Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints


The painting of the ked do it yourself - the master class will enjoy all creative masters and craftsmen who love unusual things. Painted shoes are very popular both among the mods and among the masters. It is possible that that is why the materials and tools are not necessary for this type of creativity for this type of creativity. In the stores for a hobby there are sets of paints on the fabric, markers, stencils, fixing varnishes. It remains only to arm all the necessary and start creating.

Hand painted will be able to transform old sneakers and give an individual "highlight" new. The topics of painting can be absolutely any - from template patterns to the image of favorite heroes.

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Decorating shoes

For the murals of the samples, the following materials and tools are needed:

  • sneakers;
  • paint (marker);
  • brushes;
  • pattern or stencil;
  • tracing;
  • soft pencil;
  • copier;
  • Malyary Scotch;
  • scissors;
  • newspapers or rags;
  • Water-based lacquer (for example, for decoupage).

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Best rag sneakers are suitable without rubber "nose". These can be conventional sneakers on lacing or slips. The more free fabric on the shoes, the more you can turn around in your fantasy. Of course, the perfect "web" will be white sneakers.

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Most often, the fabric is painted acrylic, but you can also use for coloring oil paint and a special marker. Each paint has its own characteristics and nuances that should be found in advance.

Painting of the samples is more convenient to do with acrylic paints for fabric, which belong to the coated types of paint, that is, they remain on the surface with a small layer. Acrylic pretty quickly dries and long remains bright. In addition, it can be diluted with water to the desired consistency, working with it is no different from working with gouache.

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

To secure paint, you can use a hairdryer (warm the painted fabric) or a water-based glass lacquer, which is also used for decoupage. Varnish will not only secure paint, but also give her shine.

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Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Oil colors or tempera are also colored sneakers. But it must be remembered that under the oil the fabric is better to upload. In addition, oil paints will dry up for quite a long time and dried fabrics, and over time, the image can crack.

Oil can be painted rubberized parts of the soles, such as the noses or edges of the sole. To do this, it is enough to make a suitable stencil and punish it with paint with a sponge or a piece of foam rubber.

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Make painting with a marker is the easiest way, since there is no need to wait for the paint drying, and the lines are obtained more confident and clear in contrast to the brush. This method is well suited for novice or those who do not know how to draw. Make a simple pattern of stencil or by hand with the help of a marker will not be difficult.

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

It is worth remembering that multicolored markers are best visible on white cloth. To paint dark or black sneakers, it is better to use a contrast white color.

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

In the murals of the samples, you can embody any ideas, so there is no fundamental image selection for the template. Any picture you like or any suitable stencil can decorate the fabric of shoes. Perhaps it is worth only to note that the beginners should choose images with large details and clear lines of drawing. Also worth choosing a picture in size.

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

How to paint:

  1. Prepare sneakers: remove the shoelaces, go to the sole and the rest of the unnecessary parts by painting scotch, so as not to get painted paint, and also fill the shoes with lumps of newspapers or cloths so that the sneakers keep the shape;
  1. Draw a soft pencil from hand or transfer selected drawings on the Kedov fabric in one way:
  • By stencil: a pre-carved (bought) stencil fix on the fabric using a tape or pin and put in a pencil or paint with paint (markers);
  • By template: Cut a picture or part of the picture (element), fasten the pins and put in a pencil;
  • With the help of a tracing in advance, the contours of the picture are powered by a soft pencil, then the carting turns over, applied to the scratched place and turns back to translucent lines (in the example in the photo, the mirror pattern will be worked out!);

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Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

  • Through a copy of the movie: it is done in the same way as the previous way (in painted places), but the tissue is immediately fixed with a scotch drawing together with a copy-step and will be burned with a sharp solid pencil (sneakers should keep the form well)
  1. With a wide brush, start coloring large details and image background;

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

  1. Coloring small and auxiliary elements;

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

  1. Leave sneakers for drying;
  1. Draw small details (face, shadow, inscription, outlines, etc.);

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

  1. Fasten paint on fabric using a hair dryer: warm the image over the entire surface;
  1. Leave to dry the painting for about 24 hours;
  1. If you wish and need to cover the image with varnish: neatly, smooth movements, without entering clean tissue, apply a transparent varnish into one layer and leave to dry by about 12 hours.

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

  1. Remove the newspaper from the samples and insert the shoelaces.

Colored sneakers are ready!

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

To make the original shoes, it is not necessary to use the template and act on a strict algorithm. For example, you can depict space - a blue sky with shining stars. For this, you will need acrylic, sponges and brushes.

Painting Ked DIY: Master class, drawings with oil paints

How correctly and easily draw shimmering stars, you can learn from the video below:

Video on the topic

More MK on the painting of samples can be viewed in a selection of video.

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