The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video


Happy Easter is familiar with almost everyone since childhood. Everyone is happy to prepare for this day, paint eggs, draw up baskets and Easter dishes. Today, the decor of eggs is popular not only for Easter. The craftsmen created and mastered the new, magical art - the thread on the eggshell.

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

Preparation for work

For work, both chicken eggs and ostrich, goose, and some masters use even a quail egg shell. The thread on the egg shell is a thin and painstaking process, but at the same time - interesting and diverse. Try yourself in this fragile art!

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

Threads on the eggshell can be comprehended at home with a limited amount of tools, as well as doing it for the soul or for business. Only you need to be prepared for the fact that the first time can not work out - because the egg shell is very thin and fragile, so it takes some time to adapt to such work, and get the necessary experience in the process of creating your egg masterpieces.

The technology of performing threads on the eggshell is described below. The advantage of this type of art is that all tools and materials are quite accessible to everyone.

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

If you decide to experience your opportunities in creating masterpieces from egg shell at home, then you will need:

  • Chicken egg (raw);
  • simple pencil;
  • template (can be done yourself);
  • electric mill or miniature drill;
  • Little sharp knife or scalpel;
  • paints for additional painting of the product or varnish for finishing coating;
  • soft fabric to put on the table;
  • spray varnish, acrylic varnish (you can transparent nail polish);
  • Magnaya (optional);
  • Respirator or safety glasses (for sensitive eyes).

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The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

Start thread

First you need to release the egg shell from the contents. To do this, we do the holes on top and bottom of the washed and dried egg with a sharp end of a knife or a thick needle. After that, you need to blow the contents of the egg with a fringe. After you type soap or clean water into the egg using the same fringe or syringe and reveal once again. The procedure must be repeated several times. Dry egg. Shell is ready to work.

For beginners in this business, it is desirable to strengthen the egg shell so that it was difficult to spoil during operation. To do this, half the eggs are covered with varnish, dried and turning over, then quickening and the second part.

Next, we offer you a master class on eggshell with step-by-step photos.

  1. We start with the drawing - do the workpiece. We take a pencil to delicately apply the selected design on the shell. Ideas can be viewed in books, in the photo on the Internet or invent yourself;

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

  1. Next, we carry it on the egg. You can draw a pencil or use copy paper. For convenience, the copier is stapled to the neoprochny part to the paper with the image, all this put on the egg and so as not to paint the egg with a copy-step, work extremely gently.

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

  1. It is convenient to mark the red place of the place that we will cut first.

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

While working to protect the eyes and better visibility, the best helper will serve as a magnifying glass.

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

  1. Cover the table with something soft, (for example, cloth or foam rubber). This will protect the shell from small cracks in the event of a drop in the egg to the solid surface of the table.

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

  1. For threads on eggshell, we use cutters for high revs. Photos of the five types of main cutters are presented below:

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

  1. In the "red" places drill holes. First you need to cut the marks - grooves along the contours of the pattern, while not deepening the nozzle is too deep. After that, drill holes that marked in red is already entirely. Remember that the shell carving is very fragile art. Therefore, it is better to be restrained and leave the partitions thoroughly so as not to spoil the product.

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The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

  1. After that, we cut out the openwork pattern, which diverges with circles from the main drawing. We pass all the egg. This is one of the most complex and painstaking moments in the turbulent shell!

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

  1. At the end it is necessary to remove with a polishing stone or acute knife all irregularities. And here is your masterpiece ready! For a beautiful game of light and shadow, as well as that a beautiful lace pattern is better visible, you can rear eggs or inside the backlight.

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

If you want to add your brightness to work, you can paint the egg shell acrylic paint. Despite its fragility, the shell is very durable material. With proper storage, it will delight you for a long time. For this, the shell must be strengthened with varnish, and keep better under glass on the stand. Finished products look good in suspension. To do this, it is better to bind them for a ribbon or rope. The carved egg shell is a wonderful, very beautiful and spectacular gift that will have to do with each.

Here are some inspirational photos:

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

The bullet on the eggshell for beginners at home with video

You can also watch video in stained painting.

Video on the topic

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