost - about a hundred rubles;
  • Globe. The cost of over two hundred rubles is suitable for highly infected and large premises.

How to bring cockroaches in the apartment by folk remedies

Minus gels - they act quite slowly, and cockroaches are output about two weeks, sometimes longer. There is no need to leave the dwelling. They are applied in places where cockroaches love crawl the most.

If it is necessary to urgently eliminate livestock - pay attention to sprays and aerosols. It is recommended to spray them in masks and gloves, and finding people indoors at the time of spraying and a few hours after - undesirable. However, the cockroaches die instantly.

Popular and popular sprays for non-professional use today:

  • Raptor;
  • Rate;
  • Combat.

If you need to spend a total stripper, you can use the sinusan or tetrix. But these are complex poisonous substances that are not recommended to apply without special protective uniforms.

Attention! The use of professional sprays without coordination of specialists can entail poisoning and threat to life!

You can take advantage of cockroaches. Such a method is suitable if you have pets that you are afraid to harm chemistry. However, it is important to take into account that the traps are not able to save you from the colony completely. It has a reason to acquire such devices if the cockroaches periodically resort to you from the neighbors without lingering for a long time.

There are also crayons, there are still "Masha". However, chalks are inferior by parameters even with gels, and are very dangerous for children and animals.

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When answering a question, the most effective way to get rid of cockroaches in the house, which is called users - the acquisition of microcapsulated chemicals. These include "Lambda Zone" and "Delta Zone", "Empare 20" and many others . They are considered harmless, because the chemical is concluded inside the granules, and is contained in such insignificant doses, which can harm only small insects, but not to people.

How to bring cockroaches in the apartment by folk remedies

How to remove cockroaches from the apartment forever folk remedies

The most popular tool from cockroaches among folk methods is boric acid. This drug has a paralytic effect on the pretty guests. However, so that such a method is to have, cockroaches should begin to use it into food. You can add about forty-grams of acid to boiled egg yolks, to sculpt small lumps and lay out cockroaches in the habitat. And you can simply make a sweet dough from flour, water and sugar, and season your delicacy with cockroach poison. At the same time, if your cats or dogs, or even children, decide to enjoy such a "treat", it will be absolutely harmless to them - boric acid does not affect the organism of mammals. You can also apply a boor - this is a sodium salt of a boric acid. The principle is the same.

You can still use the overworked inflorescences of chamomile flowers or ammonia alcohol. It is necessary to simply wash the floor with the addition of ammonia into the water. But it will not kill cockroaches - they will simply run to the neighbors and return with the first injury.

That is why the most important folk agent is "People's Eve". Collect all your neighbors, agree to make betraying at the same time even where they are not. Hire a disinsectors brigade, open the basements, garbage chutes and other utility rooms in the house. The fight against cockroaches in an apartment building will be effective only if they are destroyed everywhere, and not to go from one apartment to another.

How to bring cockroaches in the apartment by folk remedies

How to effectively remove cockroaches from the apartment with the help of ultrasound

Today there are a mass of the methods of effective getting rid of cockroaches. New items include ultrasound anti-robust devices. But are they effective? At a fairly high cost - from the six hundred Russian rubles and above, ultrasound devices are not a serious threat to the opposite insects. However, many buyers believe in advertising a miraculous means that you just need to install in the kitchen and - goodbye, hated creatures.

But why then still so popular other means from pests?

First, the ultrasound of a cockroach will not kill. Yes, insects are unpleasant sound. Yes, they will try to get around him. But does this mean that you get rid of the cockroaches coming down? Not at all!

Everyone knows that you can scare the mosquito ultrasound. But this happens, because the sound imitates the peak of the bat, which is so afraid of small bloodsows. Cockroaches are not afraid of sounds, do not communicate with the help of them, and do not run away in a panic, but if they have a long time to influence the ultrasound of specially selected power, certain adjustments will occur in their behavior. At the same time, the power supply power must be tangible for both people, which already speaks against such a device.

Some studies have shown that the presence of such a device reduces the number of populations in the apartment, but to get rid of the cockroaches ultrasound completely - the idea of ​​a very dubious nature.

How to bring cockroaches in the apartment by folk remedies

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment forever: video review

In order to effectively deal with cockroaches, you must have full information on this issue. In its receipt, various video instructions can help.

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