Children's gazebos for kindergarten: Requirements and registration


For all people, it is very useful to stay in the fresh air, and for young children especially. Getting your full-fledged portion of oxygen is incredibly important for the health of every child. To do this, you must comply with the maximum of walks.

A large part of the Light Toddles is carried out in kindergarten, where they receive their dose of the festivities. In order to protect them from sunshine, sudden rain and just diversify their games are installed special arbors for kindergartens. What they differ and how should look like, we will discuss in this article.

Children's gazebos for kindergarten: Requirements and registration

Classical gazebo in kindergarten

General provisions

What are arbors for kindergartens? This is mostly slightly reduced, brighter representatives of their "adults" analogues.

Also, an important point is the presence of increased safety and game elements in operated models. So, let's start with forms and sizes.


Children's gazebos for kindergarten: Requirements and registration

House for children and a half meter

With dimensions in this case it is not seen to save.


  • Firstly , Children's children simply do not need high design, since their growth is about 110 cm.
  • Secondly , Remember how you wanted a chalash as a child, a house on a tree or simply refuge from pillows? A small room is more comfortable and serves as a kind of refuge for kids.

Children's gazebos for kindergarten: Requirements and registration

Photos of own home suitable sizes

  • Thirdly , Banal security measures. In the high design of the railing with benches can also be high enough so that you can hurt them. It is better to be restrained from such accidents.
  • And finally, fourth The lower price of the construction will allow you to send the remaining finances to the interior decoration, which also plays an important role in the development of the child.

It should be known: the rule of "small sizes" can be neglected only if the gazebo is combined, for example, with ladder, suspended rings and other sports educational accessories. After all, little men really like to climb somewhere, and then let it happen at least under the roof.

Children's gazebos for kindergarten: Requirements and registration

Children's gazebo for kindergarten equipped with stairs

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There are two wishes to the form, which truth is slightly contrary to each other and do not always work:

  1. Need finality . Imitation of the train, spacecraft, castle, all this unusually diversified children's games, attaching them to the wonderful world of fantasies and adventures.

Children's gazebos for kindergarten: Requirements and registration

Registration of the gazebo in kindergarten in medieval style

  1. No sharp corners . The restless carapaubuses can be cut into the construction of everything from everything in Mach, and in this case, very heavy injuries can cause angular edges. In this case, there will be an ideal arbor round shape. But this problem is also successfully solved by using the appropriate materials that we will consider with you further.

Children's gazebos for kindergarten: Requirements and registration

Gazebo - Mushroom


The most important indicator is safety, on the basis of which we will begin to choose.

These include the following requirements:

  • Softness. As previously mentioned that small fidgets could easily knock on the surface of the arbor, and the softer there will be such collisions, the better for the health of the child.

In this case, a tree with rounded polished edges or plastic is well suited. Metal is sufficiently dangerous.

Tip: For high protection against physical injury, it is recommended to wrap their own highly dangerous areas of the construction of a softening material, for example, foam rubber.

Children's gazebos for kindergarten: Requirements and registration

Protective upholstery options

  • Environmental purity. Especially when heated from the Sun, some types of polyurethane can be separated toxic substances. Be very careful and attentive when choosing such a material, the instructions for its use should contain all the necessary information.

The most favorable natural wood in this matter.

Children's gazebos for kindergarten: Requirements and registration

Wooden gazebo in kindergarten

Tip: In the case of painting design designed for children, choose acrylic dyes. Their water base is most safe for health.

  • Thermal conductivity. This type of construction has no goal of conservation of heat inside, but in this case it is necessary to highlight the ability to high heat even under the sunny rays in iron arbors. Before the burn, the case, most likely, will not happen, but discomfort to children in this case is provided.

Tip: It follows when using a metal as a building material to take care of the presence of a shade or a special coating. This will make it possible to eliminate the entire negative associated with a hot surface.

Children's gazebos for kindergarten: Requirements and registration

Wonderful metal trailer It is advisable to place in the shade of large trees or buildings

  • Reliability. Broken design elements can also lead to injuries and fright. There is a weak link with plastics, then a tree. The most reliable is definitely steel.

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As you can see, the choice of building material is very ambiguous. Therefore, when choosing any of the above listed, you should remember the requirements of the requirements and try to eliminate its disadvantages.

Articles on the topic:

  • Children's arbor do it yourself (photo)
  • Children's gazebos for kindergarten


How to decorate a gazebo in kindergarten? There are many different nuances and opportunities.

We will analyze them:

  1. Colors. How to paint a gazebo in kindergarten? Sad gray monotonicity is not recommended for a children's educational psyche. Bright diverse shades, animal drawings, cartoon heroes, even just herbs with trees - that's what you need to the growing baby!

Children's gazebos for kindergarten: Requirements and registration

Familiar cartoons always raise the mood to a small little man

  1. Figures. Decoration of arbors in kindergarten should not be limited only by painting, because in addition to visuals there are also many kinesthetics among the growing generation, which are not enough to see, they need to feel the world around them. Carved figures, inflatable toys Il even just crafts from cardboard will give additional attractiveness.

Children's gazebos for kindergarten: Requirements and registration

Decoration of the gazebo in kindergarten with paper butterflies

  1. Sports Equipment. Registration of arbors in kindergarten rope and ordinary stairs, suspended rings, crossbars will expand game opportunities and will contribute to the physical development of the child.
  2. Development of thinking. Large scans, like part of the construction, sundial or other elements for those who need to think in the game manner will be wonderfully complementing children's houses.

Children's gazebos for kindergarten: Requirements and registration

Accounts in the wall

  1. Pets' corner. Located near the flower beds, which will need to be regularly watered, will instill aside of responsibility and will contribute to the interior created.

Children's gazebos for kindergarten: Requirements and registration

Flowers always affect people of any age positively


We looked at you, how to make a gazebo in kindergarten, from which it should be done and that at the same time most importantly. They affected the desired forms and the necessary sizes.

As a result, the most important aspect was the security of a young generation. Most of the requirements and rules belong to the creation of a favorable zone in which there is no place for injuries. Also here refers to the ecological purity of the material used and its coverage.

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In addition to health care, the development of imagination, thinking and physical indicators is also very important. All this, too, can be realized, competently pick up the design and decorations for the children's house. Familiar cartoon characters, staircase and scores will make a child's stay in a gazebo and cheerful, and useful.

Children's gazebos for kindergarten: Requirements and registration

Children like to be where they are interested

The video in this article will provide you with additional information on the topic under consideration.

Try to ensure that such a place for children's games as a gazebo responded to all the necessary requirements. After all, children deserve it!

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