How to use vacuum bags for clothes, and what better to choose, video instructions


How to choose a vacuum package for clothes and how to open, close or pump out air from it read in our article.

Vacuum packages are designed for convenient storage of blankets, jackets, sweaters and seasonal clothes. If you want the ideal order to rear on the shelves, and the overall things occupied 2-3 times less space, it means that packaging materials are required, such as These bags are recommended for long-term storage of things from a synthetone, hollofiber, fluff, cotton, synthetics, etc.

How to use vacuum bags for clothes, and what better to choose, video instructions

Such a necessary vacuum

A vacuum package from dense polyethylene is equipped with a Zip-Lock fixation and a special valve for air output. Vacuum is a condition without air, which reduces thermal conductivity, humidity, and also disappear for the development of mold, fungus, dust ticks of saprophytes, moths, etc.

How to use vacuum bags for clothes, and what better to choose, video instructions

In packages you can pack: warm blankets for the summer, guest pillows, soft toys, seasonal upper clothes, cottage textiles (curtains, bed linen, rugs) for the winter. If you do not use some things, but you can not part with them - wait when we lose weight to get into last year's costumes; We are waiting for the second child and keep the remaining things from the elders; We are waiting for the son will return from the army: you will need vacuum packages. In vacuum, you can even store paper documents: in this case, it is necessary to put a cardboard sheet along with papers. Due to this, you can prevent the deformation of documents.

How to use vacuum bags for clothes, and what better to choose, video instructions

The advantages of vacuum packaging are difficult to underestimate:

  • protects against smells, dampness and harmful insects;
  • Package can be used repeatedly;
  • Transparent plastic will help to quickly navigate in the contents;
  • Things are significantly reduced in volume.

Packages differ in sizes, quality (in thickness, softness, elasticity), design and appointment. 3 main composite package design elements: directly bag, fastener and valve. The most common products with valve intended for home use or transporting things. They allow you to save space on the shelves, in the trunk of a car or in a suitcase. Suspended packages can be with a hanger, designed to store outerwear and suits: the demi-season packed coat will take no more space than the summer dress. Some manufacturers produce even flavored products that will not only keep things, but also give them the smell of freshness.

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How to use vacuum bags for clothes, and what better to choose, video instructions

Some things can not be stored in vacuo: these are leather products, natural fur clothing, orthopedic pillows. These products can be stored in bags without pumping air. In no case cannot be in packages to store food products: polyvinyl chloride, which is used for their manufacture, is not intended to store products in it.

How to use

If you use vacuum packages regularly you need a pump. It is very convenient to use it. The pump will be convenient for use on trips, on vacation or for sucking air from small bags. To pump out air from large, you can use the vacuum cleaner.

How to use vacuum packages:

  1. First you need to specially prepare things. If you pack them dirty and wet, they will get an unpleasant smell when stored. Therefore, they need to be wrapped, clean, dried and ventilated.
  2. Packed products are sorted in size, on the season of use. Blankets need to be stored separately, seasonal clothing separately to reduce the amount of unnecessary depressurines. Use packages suitable in size: for small clothes - packages, for top - covers.
  3. Spread the package on a flat surface: sofa, table, carpet. Open the lock to the end and spread the package neatly two hands.
  4. We put things, evenly distributing over the entire volume of the package, turning the accessories inside so that it does not damage polyethylene. Things should not be too much, the package lock should be closed calmly. The content must be laid to the Fill to This Line. In one, even the largest package, it is not recommended to put more than 15kg.

    How to use vacuum bags for clothes, and what better to choose, video instructions

  5. How to pump air from the vacuum package: Remove the cover from the package and open the valve with turn or pressure (different manufacturers have a different valve design). Air can be spoken by a vacuum cleaner. I need to suck the air. The hose must be attached tight to the valve. If the vacuum cleaner is too powerful, then you need to pump the air no longer than 30 seconds. If the package is small, the air perfectly comes out of it when tight folding the bag with the contents of the roll. Finished packaged things must be smooth and solid. From the packages with jackets on the fluff and with feathers, you need to pump half the air so as not to break the feathers.
  6. Close the valve.

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How to use vacuum bags for clothes, and what better to choose, video instructions

Now things can be carefully folded on the shelves in the cabinets, and large packages can be hung for a special hook in the storage area. Wash things after unpacking is not required. The more careful they were folded in the package during storage, the less they will come. But, of course, much depends on the structure of the tissue.

How to use vacuum bags for clothes, and what better to choose, video instructions

How to store things in vacuum packages

In any package you can keep things packed no more than six months. After half a year they need to be used. For this, the covers are neatly opened, things are pulled out and ventilated and the new are packaged. Upper junk clothes should be unpaved 1-2 weeks before the start of the wearing season and hang it on the shoulders for alignmenting the filler.

If you pack things in a suitcase, it is better to use small packages that save more space. To save more space, you need to take a package in size equal to half the bottom of the suitcase.

How to use vacuum bags for clothes, and what better to choose, video instructions

When stored, the bags cannot be placed next to the sharp edges of other items. Also, it is also impossible to store packages at minus temperatures (on loggia or on the balcony) and in places where the temperature will affect the temperature above 50 degrees (near the heating radiators or batteries, etc.). Empty packages can be stored by rolling in a non-tight roll or waving in a vertical position. The properties of tightness is preserved if the integrity of the package is not violated. If the package got a little damage, it can be sealed by using scotch.

Buy only high-quality packages. Elected-quality bags made from low-quality polyethylene quickly begin to sleep on the elections or gain air.

How to use vacuum bags for clothes, and what better to choose, video instructions

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