Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique


The painting of the walls will emphasize the personal preferences and tastes of the owner of the room. In addition, it can become a joint and unifying type of creativity for the whole family.

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

Art painting of the walls will help refresh the general view of the room and give her your individual style. Common redecoration, bringing a lot of inconvenience and discomfort, can be replaced with creative pastime. And for this it is not necessary to possess the skills of the artist. It is enough just to have a few artistic taste and take advantage of several secrets and recommendations.

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

Where to begin

To begin with, you should see several photos of interiors with images on the walls to understand what kind of paintings are and how different pictures look in the room.

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

You can paint the walls in any style and color scheme.

It is important to pick up anything like that will not be annoyed with everyday view, and will be good to harmonize with the room atmosphere. It can be flowers, trees, objects or ethnic patterns. The painting can be colored and bright, and maybe in weathered colors or black and white.

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

The design of the walls should be in accordance with the preferences and tastes of the owner. For example, on the wall you can depict your favorite animal or musical attributes. The portraits of favorite musicians or writers with songs from songs or literary works will look original. Fantasy here can be infinite.

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

You should also take into account the purpose of the room in the apartment. If it is a small and cozy bedroom, then warm and delicate tones and calm stories are suitable for it - leaves, flowers, birds, etc. If it is a kitchen, then preferably "gastronomic" topics - vegetables, fruits, sausages, dishes or simple patterns. A restrained living room with a minimum number of furniture will decorate stylish flowers, patterns and portraits. For more luxurious living rooms, urban or rural landscapes will fit.

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Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

It should be remembered that the drawings look perfectly on flat and monophonic light walls. Under painting are preferably white or cream walls with a smooth texture. Therefore, before applying painting, it is worth thoroughly prepare the walls.

For this you need:

  • Remove the surplus plaster, clean the existing holes and cracks (in difficult cases it is easier to remove it completely and shook the wall again);
  • allocated all cracks and holes, align the wall so that there are no deep depressions or bulges;
  • cover the wall with soil;
  • Put the dried layer of primer with roller.

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

The painting can be applied on white or light wallpaper, but it is necessary to take into account their properties and quality. Simple paper wallpapers may not withstand a large amount of water, swell and "swim". Vinyl wallpaper is the most suitable and durable option. But still perfect and painted walls remain perfect for painting.

The wall painting in the interior, as a rule, make professional designers and artists when repairing and finishing the room. However, the help of specialists should be resorted if it is planned to create an artistic drawing on the walls or a picturesque picture. For this, of course, at least the artist's deposits are needed. But those who are not with a brush on "you" can experiment and show themselves in creativity.

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

We try to create

The easiest way to paint the walls - by stencil. With this I can not even know how to draw the master. It is enough to purchase special patterns for wall painting. Usually they are sold in stores for creativity or in building supermarkets. Professional and reusable stencils are made of polymer film. You can also make a template from the same film, cardboard or tight paper.

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

It is necessary to prepare:

  • acrylic soil;
  • template;
  • pencil;
  • paints;
  • markers of different colors;
  • Thin brushes;
  • Scotch;
  • roller;
  • acrylic lacquer.

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Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

Of the paints, the most suitable for walls is acrylic. It is well applied almost on any surfaces from paper to glass. You can use other water-based paints, such as gouache.

But it must be remembered that the finished painting in this case should be coated with a special varnish or a PVA solution for better consolidation.

Apply the paint on the large elements of the picture is recommended by roller, sponge or airbrush. Brushes are better not to use, as they can leave divorces and stripes. Small parts and lines are drawn by thin tassels or markers. Making a template is easy. A selected picture should be transferred to paper, cardboard or film and with the help of a stationery knife to cut the necessary parts.

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

Implementation technique is very simple:

  1. Cover the surface of the wall acrylic soil;
  1. Fasten the screen pattern on the wall, for example, scotch;
  1. If the pattern is used (silhouette), attach to the wall and circle it with a pencil;

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

  1. Start Collapsed: First, large parts (paint the stencil with roller and open), and then more carefully draw small elements, shadows, lines;

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

  1. Give dry the drawing;
  1. Covered with acrylic matte varnish.

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

Perhaps it is more interesting to make painting in the nursery. There are several options here:

  • stencil drawing;
  • stylized wallpaper;
  • Children's drawings.

It is advisable to select several drawings with the image with the image of the cartoons, animals or machines (depends on individual flavors), and then make templates on them and apply on the walls.

Charming wallpapers are interesting that you can write and draw with chalk and wash. Optionally glued wallpaper around the perimeter of the whole room. You can select a separate place where the child can manifest itself creatively, every time a newly transformation decor of his room.

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

Conventional white wallpapers can be blocked, which will color the child or with parents. Pictulate a rainbow, the sun or trees will not be difficult to baby, and for more complex parts you can use stencils.

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The decorative painting of the walls can inhale the new life in the usual walls and transform the room, make it a stylish space and a cozy place for recreation and life from it. The main thing is to have enough inspiration and enthusiasm.

Wall painting with their own hands in the apartment on stencil: ideas and technique

Video on the topic

Ideas for inspiration can be learned from the selection of the video below.

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