How to withdraw midges from room colors


How to withdraw midges from room colors

Surely pet-floor lovers have repeatedly faced the occurrence of midges. The reasons for the appearance can be the most different: it is the use of organic fertilizers, excessive moistering of the soil, use as a "fertilizer" of sleep tea or welding. By themselves, the midges are harmful to the colors do not bring, their larvae should be feared, which feed on the roots of plants. Amateur flower flower arises: how to deal with midges in household colors?

Roads may face the problem of the midges. Midges may appear in seedlings, harm the root system of plants. When you remove the midges, the main thing to adhere to the rule is to start them to remove immediately, without waiting for their distribution. We offer to familiarize yourself with the most popular and safe ways, how to withdraw the midges from room colors.

How to get rid of the midges in household colors of folk remedies

The process of getting rid of the midges is mainly in the use of folk remedies:

  1. Manganese acting as an antiseptic
  2. Plants and citrus fruits scare midges
  3. Sulfur destroys insects
  4. Ash or special chalk. The ash perfectly nourishes the soil and eliminates annoying insects.

The undoubted advantage of people in the fight against insects is their effectiveness and availability, everything that is required to get rid of the midges, the hostess will be able to find at home.

Consider each of the ways to get rid of the midges in the household colors of folk remedies.

How to withdraw midges from room colors

How to get rid of midges in household colors using manganese

Effective is considered to use a mortgage solution. This method is not only one of the cheapest, but also safe.

For its application, the following rules should be followed:

  • Take water prepared for watering and breed a little manganese in it.
  • Pour flowers in pots the resulting solution.

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The main thing to remember that the solution is not very strong. It must be weakly pink. Otherwise it is possible to burn the roots of the plants.

How to withdraw midges from room colors

Use of hasty tools to combat midges in plants

Aromatherapy will also help cope with this whip. Midges do not tolerate strong smells and it is possible to use strong-rescue plants, garlic and citrus.

  1. Garlic heads can be cut and decompose them on the surface of the soil in flower pots or immerse in the ground. Garlic copes perfectly with a blonde and destroys the shield.
  2. Alternatively, fresh orange or lemon crusts will rise. They are also possible to divide into smaller parts and stick into the ground.

There is another way to use garlic. You need to take 3 heads, finely chop it and pour 1 liter of steep boiling water. Let it stand. Then make a plant. It is believed that midges should die from such a procedure.

How to withdraw midges from room colors

How to deal with midges in household colors with sulfur

Get rid of the midges in the flowers will help sulfay. To do this, you will need a few matches. On a small pot of originally not less than 4 pieces, on the pots of large diameters depending on the volume.

Apply this method follows as follows:

  1. Match gray down to lower in the ground
  2. Continue watering colors. In order to check whether sulfur in the ground was dissolved, periodically matches should be removed from the soil and replaced them with new ones. Such a procedure is destructive for larvae, midges themselves die from sulfur.

Important! Specialists are recommended for 10 square centimeters to use 3-4 matches.

Surprisingly, this method is considered one of the most effective.

How to withdraw midges from room colors

White midges in indoor colors: how to get rid of ash or chalk

With midges will help handle chalk from cockroaches. To do this, on the inside, the pot needs to be made in a chalk line.

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Reduces the amount of ash midges. To this end, it must be poured on the surface of the soil. Re-conducting this procedure will allow you to get rid of the midges forever. In addition, the ash is an excellent fertilizer. Since when planting plants, a good fertilized soil is used, it is not worth removing with ashes.

Additional means to combat midges in plants

If it happened so that midges began in a flower pot, as you can withdraw them with other means.

  1. As an alternative to manganese, if this means, during the destruction of the scaryer, did not help, You can apply soap solution . For these purposes, it is desirable to use the economic, toilet and cosmetic in no case will fit.

    How to apply?

    • 15-20 grams of household soap dissolve in one liter of water

    • Treat flower leaves and ground surface.

  2. Earth processing before planting boiling water.

    Before boarding, it is advisable to shed the land in a pot of boiling water to destroy potential pests.

  3. Tobacco. It is detached on the surface of the earth, he will perform two actions at once: he will dry the soil and relocate from the midge. The whole thing is in the smell that insects are not transferred.

How to withdraw midges from room colors

How to get rid of midges in household colors at home using special means

In a situation where the midges in colors many or folk remedies are powerless will have to go to the store for buying special means. They can be purchased both in flower and a special economic store. You should familiarize yourself with how to deal with midges in flower pots with special intexicides.

Among the variety of chemicals, the following are distinguished: "Aktara", "Thunder-2", "Earth", "trap". Since all chemical preparations have almost the same action, consider in more detail 2 of these drugs.

Aktara is one of the most popular funds in the fight against midge. From the advantages of this tool, it is possible to especially allocate the absence of smell. Consider how to remove the midges with this inxcide.

  1. The drug is dissolved with water at the rate of 1.4 g "Aktara" by 10 liters of water (accordingly, if less, a smaller amount of breeding the drug should be proportional to).
  2. Half plants not very abundant solution and process all the plant from the spray gun.
  3. The drug begins after 30 minutes after the first plant processing. Insects are completely destroyed after 24 hours.
  4. Re-processing the specified means should be conducted after 7 days.

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Important! "Aktar" can water or handle plants from the spray gun. Watering is considered the most reliable of these methods.

The Thunder-2 preparation is also effective when destroying larvae in flower pots. The principle of use is different. This intexicide should not be dissolved in water, but should be sprinkled with a plant in a pot with a plant after irrigation.

In both cases, watering plants must be limited.

For a larger effect, together with the use of chemicals, it is possible to place special adhesive plates from the midges.

If the specified means in the destruction of the midges and their larvae did not help, it remains to be used in the last way. We are talking about a complete change of soil in pots with flowers.

IMPORTANT! When changing the soil, it is possible to re-infect the earth insects. To avoid the appearance of the midges, the soil should be processed using these chemical preparations.

How to withdraw midges from room colors

Video on the topic, how to bring the midges from indoor plants

We look at the video and clearly get acquainted with the methods how to get rid of the midges in room colors at home:

In order for the midges in the colors you no longer bothered, follow these rules:

  1. Watering the plants moderately. This is especially true of watering colors of the autumn-winter period, since plants at this time go to the state of peace do not need abundant irrigation.
  2. Use proven primer And processed it before use when exposed to high or very low temperatures.
  3. Plants infected with pests should be separated from healthy to avoid infection of the latter.
  4. When the midges appears, the scearide get rid of them you need as quickly as possible.

All the ways outlined in the article will help to cope with their victim, how to get rid of the midges in plants. Taking them into account, the flowers will continue to delight your eyes in your home or apartment.

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