Wooden barrel: Making your own hands


People engaged in the production of own wines, or even by the pickling of cucumbers, know perfectly - there is no better packaging than a wooden barrel. Why? First, the tree is an environmentally friendly material, secondly, wines contain alcohol, it means that interacting with synthetic materials - plastic or a bonor, it can dissolve the chemical composition of the container, and it is mixed with wine components.

Wooden barrel: Making your own hands

The process of producing oak barrel is not complicated, but it requires a clear compliance with the instructions, accuracy and attentiveness.

Buy barrel is not a problem, however, if there is a desire and owner of the home wine factory, it is preparing for quality, then the wooden barrel will be the main proof that wine and brandy are made using the right technology. In addition, the manufacture of wooden barrels is the process of time consuming and long, but without wisdom.

Stages of work

Wooden barrel: Making your own hands

Oak, ash and cherry are considered the most suitable trees for the production of barrels.

It is well known that the most reliable material for the manufacture of wooden barrels will be oak. It will suit both for wines and cognacs and for the soles. Oak - Natural Antiseptic, Zaku and mold there will not arise. But if this is a problem, you can change the oak of the cherry or ash - in these trees there is a blue acid, which will also not develop pathogenic organisms, although their properties are weaker than oak. It does not need to be afraid that the acid will fall into the products: first, the barrel is carefully soaked in front of the filling of wines, and secondly, some percentage of blue acid is contained in the wines itself, it is not dangerous.

Wood calculation. The boards wearing the name of the riveting have bicon-like sides to give a coolery of the bulge. To make them, you need to take the lower part of the tree trunk and split the cutting of firewood. If it is gently cut, then the natural integrity of the fibers will break, which is bad for such a product. Immediately proceed to figure drinking, it is not worthwhile - the lamps need to dry for 2 months. And dry not under the scorching sun, but in a dark cool room.

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Wooden barrel: Making your own hands

Sketchy image of a riveting harvesting process.

Maintenance treatment for future barrels is done using a planer. Giving them the right shape, top and bottom need to be thicker than the middle. As far as the owner decides. Typically, it is 1.5 cm. The movement of the plane is strengthened by the middle of the lounge, then you can get such a form as in classic barrels. Basically, the shape of the barrels can be given any - puzzy, paddle, trapezoidal. The main thing is to do everything right.

Preparation of fastening hoops. They can be both iron and wooden. Wooden have advantages on beauty, protection against corrosion, but not as strong as iron, but the width of the wine cellar will be important to keep wines and barrels, including mechanical damage. Therefore, iron is preferable. So, stainless steel cuts into strips, for better bonding it can be sampling in places of connection with each other. After that, the ends are made by holes for nails, which will play the role of rivets.

Stuffing ready-made hoops and preparation island. Three prepared boards are cling to small in diameter with the help of locks. It is necessary to position them at the same distance from each other. If the calculation was faithful, the remaining boards will enter back. After the full insert, using the hammer and the nozzle, should be sieved to the hoops until they cannot be removed. Tapping from the opposite ends, you can achieve a good effect.

Wooden barrel: Making your own hands

Sketchy image of the barrel assembly sequence.

But it is impossible to overdo it: the boards prepared by a long way will be cracked, the process will have to begin again. Also crapped prepared dies can be from a long crossing. So it is prepared one edge of the barrel. Larger diameter hoop needs to wear immediately after the first edge, acting with a hammer. Now the queue of the second edge: the workpiece before mounting the second end is long batted. This is done so that the tree becomes soft and pliable. After that, the workpiece is turned over the open side up and the rope is thrown onto the steaming tree, which twisted so that the ends of the rivets come together. Not vacation ropes, you need to wear a hoop. Such work is not done alone - someone twists the rope, and someone puts on the hoop.

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Completion of work

When the ends are ready, it is hardened.

There are many ways, mostly firing. At the same time, the smell and tartness of a burning tree will be transferred to the guilt, which will also be assessed. This is done like this: inside on the side of the ready-made island put into the chips of any fruit tree - preferably the cherry. Ignite and slowly rolling with a side on the side for uniform tension. There are no need to breed fire inside the workpiece, it is possible to burn the product. It is impossible to use any liquids for ignition - they in their composition have chemical elements that the tree will absorb. You can use a soldering lamp, but with caution - a strong fire can leave unnoticed with unnoticed, why the product burns.

Wooden barrel: Making your own hands

The final stage of the creation of the barrel is considered to be its grinding outside, drill holes for the bay and cutting of the gutter for DonEv.

Next, the process of manufacturing the barrel is as follows: the workpiece is treated with a tool - rough ends are cut, they grind outside, drill a hole for the bay and cut the gutter for DonEv. The bottoms of the barrels are two circles cut from the like shields. Shields are preparing like this: the brackets of the mustache are proper and fastened additionally with brackets. Circles are sharpened so that their edges go to the SCOS. You need to accurately calculate the diameter of DonEv. This is done after the final assembly of the island, because it will not be possible to do this right away. Then the bottoms are inserted by weakening extreme hoars. After inserting one, you need to fill the hoop again, then act in the same way and with the second bottom.

Check for tightness. Naturally, the barrel is checked with liquid, that is, with water. It will take the first time while the tree does not swell. The time is given to the fact that the barrel stops flowing, no more than an hour. If she still flows, you need to find the gap and close it. Bondari are used for such purposes the stalks of the root. They are plugged between rivets with a sharp and subtle subject, for example, a knife. In addition, it is possible to cover the barrel outside - wax. Just need to take really bees - products should not be with chemistry.

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After the manufacturer of the barrel is almost completed - it is hardened, burned and tested for tightness, it is hugged or allowed to stand with water so that all foreign smells can be taken from the tree, which can be taken and wine. You can treat the inner surface of the barrel of hydrogen peroxide or manganese.


Barrel to make your own hands is easy if you carefully follow the recommendations. Its care is extremely simple - it is necessary to regularly disappear or boil it, and then dry it very carefully if its use is postponed.

Another important rule: if the barrel is intended for liquid products - brings, alcohol or water, it can not be left dry for a long time. If it is used to store dry products, it cannot be wetted.

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