Tunic Long Sleeves for Girl Crochet With Photo


For walks in the cool time of the year, knitted tunic with long sleeves is always useful. And today we will look at how to tie a cochetic to your daughter. Showing a little patience, diligence, highlighting his free time and desire, we will get a great option for the girl for a girl who will warm the baby and please the mother's heart that has invested his love and care in this product. The master class will be accompanied by a photo, if it is not clear something in the description, then in the presence of photographs, each craver always understands everything.

For baby

This tunic is designed for age 4-5 years. Below are the dimensions of the finished tunics so that you can navigate already in your child.

Measures of the finished product:

  1. Chest circle - 64 cm;
  2. The length of the product on the back is 39 cm;
  3. Length of the sleeves of the tunic - 20 cm;
  4. Coquette in height - 11 cm;
  5. The width of the product at the bottom - 102 cm.

Materials for knitting tunic:

  • Hook at number 2.5;
  • 2 buttons suitable for the color of the main thread;
  • yarn 200 g

So phon the scheme in the original:

Tunic Long Sleeves for Girl Crochet With Photo

For those who know the original language of this scheme, conventions are given:

Tunic Long Sleeves for Girl Crochet With Photo

We will knit in the direction from top to bottom, starting from the bottom of our tunic. To do this, we need to dial a chain of 121 air loops. Now look at the diagram and perform 4 rows. After knitting the 4th row, we will need to tie 23 air loops. Knitting to postpone and make another exact same item with a hook.

Tunic Long Sleeves for Girl Crochet With Photo

Knitting sleeves

Related parts fold between themselves and connect the connecting column. We continue to knit, starting with the fifth row, in a circle, immediately on two parts of the product we use straight rows and reverse rows.

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Sleeves copter in the same pattern. But in contrast to other parts of the sleeves, we will knit from top to bottom. Sleeveless knitting diagram below:

Tunic Long Sleeves for Girl Crochet With Photo

In order to link the sleeves, you need to dial 81 air loop with the hook and the knit 26 scheme nearby. After that, our knitting must be divided in half, two parts will be obtained. These two parts are kicked every 6 rows. The scheme shows that the sleeve has a cut, it needs to be tied up and it will be stronges on the sleeves.

Simple coquette

Now let's start knitting the coquette. In front of the coquettes and the rear of the coquettes, we will knit separately, using crossed columns with Nakid.

Tunic Long Sleeves for Girl Crochet With Photo

Tied a chain of 121 air loop, on the back of the 68 columns without nakidov. It will be the first row of the backs of our tunic. Now knit according to the scheme, while having a throat.

Tunic Long Sleeves for Girl Crochet With Photo

The coquette has 2 halves, you need a felt-tip pen. 3 air loops of a chain of 121 air loop of the lower edge of the tunic.

Uniformly distributed, knit 35 columns without Nakid to the right and 35 columns without Nakid to the right. This will be the first half of the front of the front of the front. We will further knit according to the scheme, while making the neck of the tunic.

Tunic Long Sleeves for Girl Crochet With Photo

The scheme indicates how to bind the neckline. This will not be any difficulty. You need to sew seams on our tunic's shoulders, sew the sleeves and burn the neck. Tunic for her daughter is ready!

Beautiful openwork

Another option to knit tunic for the girl, but already at the age of 10-11 years.

Tunic Long Sleeves for Girl Crochet With Photo

Materials for knitting tunic:

  • Threads for knitting, take such a composition: 50% cotton, 50% viscose, 400 m / 100 g, such threads we will need 300 g;
  • Hook number 1.25 (the hook corresponds to the width of the thread).

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Knitting tunic start with the back. To do this, with a crocheted chain of 92 air carelets + 3 lifting air loops. Now you need to check 1 row of columns with one nakid. We will knit openwork knitting according to Scheme number 1. To check the height of 15 cm for the execution of the arm, you need to get down at the edges of 9 kettles. After that we will knit straight. Tied 27 cm in height, we will make the neck, for this you need to leave the average 40 kettops and knit the parties separately. When you connect 32 cm, you need to finish work.

Tunic Long Sleeves for Girl Crochet With Photo

Now we will knit the front of the tunic. Knit it in the same way as the back knit. The neckline of the neck here will be deep, compared with the back. And in order to make it, tie to a height of 23 cm, you need to leave 40 medium kettops and both sides are squeezed separately. As with us, we did. Talking 32 cm in height, knitting must be finished.

Lower tunic. Sew the sutures on the sides and from the bottom of the tunic We will knit openwork viscous, which in the scheme is indicated by the second number. By sticking 45 cm in the height, you need to check the row of columns without a nakid and knitting to finish.

In order to link the sleeves, you need to dial 70 air loops and to stick 1 row of columns with Caid. Then again knit a patterned viscous in the diagram at number 1. After 16 cm knitting to make rollers on the sleeves, it is necessary to leave 9 kettles on both sides and then in each row 10 times 1 loops and 3 times 2 plates. Touching 14 cm after rollback, knitting the sleeves end. The sleeves can be associated both short and long, it is already at your discretion.

Tunic Long Sleeves for Girl Crochet With Photo

The assembly is carried out by stitching the sleeves by performing the shoulder seams. The neck needs to be tied up 1 near the columns without Nakid. Tunic is ready!

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