Rules for installing Roller on plastic windows


As light-protective structures, the tenants of the apartments and the owners of office premises are increasingly choosing a roller bar. In this regard, it becomes increasingly the question of how to hang rollers with their own hands.

In contrast to classic curtains or curtains, roller structures require a special approach when installing a special approach. From what way you are going to install the design on the window will depend on the work of the work. In order to correctly make a rolled roller, it should be carefully familiar with their constructive features and types of fasteners used.

Collector selection for windows

Rules for installing Roller on plastic windows

The mechanism of the Roller has a lot in common with the blinds

Structurally rolled is one of the varieties of blinds. The only difference is that it is not transverse lamella-lamellas, assembled into a single design to darken the room here, and the tissue curtains wrapped on the shaft.

Lifting, Curtains opens access to the room with natural light, dropping - creates in the room depending on its density or light translucent dusk, or almost complete darkness.

Rules for installing Roller on plastic windows

The modern market shows the widest range of fabric rolling rolls, differing in color scheme, texture of material, constructive features and its value. Therefore, before choosing a roller, you should decide on which option is most suitable for your room.

Rules for installing Roller on plastic windows

The sizes of rolled curtains depend on the place of their fastening: on the frame of the window, window opening or separately on the window sash

With the help of a rollst, you can give the interior to almost any design by issuing it either in a strictly business style, or by creating homemade comfort in it.

Before you choose to choose a role, you should first remove the size from window openings or sash. It all depends on where you are going to attach the design.

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Structurally fabric rollers can be an open or closed type. The first option provides for the installation of the shaft directly on the mounting elements, and in the second shaft is installed in a protective box, which, in turn, is already mounted on the fasteners.

Installation of fabric rolls

Rules for installing Roller on plastic windows

Methods for mounting rolled curtains can be the most different:

  • on the window opening;
  • on the wall or ceiling above the window opening;
  • on the sash window.

Each of these options has its advantages and its cons. Consider in more detail how to set rollers by each of these ways. First of all, you will need to collect rolled curtains from components to a single mechanism, and after that, attach them to the window. Before collecting the design, check out the instructions and drawings attached to it.

It should be remembered that if, due to the wrong or careless assembly, the mechanism will be dismissed, the manufacturer's warranty is canceled.

Installation of the Roller on the wall or ceiling

Rules for installing Roller on plastic windows

To install rolls over the window, you will need a construction level, a roulette, a perforator, screwdriver and a pencil. All work is performed in several stages:

  1. We determine the place where the base of the device will be attached - a roll shaft or a protective box.
  2. With the help of the level, we note the strip, which will be attached to our design.
  3. We apply a roller bar and align it in the center of the window loan. In the right places we plan tags under the openings in the wall.
  4. The perforator drills in the wall of the hole under the dowel-nails and fastened with their help the base of the rolled curtains on the wall.

To adjust the plated part of the curtains in length, we produce it with such a calculation so that it is 10 - 15 cm below the windowsill.

In this place on the regulatory chain, we install a stopper, which will not give us to omit the chart to the floor. About how to hang rolled curtains on the window, see this useful video:

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Installing the Roller on the window frame

Rules for installing Roller on plastic windows

This method has several advantages:

  1. Even with the lowered curtain there is free access to the windowsill.
  2. In order to open the window, you do not need to remove the cloth curtains on the shaft.
  3. You can close the curtain only one window sash, thereby adjusting the level of light illumination.

It is possible to mount the design to the frame using all the same screws. As in the first case, place the location of the brackets using the level and pencil. Look at the window frame on the window frame, see this video:

We apply the rolls to the frame, aligning it in such a way that the canvas completely closed the glazed part of the window. After that, fasten the base of the Ram Laman to the frame with the help of self-tapping screws.

Methods for attaching rolls without damage to frames

Rules for installing Roller on plastic windows

Rollers can be mounted on the window for double-sided tape

However, often at the tenants of the apartments there is a question: "How can I hang a rollers on plastic windows, without damaging the frames?". In this case, double-sided tape can be used to install the Rolled pores on the plastic window.

We also produce the markup of the window turnout, mark the estimated horizontal line. Then we stick bilateral tape on the back side of the base rolls. We release the tissue chart for the entire length of the window sash, we tear the protective layer of the film from the second side of the scotch and, by simply by the speed to the window, fasten the base roll to the frame. As a result, we get a sufficiently strong compound that can reliably hold the roller on the window frame.

For a more durable connection before using Scotch, it is necessary to clear the frame from various contaminants: dust, fat stains, etc.

Rules for installing Roller on plastic windows

Also, instead of Scotch, it is possible to use the mounting glue ("Liquid nails") or special spring brackets. It should take into account all the nuances of this fastening method: liquid nails provide an excessively strong coupling between the base of the blinds and the frame, so that it will be difficult to damage the rolllet without risk or the window will be difficult.

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The spring brackets are designed to attach the roll system only on opening windows. Install them on the deaf sash will not work because of their design features. About how to install rolled curtains without drilling, see this video:

Based on the foregoing, install the rolled carriers on the windows of your home forces to any home master. To do this, you do not need to have some kind of extended abilities - it will be enough for the ability to handle simple building tools, and the desire to fulfill this work with your own hands.

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